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Needed something to replace my creaking 12 year old LG surround sound system. Couldn't be bothered with all the wires so just plumped for the Sony HT XT1 sound pedestal. It's got 3 HDMI ports and 1 optical so it frees up a couple of ports on the TV. Plus I can play music through it via Bluetooth. Well pleased with it.



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Nice day paintballing. £7 for the day with 100 balls, which will not last all day. Had to buy 400 more balls (cost about £32 althogether) and the refreshments were a joke, can of coke cost a quid and someone said he was charged £2.50 for a Snickers. Got shot in the balls - Jesus... Owie owie owie.

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Picked up ZombiU and Rayman Legends for cheap from ShopTo which was perfect, they were exactly the games I wanted for WiiU. Can't wait for next Friday now - end of the busy season at work and a new Nintendo console to enjoy it with. I have earned this.

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£200 for a mobile air con unit. It is so damn good. Surprised more people don't have one for when it gets pretty warm. It's an investment for sure, but it really pays off.




£23 preowned on eBay. Not played this one yet...totally gave up on ACIII because of the dishwater dull environments and weak main character. Loved the earlier game settings though and this one seems to have some pretty nice screenshots circulating for it.

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So happy the Blissey Plushie arrived! I saw the pikachu bag and big plush in Sue Ryder and couldn't resist. The charmander was also cute. Can't believed I only paid 20p for the infernape figure. Would have been a lot more expensive if I paid for it online.

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£200 for a mobile air con unit. It is so damn good. Surprised more people don't have one for when it gets pretty warm. It's an investment for sure, but it really pays off.


What's this like? Loud at all? We bought one for the office, not standard air con but a thing you fill with water, looked very similar. There's 5 computers, two servers and a fan in there and this dwarfed the sound of all of them, so we sent it right back....

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What's this like? Loud at all? We bought one for the office, not standard air con but a thing you fill with water, looked very similar. There's 5 computers, two servers and a fan in there and this dwarfed the sound of all of them, so we sent it right back....


It's not too loud, we can still talk over it. Certainly louder than a fan though. For us it's handy since our flat gets hot and we can set it so it comes on before we get back from work and shuts off.

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