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bad stuff thread.


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I'm utterly confused with my dating life at the moment. Been "dating" a guy for about a month now, but as far as I was concerned it was nothing major at all. At one point it was going to be exclusive, but then I specifically said I wasn't ready for labelling it. But now apparently, he seems to have completely forgotten this.


I also went on a date last Sunday, which was lovely. But, thinking about it, I didn't really 'feel' anything would be there. Went to a club last night with the guy I've been dating for a month, and met a boat load of his friends. I had them all telling me how "It's so nice to have him finally commit to someone", and I literally had no idea what to say. We then ended up getting hammered, and doing the usual whore-y things on a dance floor. Low and behold, the guy I saw once was there, saw, and proceeded to hate me.


I can't figure out if I've done anything wrong. I didn't feel the need to tell the one date guy I was dating anyone else, because it was literally the first time we met. It seemed unimportant. I would have no issue with seeing someone that might be seeing someone else, if they're also just seeing where things go. But apparently everyone else does.



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I was about to post a picture. But you can't right click and copy image url facebook photos now. Wtf. Fuck off facebook. What.




At the bottom of the viewer you can see a link to "Download Photo" copy the url and remove the "?dl=1".

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At the bottom of the viewer you can see a link to "Download Photo" copy the url and remove the "?dl=1".


Ah cheers.


I also discovered you can open in new tab on individual photos still.



Re Slaggis ; Myyerrggh. I think if you date someone they should probably know if you've been "dating" (albeit not very serious) someone else for a month, to be honest.

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WTF is up with all the name changes to the thread?


Negative stuff for today!


I've been in work since 12, and am still here now, and don't want to be. At least it'll make my pay packet look nicer at end of the month.

That is all!

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I fell out of a stationary car, hurting my toe.


I love though, I was like half out, perched on the edge of the car door vacant opening yeah shut up and then like awkwardly propelled myself foward without moving my feet for some reason, causing me to land on the pavement. Completely sober too. Second time I'm fallen dramatically in front of the same people I was with, getting off at the same place.


I've hurt my toe, but my fear of toes/nails/toenails is preventing me from looking at it.

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The title simplifications have made my day, no longer is my pea-brain confused about where to put bad stuff :)


The very strong winds the day before yesterday made a big tree fall over, I thought it was cool at first since it landed on a car. It was all taped off by the police. Then yesterday I read the paper and discovered it landed and killed on a mother of three kids, made me sad :(

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If your car is going to die, make sure it dies at your house, or on a non-residential road (AA ~on the membership I was on~ don't do residential area recovery, i.e. they couldn't take it from my friends house, 20 miles to my house).


This whole scrapping thing has been a pain in the fucking arse.


Obviously you know what happened on Friday.


Well I get a call yesterday from the other company, saying that the guy who was going to pick up my car (then) had had an accident (I smelled bullshit personally, despite the guy sounding nice/genuine/not a pikey), but not much that could be done. So I reluctantly rearranged for Sunday (today), so thats fine. Bit annoying but shit happens, right?


I still had to go there though to pick up my sat nav I leant my friend and do a few "work" bits with him. So I went.


Then in the evening went to a different friends (whose house I'd not been to before, hence needing sat nav). Fine. Then the guy who is the one to be picking up my car tomorrow calls and says how busy is and can he pick it up at 7AM. Its annoying - it means I'd have to get up at 6:20am on a Sunday, but again - it can't really be helped. The car has been there for practically 2 months, I've gotta get rid of it. So I say yeah cool, and explain that I'll need to drive there because its not at my house.


So I get up this morning. Find my paperwork, quick wash and leave (at 6:30am ish).


I get about 5 minutes away and get a phone call "My van won't start." SIGH. I smell more bull shit personally. He said he should be there within 1 or 2 hours, I said...."Well, should I turn around? What if you're longer? Call me an hour before you go". So I grabbed a McDo and turned around at about 7:00am.







Good thing I didn't fucking stay there like a mug, its now 11:20am and I havn't heard back from him yet.



Done relatively little this weekend but feel knackered(a bit) and annoyed.



OH! Ha! Thats not even it. When I left my mates last night (11:45pm ish) the main road home was closed. So what should have been 25 minutes turned into a 50 minute drive home. So filled up on petrol this morning ~£50~ YAAAAAAYYYYY.

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Hmm, I think I pissed off my housemate. By doing faaack all.


So, had a quiet day yesterday, spent about 6 hours in bed playing Twilight Princess. Watched the footie, ate chocolate, it's been bliss.


Today, got up and went to the gym, had tea, watched more footie and did work for tomorrow.


My housemate comes into my room and asks why I've been quiet for 2 days. The whole "are you ok? *sympathetic head turning head" thing.


"Yeah, I'm good, having a good weekend."

"You sure?"

"Yes...I'm eating chocolate and playing games."


"Yes...having a nice and quiet weekend"

"Are you sure you're ok?"





I'm eating chocolate, doing my work and playing mah games, woman. I'm being a man. This is what men do!


I don't have to be hyper alllll the time. Let me do mah stuff and be happy doing what I'm doing.


So, I said something similar to that, not as dramatic, then she said "well, sorry for caring."



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Hmm, I think I pissed off my housemate. By doing faaack all.


So, had a quiet day yesterday, spent about 6 hours in bed playing Twilight Princess. Watched the footie, ate chocolate, it's been bliss.


Today, got up and went to the gym, had tea, watched more footie and did work for tomorrow.


My housemate comes into my room and asks why I've been quiet for 2 days. The whole "are you ok? *sympathetic head turning head" thing.


"Yeah, I'm good, having a good weekend."

"You sure?"

"Yes...I'm eating chocolate and playing games."


"Yes...having a nice and quiet weekend"

"Are you sure you're ok?"





I'm eating chocolate, doing my work and playing mah games, woman. I'm being a man. This is what men do!


I don't have to be hyper alllll the time. Let me do mah stuff and be happy doing what I'm doing.


So, I said something similar to that, not as dramatic, then she said "well, sorry for caring."




I get that sometimes- truth is I'm perfectly happy in my own company but some people are just extroverted and need to be around people.

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I like having time to myself too, its nice being able to spend time just fucking about on a console or whatever, just getting away from social overload.



worst part of my day: being in a lot of pain/discomfort (again i know) thanks to a couple of injuries (crampy calves and injured quads) as well as just general acheyness - its fair to say i'm not feeling wonderful. think i might be overdoing training a bit.. but thats the kind of thing you meet exercising a lot when overweight... my body wasnt designed to hold up 2x the amount it should... and my p.t has been getting me to do plank exercises >_<

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Zavvi's fucking customer service is absolute wank.


Fucking item turns up late after (them) not putting the order through, I get defective shit and after sending it back they take the piss further. It's almost been two weeks since I sent it back. I felt generous/forgot and left it a little longer than the "at least 10 days" horseshit. Sent them another message. I daresay it's going to give me the usual "Yes we do say wait at least ten days but what we really meant was at least ten times ten days. Thank you for shopping with Zavvi."



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HAHA, I laughed so much at this.


She's pretty damn good that Eenuh. :bowdown:


Glad you laughed, was hoping you wouldn't find it offensive (though I didn't start the joke, so it's not my fault anyway if you did I guess). =P




Also, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.


Just found out I have to send in three files to uni today, I have until midnight. Problem is I have absolutely no clue what I'm supposed to do. I think we have to write about a lesson we taught during placement, but I haven't taught any yet. D:


Emailed my teacher but I doubt she'll reply in time, which means 3 zeros for me. ='(

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Man I hate our cooker. Despite the dial implying that our grill has 5 settings, it seems to work on more of an "on/off", weher it doesn't come on until midway between 4 and 5. And when almost every other oven in the world requires you to shorten the recommended cooking times, my sausages have been in there at 220 (according to the dial) for nearly 45 minutes when the package said 20-25 mins at 170, and still aren't ready.


EDIT: After nearly an hour, they're almost ready.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Zavvi's fucking customer service is absolute wank.


Fucking item turns up late after (them) not putting the order through, I get defective shit and after sending it back they take the piss further. It's almost been two weeks since I sent it back. I felt generous/forgot and left it a little longer than the "at least 10 days" horseshit. Sent them another message. I daresay it's going to give me the usual "Yes we do say wait at least ten days but what we really meant was at least ten times ten days. Thank you for shopping with Zavvi."




At least Amazon arn't like that. Made an order 1 month or so ago, ordered it with Next day delivery. Didn't arrive, so Amazon kindly refunded the postage. Packages didn't arrive for 1 more week, because City Link were being tight-ass's and not delivering until January 3rd (i made the order December).


no job. Fuck.


Sorry to hear dude, hope one arrives sooner rather than later.

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I went flying over the handlebar of my bicycle today when I hit the tiniest of speed bumps. Was so weird. Luckily I landed pretty sweetly (Thank you parkour) so I didn't hurt myself, bar a scratch and slightly sore wrist. But I looked back at where I'd gone flying and honestly have no idea how it happened. It was like I'd hit a foot high invisible wall.


Was so weird. I'd be embarrassed but I'm too WTF.


Plus, with my sweet landing, it was pretty awesome.

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