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About arnold

  • Birthday 09/27/1984

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  • Wii Console Number
    4387 0017 4780 3967
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MK: 317887800399
    TH: 489686492829

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  1. arnold


    So they are..damn, easily fixed though, thanks for pointing it out.
  2. Glad you guys like them, this is one I first found http://www.justapinch.com/recipes/dessert/cookies/pinata-cookies.html But this is the one I followed http://www.fast-ed.com.au/pinata-cookies/
  3. arnold


    I've been doing my own little diy thing lately, started off small but this is what i've got so far: Just got the Small Iornman and Superman Sets for those Mini's, got a few Ninjago Ninjas to add to it, and waiting on Series 11 and a few Superheroes, and if there's room then Simpsons next year.
  4. After 2 Years, Australia finally got it this week..Huzzah
  5. How? Awesome Is it on Android? HOW, for the love of god HOW!!!!
  6. I see rock retaining and zig cashing in for a cheap win at the end. That has happened before right?
  7. Hardcore Title was the Best belt + 24/7 Rule They should bring it back just for the LOL moments, would be good seeing it again though. Why they went PG I Don't know, it sucks.
  8. Me in a Bulbasaur Hat Ok just the bulbasaur hat..I don't do photos
  9. Onto more Zombies Warm Bodies Trailer http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/11/08/hes-a-lover-and-a-biter-first-trailer-for-warm-bodies/ Looks interesting though, i'll watch it at some point.
  10. I Miss Frosted SHreddies...and Ricicles..I could kill for a box of those..and not paying 20$ for a box. Although we do have some nice cereals over here, but it gets so boring after a while, just cereal everyday for me, quite boring, but it fills me up until lunch when i'm at work.
  11. Watched the Mockingbird Lane Pilot last night (The Munsters Remake) Shame it's only a one episode and not bee picked up yet, I enjoyed it, Eddie Izzard played Grampa Munster and did a damn good job.
  12. Board Games, never been a fan of splitscreen games..or many multiplayer ones. Although me being paranoid beers may have to sit well away from the game...no messes >>
  13. They look so good Think A recipe may be needed, been wanting to do coffee cake for ages, although I haven't baked since I started working so sad ;-; I need to bake more.
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