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Speaking of. Theres a KFC opening in our city soon. Everyone at work was talking about how they're going to be getting it at lunch. Place is going to smell of frickin' chicken. Disgusting.


(I think im just grouchy. Going to eat, drink red wine and watch a film and maybe calm down...but part of me wants to go on a Godzilla-esque rampage)

Chicken is one of the lovliest meats though.


Yes, but not when it's fried though (at least not in my opinion). Only time I tried fried chicken it made me feel sick. So never again. =P


Just found out, two guys becka knows, stole her wheelchair and wrote a fake note pretending to be unite (owner of the halls) saying they had taken her wheelchair.


Fucking disgusting, she wasn't feeling happy or indeed well as it was today, not to mention the other two idiots messing with the only lift for the damn building, probably why it broke last time!


Glad she is going to report them, fuckers. Country has gone down the shitter.


I cancelled my potential plowings tomorrow because I'm hoping I can start courting this lass who lives round here. Whom I had a quick drink with as she finished work at half 5 and I had to start at 6.


Also had some random lass messaging me on Facebook asking me "Do you have a brother called Tony?". I do. I ask what he's done, apparently my brother met her on holiday [he just got back from Tenerife] and said he'd call her. She knew of the fact that he got mugged on holiday and his phone stolen from him. But because she given it to him on a piece of paper he must call from the house phone. He's only been back since Friday. Crazy girl alert.


While at work I got a text, which first I was worried about, but on closer examination I decided to Shabba'ise back.


Thankyou, dave for subscribing to our text service. You will recieve up to 10 text messages a week from young hot horny males near you at a standard rate of £1.50 per text. To unsubscribe, visit lemonpary.org. Terms and Conditions apply.

At first I was like What The Fuck *headsplode", and programmed myself to visit that site to unsubscribe tootsweet. Obviously I thought that it was being sent to "dave" [not my name] it was a mistake blah blah. But then I check again:




Your misspelling is your undoing.
So you've already subscribe then
Not at all, I have already encountered the experience of Lemonparty many years ago.
I drear to think what you were doing with the lemons

The fuck? I was going to reply simply "We had a party", but I was getting bored:

I'm intriguings. Identify yourself.
You'll find out sooner or later dear xx

Finish him!

It'll have to be later, as I'm probably going to block this number. =D


I haven't blocked the number yet, haven't got a reply either. I think I'll ring it tomorrow.


Some girl, just gave my number to a crazy girl(like actually crazy) and now I'm kinda like...wtf, why would you do that without asking me. Also, aforementioned(not crazy) girl, I kind of like, though things got crazy at the party the other day and she got with an old friend, which was weird, considering last time I spoke to her she told me she thinks she and him had something before(drunkness ensues) but she really regretted it. She's also insisting I go down and see her on the weekend, though she's also insisting both me AND aforementioned friend go. She also keeps apologising for the weirdness of it. It's a thoroughly strange situation, really. Yet, I probably will go, because I'm getting fed up with my own useless friends and need something to bring me up atm(due to them all being rubbish, and dodgy summer girl has just reared her head, basically to tell me I'm a bad person and she's immensely happy and in love with the guy she sold me out for), but it's nice to know I'm actually wanted somewhere at least, I guess :)

Been invited to go out for a Chinese on Thursday night, lovely.




I did 'lol'.

Everyone from N-E should go! MAssive N-eetup at Tellyn's chinese! I really fancy some now :)


I've also decided I hate texting. When people don't reply when I want its infuriating! Especially when I know people reply straight away pretty much all the time, but seemingly whenever I text them they don't :( Its also happening on msn with the person which makes me sad.


mate came to watch a film, we watched predator then alien, itersperced with stories about people we know in fights. i laughed when hearing my sarcastic smart arse mate ran away screaming for help, leaving a girl to deal with the two lads who were starting it. regular knight in shining armour. she was ok btw

Been invited to go out for a Chinese on Thursday night, lovely.




I did 'lol'.


I'm going for a Chinese on Sunday....



....At one of the greatest Chinese restaurants in the world, and indeed one of only three reasons to venture into Chesham (comic shop, and a world class Indian restaurant being the others) Awwww yeaaaah...


WOO! Work time! :yay::smile:


Andersons theory of imaginary communities is odd, not sure if I like it, but political thoughts definately becoming my favourite, or international history...it's just not a chore to sit in any of my seminars or lectures =] reminds me how much i disliked school.


1 hour lecture followed by a 1 hour lab on Audio and Video Principles today, the second biggest waste of my time, preceded only slightly by Change and Opportunity, a ridiculously uninformative business unit on a Music and Audio Technology course.


PayPal are useless. They emailed me (yes it was their email address. I checked) to say that they've removed my Bank account from my PayPal account because of a failed transfer (a transfer I knew nothing about). I contacted them to ask what the transfer was and all they did was tell me that I currently have no bank accounts linked to my account and told me how to link one with my account.


I've just closed the account. Can't trust it.


Well today was mixed.


After heavy snow caused the normally-20min bus journey to take a fricking hour to get to college, the tutor for first lesson wasn't even in. Waited around before getting into second lesson, where only 5 other people turned up. 10 mins in, a nice lady came in and told us all college was closing for the day... but also the buses were cancelled. Managed to blag a lift off a classmate into Newton Heath, and just got in. -_-


Now I have a History essay that needs finishing (and starting) for Thursday.

Stop and stare...


Thanks to that line I've had that OneRepublic song stuck in my head all day. Darn you nightwolf! =P



Day has been okay, though getting a bit stressed about all the deadlines I have. Lots of stuff to finish in such a short amount of time, aaaaaah.

Had a ton of candy/cookies in school thanks to friends bringing in stuff to eat. Makes Tuesdays more fun. Next week is my turn to bring something, just have to figure out what.


Need to write something for school now but I don't want to start it, heh.


Been bored all day. Have tried to ease it by playing through Twilight Princess again. Was going to see if I could go from the Water dungeon all the way to the end by 10pm/11pm but decided to stop as by half 2 I was only just at the bit where you have to fish before going into the mountains. Wasn't gonna happen.


So left that and did something I haven't done in months: play Animal Crossing. Stuck my ds on and had a little go. Been a long time but my town wasn't as much of a mess as I thought it would be. Would like to get back into it more and get back into playing the DS but don't have the time or money for new games.


Gotta gear myself up for a test on thursday so will most probably be doing a bit of revision. I say probably because I know I'll get distracted and end up playing something, probably Mario Sunshine as I'm gonna write a little feature on it.

There's a big thing on Facebook going around at the moment about a (licensed, registered with the biggest firm in the area) cab driver in my home town, who, after a disagreement about a fare, locked the passengers in the car, drove to a street somewhere in St.Albans, and let them out into a group of 5 or 6 guys he'd called who proceeded to beat the shit out of them.


Hangabout, which company is this? Haven't heard about this. Which company?



In other news

- Got my coursework draft back for English: 'the worst I have read'. Good news.

- Barely started my Biology thats due in tomorrow

- I've lost my phone


Im pretty sure I only come on this thread to moan about shit


RAAAAA. Hungover. Last night I had two pints, four cans, a big bottle of mead (seriously tasty stuff... but waay stronger than I thought it was) and half a bottle of sloe gin. This morning was the closest I've come to throwing up for over a year.


But last night was interesting - was meant to be some sort of house party for a mate's birthday, but it endedup being just four other people who all had to drive home, so me and the birthday girl got drunk and Charaded our way to silliness. When the 'crowd' left, we 'watched' Batman then Ghostbusters. She has four dogs and two cats and they're all mental. She shares a 3-bed house with one other girl, and their rent is only £450 between them! That's what I pay for the flat! Gonna live out there next year if I can. Non-sequitor. Bored now.

Speaking of. Theres a KFC opening in our city soon. Everyone at work was talking about how they're going to be getting it at lunch. Place is going to smell of frickin' chicken. Disgusting.


(I think im just grouchy. Going to eat, drink red wine and watch a film and maybe calm down...but part of me wants to go on a Godzilla-esque rampage)

I can't eat fried chicken unless i'm drunk now - the pieces look like little baby limbs deep fried.

Just found out, two guys becka knows, stole her wheelchair and wrote a fake note pretending to be unite (owner of the halls) saying they had taken her wheelchair.


Fucking disgusting, she wasn't feeling happy or indeed well as it was today, not to mention the other two idiots messing with the only lift for the damn building, probably why it broke last time!


Glad she is going to report them, fuckers. Country has gone down the shitter.

Motherfuckers. You know which rooms they're in? Revenge is a must.



Done all my essays for the term.

So you'll make that start on mine now, right?


went to the gym, cold impaired my run. used the bench press machine and its given me about 7 blisters.


all my muscles are currently pumped up, so feeling big and tight. looks good to, which is the only thing keeping me at the gym these days.


keep seeing a hot girl there, may try and strike up a conversation if i happen to end up near her on machines.

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