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Sorry to hear that Raining....hope you're ok. :(


A family friend (I admittedly wasn't close to, it was his sister who was really the connection to us) hasn't got long left before he passes away. It's awful. He just one day (recently) was told he had this extreme cancer...everywhere.


I feel so sorry for them. We've been helping get shopping for his mum (she's old and has severe arthiritis) and offering to help at xmas and stuff.

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tierd of outher people. at constant war with my family, every one on every one, real royal rumble going on.


went to the gym with mates, was invited out tonight, mate said hed text me with details on how we were getting there. he didnt text till he got there. hes about as relaiable as a catholic condom.



im considering becoming a hermit.

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Just watched some really good TV in my opinion - the Christmas Lead Balloon was very good and surpassed all of the ones this series (which wasn't that great) and also The Peter Steforlerknfvlwkt4ujrfnv2kjfnev Show was funny in parts.


Edit: Sorry to hear about the loss fellow forumer :(

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Just learned from my Dad that my gran is back in hospital again, probably going to be there until at least after the New Year. Oi. :(



I hope things look better for her come 2009.


My uncle just died :(


Double bugger!

My condolences, it's especially shit when it happens this time of year.


This calls for hugs all round!


Back in my small world, I had Domjcg and two other mates round for most of the day today to enjoy that ever-healthy combination of video games and Chinese takeaway!


Me and one of my friends went to a local pub in the evening for the quiz, and after a lacklustre first round, my parents showed up and we joined forces. After my dad swapped two correct answers round, we managed to crawl ourselves back up to a position that was most definitely not last!

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Had a productive day. Woke up at 12, had lunch with my bro and sis. Made club sandwiches! After that, played some GTA4, saw my best mate off as he's visiting family for xmas and then I actually started some of my uni work! Got 2 assignments done! WOO! Then I went for a jog (at 2am in the morning!) and played a bit more of GTA4!


Now gonna hit bed! Trust me, Uni seriously fucks up your body clock!

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Had a dream the other night about an N-Europe meet. Jayseven had set up a quiz, but it wasn't going very well. Nightwolf had spiky red hair and we were all sat in a classroom. For some reason my brother was there saying everything was lame, then Jayseven chased me with a fire extinguisher.

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Had a dream the other night about an N-Europe meet. Jayseven had set up a quiz, but it wasn't going very well. Nightwolf had spiky red hair and we were all sat in a classroom. For some reason my brother was there saying everything was lame, then Jayseven chased me with a fire extinguisher.


Scarily close to the real thing.

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Whoooo, only a couple of hours until Christmas Eve! Can't wait! ^____^


Today has been quite busy so far, heh. Got up early to go to Infraligne, my last session! Turns out that in total, I lost 6.3 kg and 51 cm! =D



Then I met up with mom, my aunt and her son while they did some Christmas shopping (they buy their own gifts, how boring). So lots of walking around. Bought myself some make-up, which has now left me pretty much broke (which I already was to begin with). Went to the library to drop off some books and find some other ones for my sister. And now I'm home and about to take a nap, because I really didn't get enough sleep last night, heh. =)



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might just head butt my sister before the day is through. never have a met some on who was so polite and generous, but at the same time self centered and horrible.


went mental cos id not give her the wrapping paper i was using to wrap her (rather large) presant. there was anouther role but she wanted what i was using, called me all sorts cos i wouldnt give her the paper.


parents have been fairly ok, bit short tempered at times but atleast they act like im close to human.

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Urrrgh, supposed to write a 600 words essay about "feeling marginalised, excluded, or 'other'" but I have nothing to go on. I hate creative writing.

ooh get you and your positive life :P

Had a dream the other night about an N-Europe meet. Jayseven had set up a quiz, but it wasn't going very well. Nightwolf had spiky red hair and we were all sat in a classroom. For some reason my brother was there saying everything was lame, then Jayseven chased me with a fire extinguisher.

Awesome. I must invest in a fire extinguisher now.

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Yeah, I need to get some perspective. I wish I'd made a collage of all the shit times for future reference and writing material. Nobody wants to hear about how awesome your life is :heh:


Anyway, random thoughts: I like tea. It's fantastic for when you're trying to do an essay. In fact I like to think of it as a competition between my feeble mind and the laws of physics; see if I can finish the work before the tea gets cold.


Also: I hate Robert Lowell. All of my poetry essays in the first semester hasve been based on one of his, quite frankly, shit poems and I really have nothing of interest to say about it. Can't wait for optional modules next year...


I knew I shouldn't have taken amphetamines at 8 in the morning. Relentlessly hyperactive right now.

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