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What are you looking forward to?


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Life can blow but its always nice to have something to look forward to! Can help you get through the monotony of the daily grind.


So, what are you looking forward to? Let's spread the joy!




July 15/16th off to London to see people/general fun time which will be a nice break from work.

July 19th is alllll about Toy Story 3 of course :D

[hopefully something in between but yet to be seen]

September 27th - Start postgraduate course (and more to London a few days/week before obviously)


So please, give me something to sing about!

Edited by Ashley
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  • June 30: Theme Park with friends! (hopefully)

  • July 3: Graduation!

  • July 23-30: seeing Jim in London, N-E meet, then off to Brighton. =)

  • August somewhere: Jim comes here, 3 day rock festival

  • September 21 or something: start teacher training (though not looking forward to it haha)

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Ah good thread.


July 15-18 - Latitude festival. It will be my 4th in a row, love the place and can't wait.


August 14 - New football season starts :D


October 3 - My 27th, going to Alton Towers for the weekend, Spa, swimming and theme park - what? just cos I'm 27 doesn't mean I can't act younger :)


Winter - I hate the heeeaaaaaaatttt. Am I weird?

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Cool thread!


Tomorrow/Wednesday - Moving into my new flat


September 1 - Start placement


I'll admit... there are gaps in the things I am looking forward to.


But generally it's just this summer of chilling while working on portfolio stuff.

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  • June 30: Theme Park with friends! (hopefully)

  • July 3: Graduation!

  • July 23-30: seeing Jim in London, N-E meet, then off to Brighton. =)

  • August somewhere: Jim comes here, 3 day rock festival

  • September 21 or something: start teacher training (though not looking forward to it haha)


Pukkelpop? The Belgium friend I think I've mentioned before always tells me about it. He loves it, always makes me sound jealous.


5th July- Start Internship

Beginning September- Some festival nearby called Brownstock


Other than that...nothing :(

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Pukkelpop? The Belgium friend I think I've mentioned before always tells me about it. He loves it, always makes me sound jealous.


5th July- Start Internship

Beginning September- Some festival nearby called Brownstock


Other than that...nothing :(


Yep, Pukkelpop! It's actually in the city I live in heh, though I've only been once (for one day) as I never had anyone to go with. =P

So yeah hoping it will be good this year. =D

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  • Tomorrow - Seeing an old friend. We parted on bad terms, and I've felt bad about it ever since. Should be good as I've missed her a great deal.
  • Saturday - Get to spend the day with other half.
  • The 16th - Meeting friends in Londres, and seeing Inception hopefully!
  • The 18th - Tori Amos playing solo in concert. 'Nuff said.
  • October - New uni, hopefully!
  • Near Future - Finishing medication and being a normal, non-nervous wreck again. Wooo!

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I try to avoid looking forward to things too much. I prefer appreciating the now. When I was in a bad place I always used to just look forward to things and it's just incredibly depressing - you begin to thrive on expectation.


However, when I'm not trying to be Zen, I become excited about parkour on Wednesday and my iPhone 4 coming some time this week (hopefully). :heh:

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Saturday I have my graduation party for my friends and family. Then there are a few get-togethers with friends the following week, one of them being my late birthday party. Then I have a number of undated gaming and video nights with friends that I need to figure out dates for, and at some point this summer I'm also going on vacation for a week with my family to the Danish island Bornholm, on which we have some friends. At some point there's also a small vacation with my nearest friends planned, possibly a small cruise to England and back with half the day being spent in England and sleeping on the ferry both out and back.


After the summer I start my job as a substitute teacher, and I'm also planning on getting my driver's license at some point. Oh, and learning to cook.

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I try to avoid looking forward to things too much. I prefer appreciating the now. When I was in a bad place I always used to just look forward to things and it's just incredibly depressing - you begin to thrive on expectation.


My now consists of McDonalds and feeling like Frasier circa Cheers. I look forward to (hopefully) feeling more like Frasier circa Frasier. :heh:


I understand what you're saying and agree to an extent but when the here and now is so meh and dour it helps to have something to strive for.

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Only thing I'm really looking forward to is


September 6th (or so they say) when my Daughter is due to be born..wil she be early? Late? I hope she's not late because my mum will be flying over here for the 11th >>


September 27th my birthday not that I really care about that, never been a big fan of the birthday. Cept the money, huzzah

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You have no idea how much that has made me happy right now! :hug:


  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
  • I'm looking forward to Drayton Manor with my best friend at some point, it's gonna be awesome.
  • The Bree Tanner story (it's a book)
  • Toy Story 3
  • The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (though I'm gonna wait a while before seeing it)
  • Getting a domain for my website
  • Getting a new 360 game
  • Swimming again
  • DDR
  • Losing some weight and feeling good
  • To a good summer that isn't absolutely scorching!


That's my list, when I have more I'll let you know! :)

Edited by Animal
forgot Scott Pilgrim, thanks Nolan!
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July 4th, celebrating not being English (to put it rudely).

July 6th, turn 21, and get drunk legally, also will be house-sitting, ergo parties.


Unlucky, if you were blessed with being English, you could be drinking almost 3 years ago.

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I've always believed that you have to have a short-, mid- and long-term thing to look forward to in order to feel less depressed about how little your present matters.


Short-term for me is hanging out with Brighton friends, seeing a lot of people I've not seen for nearly a year.


Mid-term I have my juggling festival, the n-e meet and... That's it.


Long-term I now have the whole getting back to sheffield thing. That's my new adventure!

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Potential payday and the weekend.


And yeah, I once survived by looking forward to all the little things. I did it obsessively for a while though when I was a little younger but nowadays attempt to maintain general happiness and enthusiasm simply looking forward to the excitement and uncertainty of every day.


I also just looked at my bed as I got out of it and smiled, telling it I would be back. Can't believe I used to dislike sleep. Sleep equals the greatest.

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Scoop; sleep is win. I can't get enough of it.


ReZ; leaving for brighton in less than 24 hours, getting a transfer down to a store there. Since I've made the plans to move down south I've realised that I want to live in sheffield at least for a bit more, as I've made a home here -- but I didn't sort out a way of staying here now so... I need to do that. If any of that makes sense.

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At the moment, not too much. Gonna book a holiday for next year, this year; if that makes any sense. Can't decide between Chicago or Canada or even both but I want to combine seeing the sights with as much Hockey possible and any other US sport I can find.

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