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lost 8lbs this week on my shake diet, mega pleased :)



Is that even healthy? that's over half a stone in 7 days.



Although i'm sure most people would love to loose weight that quickly, it surely can't be sustainable in the long run.

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Is that even healthy? that's over half a stone in 7 days.



Although i'm sure most people would love to loose weight that quickly, it surely can't be sustainable in the long run.


1st week is always a big one on a shake diet because its a huge calorie change, and your body is then empty as well (as you aren't eating any food) so a good bit of it can go back on when you return to food.


Normally week 2 is very slow, and the weeks following average around 2-5lbs depending on how much one has to lose.


It's not very healthy long long term as fast weight loss can cause gallstones, but then when you think about it some people are soooo obese that there's a lot more for them to worry about than gallstones!! All the RDA's are included in the shakes and the calorie content is enough to not perish muscles etc according to the FDA.

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1st week is always a big one on a shake diet because its a huge calorie change, and your body is then empty as well (as you aren't eating any food) so a good bit of it can go back on when you return to food.


Normally week 2 is very slow, and the weeks following average around 2-5lbs depending on how much one has to lose.


It's not very healthy long long term as fast weight loss can cause gallstones, but then when you think about it some people are soooo obese that there's a lot more for them to worry about than gallstones!! All the RDA's are included in the shakes and the calorie content is enough to not perish muscles etc according to the FDA.


Ah, similar effect to the atkins then? Massive initial drop but not that great long term. Although it does work, some people need to see results quickly and if that motivates them to keep going, then it's all good.

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Crazy busy week.


Alongside work I've shopped for, tried out and got a quote for a bike. Went to my neighbour's exhibition. Went to a Nintendo event on Wednesday night. Did two inductions on Thursday/Friday too which means I had free alcohol for three nights in a row. Then last night went out with people from work to the SU bar. Bumped into a few students who had handed in dissertations that day. Still feels weird hanging out with lecturers though.


Oh and I met Razz for lunch on Thursday.


Needless to say I now want to sleeeeep.

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Moved into my new flat. Some stuff still needs sorting (bed and sofa need to be put together) and various other things, and a few things left to buy. I have no food at the moment, but the bacon and egg sandwiches from the sammich shop downstairs is great. I also have no blinds/curtains (except for the bedroom), which needs sorting ASAP - especially for the bathroom. Which is at the front of the flat and the flat is on a busy road.


My mobile internet is a bit wonky - cuts out every now and then and is 0.5-1Mbps when it works. Still, it's better than nothing until the prober broadband is sorted.


Still: freedom.


Also, new TV has been set up and surprisingly it doesn't look too bit. It looks lovely although the smoothness of the freeview (upscaled to 600Hz) took a little bit of getting used to. Setting up didn't take to long, either. Set it up using Uncharted 2...it looks brilliant.

Edited by Cube
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Had a 3 hour lab which only lasted 10 minutes today. Win. having said that I instead need to be doing work at home, which includes becoming accustomed to using Linux. So as an experiment I am currently posting this from my VM, viewing N-E from a text-only web browser. It's kinda difficult to use this place without a mouse, it seems to be nothing but links everywhere :p

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So I may have scared a few people! :D


A new term at University and already I've made new people think that I'm "mental, crazy, weird."


I have this class where we are given a topic (a fun one) and talk about it for 3 minutes. I was given the topic of If I could discover/create a new mythical beast what would it be?


3 minutes and many stunned faces later I had finished my speech.


Lets just say by the end of it I had created a disabled dinosaur ghost in a wheelchair that watches me masturbate/we end up making out. It kills my housemate in the morning because I have no coffee and drinks her blood. :)


Not only that but I did an actual impression of a disabled dinosaur but also shouted HEEEEEEEEY YOOOOOOOU GUYYYYYYYYZ ala The Goonies.


What was worse is that an important leader of these sessions was observing the groups was watching at the time which I didn't realise until the end. :p (It wasn't exactly PG what I was saying.)


Then burst out laughing! :grin:


good times.


After that I've been stuck in the VR Lab for the rest of the evening sorting out my 3rd Year project stuffs.



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Had a good week. Took my class to a football tournament against some other schools who were much, much better than us. We got hammered 4-0 and 5-0 in two of the games, but I spotted that one of the other teams wasn't that great and we could maybe get something from that one. So, we put out our strongest team, gave them some excellent xpert11 style tactics, and left the rest to them.


We were amazing that game. It was beautiful to watch. Defended so well, despite the team having never played football together before that day. We had a penalty and I watched as our best player hit the bar. Totally thumped it and I thought the bar had snapped in half. I thought "shit, that was our best chance."


Then, in a beautiful moment a few minutes later, the kid who was playing striker (in my class, only 7 years old) had the ball at the edge of their box, took it inside and fired a beauty into the bottom corner. I went crazy, haha. We defended like crazy, never seen 7 year olds defend so bravely. Full time whistle had gone, we had won and the team ran up to me and another class teacher and we all had a massive group hug. It was like winning a cup final.


Didn't even give a shit that we lost our last game 6-0. :heh:


Had football club yesterday, as well. After school. Same kid scored twice, once when I was on his team, once when he was against me. Watch this space. ;)

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Had a day of whimsical-cum-philosophical conversation with my lovely lady, in between crossword, jigsaw, wordsearch, trashy tv and the most imitation-spag-bol I've ever seen. Turkey mince, rice spaghetti. Madness.


Then went to see one of my favourite plays (i.e. 'a play I have read') - Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead. Read the play, watched the movie, stole the questions game, so this had to be done. So intrinsically full of questions, and leaves me pondering more great whimsical-cum-philosophical things.


The other day I found some leftover passes for free travel on first capital connect trains, so I'm going from one end of the line to the other to visit my cousin I've not seen for about 18 months (he's the black sheep of the family -- if you've met me then you know that's a surprise!) because of a recent facebook status he made that suggested he has no family.


Pragmatic dogmatism, that's the key! And lots of exclamation marks help, I've found!

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So it turns out PwC changed their AC so that the partner interview wasn't on the same day. The email was outdated and said I was doing the partner interview, I kinda should have listened to the HR woman on the phone closer. Felt a bit silly once I realised. So in the end my day consisted of just tests and exercises.


The reason this is in good stuff is because I just received a phone call saying that I passed the assessments.

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I went round my grandparents' house for dinner and my Grandad told me stories from when he was in the Army. I was never sure if he was in the Army or not, so it was nice to hear the stories. My Grandad is normally quite quiet, so I've never really got to find out what he was like when he was younger. Luckily he never served during a war.


Was a really nice evening.

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Whoo, leaving to Spain in a bit! Got everything packed (I hope) and am now just waiting to leave to pick up my aunt. Going with her and my mom, should be interesting heh. I hope we don't end up killing each other or something. =P



Anyway I'm looking forward to some time away from everythinggggg. Need a break, hopefully one where I can get some art done too. ^_____^



See you soon N-E!

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