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How early is early?


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So I just got up, it's 11:30am and I logged onto facebook like I usually do, my friend posts something along the lines of.


''Second double whiskey and it's not even 12pm lol!''


..and it got my thinking, how early is early? For me early is 8am, but does that mean that by 12 it's ok to drink? Is it alright to be nearly drunk by then?


We've all seen the guys who plow into weatherspoons as it opens to get their first pint down their necks..


So I'm curious, how early would you drink? What is acceptable to you?

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When I used to go out alot, i'd start drinking at the pubs / bars at 8:30, be it a weeknight or weekend.


now however when i finish work i can settle for stopping at the pub straight from work at 5:15 and enjoy my first pint.


but i rarely drink anymore, i dont enjoy town, where i live now none of my friends are local, so there is always a designated driver, and the pubs near me arent that classy.




i think it depends on the scenario too... i mean at Download festival in 2009 the first thing i did when i woke up was open a can of beer, that was at about 8am. And i was normally at the point of 'drink anymore and i'll puke' by around 1.


But i didnt want to spoil the watching of the bands by being too drunk, so would stop around then.

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I think the whole "it's too early to drink" is quite ridiculous, to be honest. Not in the sense that I advocate drinking around the clock, but in the sense that the situation decides whether drinking at a certain time is appropriate, not the time of day itself.


Well this was my point, to me drinking at 11am is too early, specially when I've just gotten up, but then I will happily drink at 7am when I'm at download.


I was just curious to see who would do what, it's always a thought that crosses my mind these days as I rarely drink before 3pm!

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Well this was my point, to me drinking at 11am is too early, specially when I've just gotten up, but then I will happily drink at 7am when I'm at download.


I was just curious to see who would do what, it's always a thought that crosses my mind these days as I rarely drink before 3pm!

::shrug: I don't really think about it. But then again I only ever really drink alcohol when I'm out on the town.

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I'd go along the lines of drinking before 12pm being too early. If offered before, though, I'd probably take something. Just depends how long I've been up.


Like today for instance. I've been up since 4am and by the time 10 rolled around, I would have happily had a drink. Lecturer wouldn't have been pleased mind but the thought was never far from my mind.

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At my Gran's we might have a few glasses of wine at lunch; which is around 1pm and then more drinks at 7pm.


Back home if I'm going out we tend to 'start' at around 8 or 9pm. Rarely have drinks during the day. Don't see anything wrong with having a few pints during the day if you don't have anything on though.

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These days? Around 6-7pm with dinner then onwards. A beer or two with lunch (out) is fine.


If I've had an epic night out and bought cans on the way home, I'd probably have half a can leftover that I'll have in the morning to curb the hangover.


Special occasions, like hanging with old-skool mates and we only have THAT DAY... we'll drink from asap until ttyl.

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I don't attach drinking to times of day much like I don't attach certain food types to times of the day. I eat pizza for breakfast and cereal for dinner, doesn't matter to me. It's all about the current occasion.


Saying that, I only drink to get drunk. I don't enjoy the taste but enjoy being drunk. So if I'm not getting drunk I'll drink water. But if I am then I'll drink properly.

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I never drink for comfort or whatever, and actively often don't drink at kinda family party/meal situations. I'm not interested, and I think my upbringing (my mum) has drilled some sort of "Alcohol is not for family-time" thing into me.


Most of the time I'm thinking: If there's anytime to drink, this (family gathering) is that time :P

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I never drink for comfort or whatever, and actively often don't drink at kinda family party/meal situations. I'm not interested, and I think my upbringing (my mum) has drilled some sort of "Alcohol is not for family-time" thing into me.


My parents have been encouraging me to drink since I was 16. I still only drink on rare occasions - University was the biggest drunken time for me.


As for time, I think that before 5PM is too early. Although we started at 4PM on our Paris work trip last week.

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Anything before 12pm is too early for me.


People who drink before then either deem it ok for themselves or are dependant on the alcohol. I've seen people outside Weatherspoons at 7am waiting to go in for a pint, now that in my opinion, is far too early.


Not really...


Some people work nights, or have different circumstances. Its the quantity and frequency that decides dependency, not the time of day.


I, personally, would consider anything before 6pm to be a bit early drink wise. But then you have Christmas - I'm up at 8am having alcohol before breakfast. But it's one single day in the year.

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Generally any time before the sun rises is early for me. As soon as the sun is awake, it's alright for people to be up and about too.


As for alcohol? None before 12pm for me, unless there's some kind of special event on like a football match or a London city bull run.

Edited by Guy
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It's interesting how some of you give set times on what you deem is ok and what isn't, like myself and others don't really care either way.


Sometimes it just feels really foreign to drink, I mean last night was a classic example, people started drinking whilst eating kfc before the night out began and I couldn't physically feel like drinking until after..

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I will drink at any time of the day, and yes on occasions even in the morning when I wake up, though that tends to be a night after I'm drinking(im a hair of the dog man) and also in such a circumstance when I wake up with a half can of drink I might drink it. I realise I'm probably a massive tramp.

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