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I'm going to love my job as an Air Traffic Controller :bouncy: Worked three days in "real traffic" with one more to go before I'll have holidays. It is awesome. :)


Had to deal with quite a large aerodrome closing due to snow which meant a lot of diversions for the aerodrome I'm working with. Even though there is not much traffic this time of the year, there was still a lot do.

My coaches (I work under their supervision) actually let me do everything without interfering much (except in some sitations, where I don't have the routine yet). :)



I still need to find a flat until the 5th of January next year, otherwise I'll have a problem, but the rest of my life works out just fine :)

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Omg my first smartphone! (I have a Samsung Galaxy Player 4, but that doesn't count because it's not a phone.) My fiancé bought a busted iPhone and replaced the glass :) It looks so ghetto and nonstandard, I love it. I'm going to glue plastic ornaments on the cover! I have apparently forgotten how to take photos.




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It seems to be tradition by now that I'll sit up all night to finish exam assignments due the next day, but I kind of like it. As soon as I know I'll make it, I can just enjoy putting everything together and then experience the dawn with a light heart and a happy mind. :)


The only thing that didn't work out was the sorry excuse for a stapler I own, but I should be able to find one at uni. :heh:

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I remember I once* had an essay due the next day -- luckily I hadn't started it earlier because my laptop broke and I'd've lost it all anyway. That's what I tell myself to excuse the all-nighter, anyway. So I went to the library and chanced upon a fellow coursemate in a similar predicament and we teamed up to take on the task, whilst ensuring the other was suitibly pepped throughout the night. We also egged each other on to do nefarious deeds; Include teh word "obfuscate" or reference a random book from the library walls.


At some wee hour a third coursemate appeared - he, too was doing the same assignment as us. We were bantering about how thankfully the deadline was 2pm, so we still had x hours left to do y words. It was at this moment that our stupid, insane, foresightless bastard of a coursedweeb said "oh yeah? Well I have to do TWO essays, and the other one is due at TWELVE, and I haven't even STARTED that one yet!!"


... I graciously allowed him the evening standard of

, and returned a few shades gladder at my own predicament.


TANGENT: Isn't it a shame that shade has a new, dire connotation now?


Another time I drank 24 cans of coke during an all-nighter.


These days I've had to stay up til as late as 4am, stupefied by my cousin leaving coursework to the last minute. If I did uni again I would most definitely be doing more essays on the first night.


*... one time amongst far too many


EDIT: I know you said "finish" the night before deadline, but I'm bored and wanted to go for a ramble!

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My Thursday night 5 a side team are smashing it at the moment, Halfway through the season, 7 games & 7 wins.


2nd Season with this team, last season we were *cough* relegated, but are owning this league at the moment.





Was surprised with the scorelines over Honky Honk & King Kev FC as they look like contenders for promotion.


Ranked 36th at Bristol branch and 560th Nationally... Wooo :p




Well... it's good stuff in my eyes :)

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Brilliant day today. Had a party/gathering at lunch time today with most of the people doing psychology masters alongside me at uni where everyone brought food and alcohol along and it was great. Soooooo much food! Ate and drank so much that I genuinely felt ill.


A bunch of us then went back to someone's flat as she was baking gingerbread cookies and various other things so we got to bake/make a mess for several hours and then eat loads of cookies/German biscuits and it was great.


My hair now smells of gingerbread :santa: Such a good day though, especially after having a ridiculous assignment to complete by today (which I kicked into touch on Monday and then spent the rest of the day/evening in the pub :D). Sad that people are heading home for xmas and that one friend won't be back after the new year as she's going to be starting a different masters course. But still... gingerbread!!!

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Life is currently approaching that part of the book where there's a bunch of photos acting as an interlude to the story. I'm in the middle of this Australia chapter and I'm coming home to the UK for 4 months. 3 days before my flight and a mate says he's convinced his girlfriend to switch shifts so they can pick me up from the airport at 6am. I posted on FB with an outside hope, and it paid off! Now all I gotta do is pack, figure out xmas presents that I can get here, and try not to panic.

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I've got one half day at work tomorrow, and then my Christmas Holidays start. I've got to go in and work in the Nursery for a few days, but otherwise, a much needed break will have arrived. A lot has happened, including an Inspection and all the preparation work before that. Still got looooads of work to do over Christmas, but it'll be nice to be away from the place for a bit.

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2 Hours and 45 minutes left of work, I'm then off till the 2nd January.


I Cannot fucking wait.


oh and Christmas party tonight.... I'm going to get fucking hammered and Gangnam Style the shit out of it.


I'm is such a good mood right now :)

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Life is currently approaching that part of the book where there's a bunch of photos acting as an interlude to the story. I'm in the middle of this Australia chapter and I'm coming home to the UK for 4 months. 3 days before my flight and a mate says he's convinced his girlfriend to switch shifts so they can pick me up from the airport at 6am. I posted on FB with an outside hope' date=' and it paid off! Now all I gotta do is pack, figure out xmas presents that I can get here, and try not to panic.[/quote']


You are going back to Australia after? Do you essentially live there now?!




Work is going...very/really well. Always getting praised, and for the last two months or so, I've just really put my head down, put myself forward for fucking everything, got loads of projects onboard, sorted out loads of other shit, been ridiculously helpful to other people, been made star of the month for the last two months in a row, and hopefully....may be on track for the rare and elusive £500 bonus - which would be useful for purchasing a car.


Also won my first ever football bets last weekend (Rooney first to score and £3 on correct score, 33/1) and two roulette wins with the left over money a couple of times this week.


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You are going back to Australia after? Do you essentially live there now?!




Work is going...very/really well. Always getting praised, and for the last two months or so, I've just really put my head down, put myself forward for fucking everything, got loads of projects onboard, sorted out loads of other shit, been ridiculously helpful to other people, been made star of the month for the last two months in a row, and hopefully....may be on track for the rare and elusive £500 bonus - which would be useful for purchasing a car.


Also won my first ever football bets last weekend (Rooney first to score and £3 on correct score, 33/1) and two roulette wins with the left over money a couple of times this week.


My cousin is having an extremely lucky year. He found an ipod touch on a bus, got in touch with the owners and they said "meh keep it we got a replacement." He found a Nokia N8 on a train and, again, the owners said keep it. He won a set of Sennheiser U320 gaming headset at a gaming expo worth a coupla hundred bucks. And the biggest win? yesterday he went to the arcade and played that stacking game where you have to line up the squares as they light up... and won. Top prize? Samsung S3! I did immediately think "I should ask him for some lottery numbers," but I can't play over here :P


coming back in April for 7 months if the visa works out. Got to apply from outside of Australia. Despite two family friends saying they could sort out my residency no problem, I don't have a full life here. No friends my age, gf is back home, everything is far away and I'm not working on any sort of career! But if I come back here I can save up enough money so that, theoretically, this time next year I'll have no debts and enough money to get a place and live there for a couple of months whilst findign a job or something. Primarily I'm here to tutor my cousin as he does his verison of A-levels. I also do the cooking, and all other household 'housewife' stuff (never really experienced sexism before I came here!). I did some extra tutoring for more money this year.


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About 50 people from our school/work, including their partners, met up at a lovely old-fashioned pub for our 3-course Christmas meal. Really was wonderful. The person who organised it gave us all bags of Christmas-themed biscuits/cookies to eat, too. Had a great time and it all felt very relaxed. Dat chocolate cake (for dessert)...could have eaten the whole cake if they gave it to me.


Time did go by pretty quickly. But definitely one of the best Christmas parties/meals that I've been to. Hope we do another one next year!

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Back from a nice meal that was a joint xmas gathering combined with a goodbye farewell adios bon voyage thing. Thai restaurant. Food too salty. I was promised it was MSG-free but I have to admit I'm worried.




I got given a bunch of presents, totally unexpected, including a set of my very own U360 headset that I've been in love with for weeks! Cost something like $200 so it was such a nice surprise. Big annoying to take in my luggage though :P


I have also acquired two new tutoring pupils! I may also be aiding one of them long-distance while I'm not in Australia. I charge $50 an hour and last year with this kid I was doing three $100 sessions a week in the month leading up to his big exams.



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I've had a great week, even though we've been working hard with over-time. I got given £15 off the company to use for Cineworld and a bunchies of in-game freebies to use. Excite!


I love my new job, I've finally settled in properly and I even have a buddy to live with in June. Whoop.

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