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The little acorn has grown into a mighty tree..


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Thank you everybody! I have had a good birthday, and providing the cake is not a lie (apologies for the internet meme), you are all welcome to a slice of it. I shall thank you all individually!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPROUT (sorry about the lame title).


Its the day of the year where people can rejoice and celebrate Sprout's birthday! :)


Always love your comics man, know you haven't been active for a while but hope you have a good one!

Thank you! And I don't find the title lame! I've said much lamer things! I will finish that Cinderella story as soon as I can. I've currently been stricken with illness, but I've managed to have a good time today despite this fact. Still, the sooner I recover the better!


Happy Birthday, Maidens.


I look forward to your next essay-long rant about...door handles, or something on MSN next.


Enjoy your day, and be safe. Remember to wear a condom.

Thank you! And I don't think I can think up anything about door handles right now. Though if you said door knob that may have been a completely different and potentially ruder story, and would give me something to put a condom onto, as I have no need for one, what with the lack of sex. =P


Yeah was gonna say, haven't seen him online for a while! and yeah the comics are awesome!


Happy Birthday man!

Thank you! I'm never online that much, at least not in a posting sense. More of a reader than a creator of posts. I'll try to come online more often though!




Have a good one dude.

Thank you! Though it's spelt Maidens, no need for the extra vowels. =P


Happy Birthday Sprouteroo (and may i take this opportunity to curse you for beating me EVERY time at Brawl - with old age your skillz will eventually fade away, muhahahahaha...*ahem*, sorry!)


Have a good day!

Thank you! And I don't think I won every time. I'm probably not as good at Brawl anymore, and I've busted my controller, so I've resorted to play using DK Bongos and Dance Mats to play. Quite hard to win when you can't move, but I do like to make a pose when I activate a Smash Ball, assuming I can get one. I've still got some fight in me yet though! =P


Happy Sproutiness.

Thank you! My Sproutiness was happily celebrated! My birthday as well!


Happy Birthday oh lord of the Sprites :)

Thank you! I don't think I'm a lord just yet, but I'll let you know if I do become one. Lord Maidens... nice ring to it.


Happy Birthday Lord Sprout. Where you been all this time, i'm sure you've set up your PC again!


May your awesome-ness forever shine!

Thank you! Lord Sprout also has a nice ring to it I guess! I did set up the PC, but I quickly became bedridden soon after over Christmas, and my laptop is far too slow (and now crashes regularly) for Photoshop. Don't worry, Cinderella will get done!


Indeed, a very happy birthday to you Sprout! I hope that you will have a really nice day today. =)


And do come back online sometimes, people here miss you!

Thank you! My day was nice, didn't see my family, but I got a call from them so that works too. I'll try to get back to N-E more often once I've recovered, I'm missing this place, despite the fact I rarely post! It's like an online home for me! And thank you for the e-mail you sent me! *hugs*


bon aniverzare


Have a great day, Sprout!

Thank you! What is that, French? Sounds French. I guess I should say merci if that is the case instead!


SPROUT! :grin:







Happy birthday!

Thank you! I can relate to your Shakespearean fish, performing Romeo & Juliet and studying Tempest in my first semester. Rock on Fishiam Shakespeare!



I've no idea what that means, as I am quite dumb, but since I've said it to everyone else so far, thank you anyway!


Happy Whisk!

Thank you! Or rather, thank *insert kitchen appliance here* (I don't know any, I'm terrible at cooking).


Happy Birthday, Sprout :yay:

Thank you! :yay: Is probably an exact replica of how good I am at dancing (not very good). Except, yknow, with limbs.


Happy Birthday Maidens! ^^

Thank you! I don't know what S.C.G stands for... Super Cool Guy? Super Charizard Galaxy? Some Cookie Guardian? (Please stop me).


Happy Birthday Sprout, have a great day and all that.

Thank you! My day was pretty great and all that.


Happy birthday brussel.

Thank you! Despite the username, I'm not actually a big fan of sprouts... or vegetables in general!


Tillykke med fødselsdagen! :)

I had to look up what language that was, if it's Danish, then if Google is right, then Tak! Otherwise, Thank you!


Happy Birthday Maidens

Thank you! Stephen and Steven, could be like Kenan and Kel. I looooove orange squash (yes I know it was orange soda).


Happy Birthday Sprout. :smile:

Thank you! Nice article recently, will we be seeing a Gamer's Love at somepoint? Hopefully not Valentines day, that'd be cheesy.


Saw this and surprised it wasn't some kind of 'share your erection stories' type thread.


Happy Birthday! =D

Thank you! Considering some of the threads that go on here, it wouldn't be surprising, though I don't think I'll be sharing any stories of mine. Yet.



Phew! Incase I haven't said it enough yet, thank you to everyone who gave me birthday messages! They were all certainly better than what my neighbour Joey in Animal Crossing said. =P





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