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What a waste of a day! Lectures 9-12 i can agree with. But waiting four hours for a lecture 4-6 to find out hes just repeating the stuff we did in the tutorial didnt impress me :( only just got home now when i could have been home for about 1!


What a wastye of time our intro to electronic lab was.


Just open a program follow some instructions, and you're done.


Nothing to tell us what we actually accomplish by following these instructions. Didn't even have to hand in anything which is stupid.


I'll carry on the trend.


What a waste of time today was. 4 hours of doing nothing (Free lessons) followed by 2 more hours of maths which was also crap as all we did were execises out of the book pretty much *Yawn*.


On the positive side, 3 day weekend! Inset day tomorrow, wooooooop!


Good day, I have had one! :D


Not much happened but the end of the day is always fun. I manage to make a fool of myself for 40 minutes. :p


Also tried doing weights at the gymn. I left FEELING LIKE A REAL MAN! :heh:


Finished filming my short suspense film today, I practically directed the whole thing. I also played the part of the creepy killer chasing our damsel in distress, I think I did it justice.

Mm, that sucks. I've had freshers' flu for the past 2 or 3 days.


Yeah, very sharp pains like razors in my throat. :sad:


Okay Dante.


Okay Dyson. :wtf:


I'm too lazy to do my English essay.


I'm glad that my art teacher (and one of the other art teachers) like where I'm going with my theme.


I finished 2 paintings, and had a look around the BA contemporary textiles students work downstairs today. It was quite humbling to see some of them in action! 0_0

I also went to work, and did dishes for ages.


Now I'm going to fill up some sketchbook!

Very bad bipolar episode right now. Be quite happy to lie under my desk at work and cry.


Mental illness sucks.


Urgh Iun thats rubbish... :( My workmate has bipolar as well. She has a really hard time and had a really awful day yesterday.. All I wanted to do was hug her really.. Awful thing. Hope you feel better soon. :smile:




My day was okay, one of those floaty days where its not really bad, and not really especially fantastic either.. Dread in the back of my mind cause it usually leads onto having a really bad downslide. Like going along on a rollercoaster, you know its gonna go up or down eventually.




Anyway, I woke up today and decided not to go to a lecture. This led to 2 hours more sleep which led to a good day, I was elected staff/student committee member for my tutorial group today after making a short speech which made me feel good about myself. I read through a few cases, talked to a few people and went to work for a couple of hours whilst having fun. I also enrolled on a tutoring program at a local school. I have decided to keep myself busy so as to not dwell on my problems at the moment, hopefully it pays off, don't want to wallow in a pit of misery ):


The word bipolar was mentioned a bit up. It's a terrible disorder. If anyone has read 'An Unquiet Mind' you'll understand. And if you haven't read it, then go out and buy it because it's such a powerful and thought provoking read.


Anyway my day was meh. Sat and watched more of the OC and some South Park before heading out for two lectures from 3pm onwards. Tested out my student debit card to make sure that a) the pin number I had remembered was the right one and b) just to make sure it was all working. Withdrew £20 to check and it worked fine although there was a long wait on the card coming out. Was starting to think it had chewed my card on the first try. And I'm still on the hunt for a box to send my 360 away in. All the boxes I have at home are either far too small or far too big. Have checked loads of Argos' for boxes but none had any in stock. Stationary Box and WH Smiths had nothing either. Starting to annoy me as I really want to start playing GH3 and Rock Band again and plus most of the games I will be getting for xmas will be on the 360.

Hey :) Been a while hasn't it. Yeah i'm in Japan at the moment. How are all of you? It's surreal that each of you that I remember so well is still here as if I was posting on the boards yesterday. I guess everyone tends to stick around?!


Please stay stocka! You know you want to.


Hope ya still appreciate my sig :) I remember like AGES ago we exchanged a few PM's and realised we had a fair bit in common (rocky mainly). You were (still are) are a top guy, nice to see ya post again :) I swear you're still like one of the highest posters ever on these boards haha.


Saw DomJcg today at the K-Bar (shitty place). Couldn't really tell until I texted him and he rang :o


He left, and then the firealarm went off, so the people I was with fucked off home (2nd years mostly and live off campus ¬_¬)


So I'm stuck here with nothing to do :D


Bah. Someone was sick so we came home. I really don't want to go to sleep because I will end up thinking about things I don't want to think about.


My friend on msn keeps asking if I'm high or drunk. I've had 4 strongbow and some weird german beer which tasted NASTY. I'm tipsy I guess but its starting to become rather irritating. I won't make it to my lecture tommorrow morning so I'm going to read the notes now. Start of a slippery slope :(


I'm feeling shitty, to be honest. Suddenly, everything has changed and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I can't seem to do anything fucking right, no matter what I do, how hard I try, what I say. This karma law is a right load of rubbish.


Listening to some of the Beatles, especially Hey Jude. It makes me feel a bit better. Is there anything wrong with being a dreamer, and wanting things to be different?

Is there anything wrong with being a dreamer, and wanting things to be different?

Whilst I can totally sympathise, yes, there is. Both of those things are passive, and idle wishes only fuel regret.


If you truly want something, or want to change something, then you have to fight for it. Sometimes the odds seem unbalanced, the struggles too great, but... so what? There's no referee to intervene because things are unfair; the only arbiter of fate is one's self. So you get back on your feet and find something or someone to keep fighting in the name of. Hell, fight for the sake of fighting and hope to find meaning later. If you keep surviving then you'll always discover something new to live for.


When life closes the door go in through the window.

Good day, I have had one! :D


Not much happened but the end of the day is always fun. I manage to make a fool of myself for 40 minutes. :p


Also tried doing weights at the gymn. I left FEELING LIKE A REAL MAN! :heh:


lol, i love wieghts at the gym, i didnt realise just how far i can push my body. its not when you lift a heavy weight and find it easy thats satisfying, its when you lift the not so heavy ones when its hard, finnishing the set even though your body is screaming in protest.


David Guterson is being interviewed by my module supervisor next week. I getz free ticketz. Nobody here will carez. He wrote Snow Falling on Cedars - of which I've read probably 60 max pages.


Had a hard day. I haven't had a proper night's sleep in a week now, and I know that I simply cannot keep this up through all of uni. I'm starting to get THINKY because, like flinky, I keep catching my smile slipping. You know when you were a kid and you felt like you were floating when you were just sitting/laying watching TV? Yeah.


Wrote a couple of things today. I used to write to get rid of any angst and whatnot, but now it seems that the angst comes back when I write! But yeah. Poem I think I like probably two out of every 3 seconds, and jargle. Bed now. Sleep stops thinky and gives ideas.

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