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The chess girl is a new (ish, 4 dates over 3 weeks) girl I've been seeing. Things seem to be going amazingly well and I really like her.


The risky flatmate situation is still risky. I told her a little while ago I don't want to be anything more than friends but she still pushes and thinks it till happen at some point. I should really move out but it's a good living arrangement apart from that. She's away from three weeks from Wednesday so hoping the time apart will do some good.

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Rolling on the theme of girls. I've decided that I'm going to get back together with my ex. She doesn't know this yet but I reckon she'll be interested (she recently broke up with another guy and is definitely a relationship girl - the window is open!) Was out with her for lunch last week and it went really well. Going to do something similar this week and see what happens!


On the theme of awesome stuff. I was DJing at a fashion show last night. 4 seriously hot models and one average one wearing lingerie and bikinis. It was a hard job, but somebody had to do it ;)

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Today I took the pulley guard off of Jidder to paint it. Productivity FTW.










I used BBQ/stove paint so that it's heat resistant. It was also the only matte black paint I could find.


To be honest, I quite like running with an open pulley, but I'll get strung up by the gonads if the police catch me. Unless they're too busy admiring the rest of the car to notice!

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Finally got my eyes tested just to see why my left eye was a bit worse and I didn't appreciate 3D that much, and I have microtropia. Means I'm so mildly cockeyed no one can tell, but it screws up my binocular vision slightly. I can still see the 3D in films just not as good, and it is why I could see it better when I stared incredibly hard, because my left eye was forced to line up perfectly. Otherwise I still have great vision and can pwn people in football and games.

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Finally got my eyes tested just to see why my left eye was a bit worse and I didn't appreciate 3D that much, and I have microtropia. Means I'm so mildly cockeyed no one can tell, but it screws up my binocular vision slightly. I can still see the 3D in films just not as good, and it is why I could see it better when I stared incredibly hard, because my left eye was forced to line up perfectly. Otherwise I still have great vision and can pwn people in football and games.


You got a squint history? Forcing your eyes to line up gets mighty tiring... (i've got/had a pretty bad squint)

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Finally got my eyes tested just to see why my left eye was a bit worse and I didn't appreciate 3D that much, and I have microtropia. Means I'm so mildly cockeyed no one can tell, but it screws up my binocular vision slightly. I can still see the 3D in films just not as good, and it is why I could see it better when I stared incredibly hard, because my left eye was forced to line up perfectly. Otherwise I still have great vision and can pwn people in football and games.


Did your cockeyed left eye get in the way of you seeing that this is the good stuff thread?

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Did your cockeyed left eye get in the way of you seeing that this is the good stuff thread?


Did you not see the last sentence of his post?


Edit: For some reason I saw the post you quoted as Raining's.

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Just applied for a job that could be absolutely 100% perfect and I should be pretty much the perfect candidate for. Things are going amazingly well with a girl I really really like. I live in one of the most amazing places in the world.


Life is good right now :)

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having reasonable binocular vision is...pretty good if you ask me




I agree heh. Even after the eye surgery I still can't properly use both of my eyes at the same time. 3D gives me a major headache and I think the 3DS doesn't properly work for me because of this. *her geeky gamer heart breaks*



I'd post some good stuff in here right now but I don't really have anything at the moment. =P

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Did your cockeyed left eye get in the way of you seeing that this is the good stuff thread?


It's like 1 degree off centre, unless my arm is 5 miles long I won't miss the link by enough :(


You got a squint history? Forcing your eyes to line up gets mighty tiring... (i've got/had a pretty bad squint)


Yeah she said I would be more prone to eye strain than others if I am working on a screen for a long time(which is true, if I work hard for 8 hours or so I have gotten sore eyes and headaches). I love how when they are figuring things out, it's like they know me! Absolute genius she was. Kept sticking cards in front of each eye for a while and noticed that I only readjusted my vision if she blocked my right eye, but if she blocked my left I essentially didn't care. Indicated I relied on my right eye heavily (which I knew, since I was researching my vision from the 3D craze).

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Just applied for a job that could be absolutely 100% perfect and I should be pretty much the perfect candidate for. Things are going amazingly well with a girl I really really like. I live in one of the most amazing places in the world.


Life is good right now :)


Because heroicjanitor thanked Ashley's post I automatically saw that as you were "going for a job as a janitor that would be 100% perfect".


Good luck though!

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I rang some people about places to live in Cambridge for monday.


Got two places - phew! Hopefully get some pictures tomorrow or Friday so that's good, one is far cheaper so I'm hoping that place is good enough.


I also found out there's a huge chance of my contract being extended with Jagex - which frankly would be brilliant and I'd be set. :D

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Everything's coming up Nightwolf! :smile:



Magnus, that's a little presumptuous!


I mean she hasn't posted about these hotel trips since her job at Jagex so I imagine it's calmed down a little bit :heh:


In seriousness: Great to hear nightwolf. Keep the good times rolling.

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