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I've been wondering around town with a stabbing pain in my side most of the day, if it gets any worse by nine i'll be carting myself off to the hospital to get this damn appendix out.


That makes me feel like :( .


Y'know, last week I had this pain in my side, so for days I was all "... i think I got appendixitis". then I looked it up online and lolled because the appendix is on the other side of the body to the pain.


Then I realised the pain was coming from my kidneys so I spent two days thinking I had kidney stones. Now the pain's been gone for ages so I think my liver's collapsed or something.


Today was good. Had my first english tutorial and realised I didn't need to read Twelfth Night for this week. It's for next week. Typical. Have to read King Lear now though. Also, was talking to a polish girl who's into body modification (piercings and stuff) and we started talking about tattoos. She had a sweet tribal ace tattoo on her wrist (I didn't scorn her for it seeing as we had only just met). But it was a very nice tattoo.


Had a 3 hour lab practical using microscopes to look at headlice and other things. Was ok. Sooooooo awkward though. 5 people sitting at my bench, including me and the two sets of people on either side paired up to work together so I was stuck on my own. :( I didn't even see anyone I knew in the lab which sucked as I thought some of the people I knew would be doing the practical at the same time. Oh well.


Good day today. Got an interview for a job- alas, tis only selling broadband to the unwashed masses for BT but it sounds easy, and the money is good. I just need to get me some cash together. I might even be able to move out....not sure, though.

Good day today. Got an interview for a job- alas, tis only selling broadband to the unwashed masses for BT but it sounds easy, and the money is good. I just need to get me some cash together. I might even be able to move out....not sure, though.


You're going to offer a faster internet providings than their current providings?


My day has been good especially since I don't have to go to Open day tomorrow. :yay: So I can work on school work I have to do instead of wasting 4 hours at school. :)



Also wearing my Justice T-shirt makes me want to listen to them!


Day has been meh. Had a 'presenting' class where we were given some information on how to do a presentation. And of course we had to do some ourselves. Hated it, especially since we were filmed to watch our presentation again afterwards.


Been feeling quite meh this week. School is draining me already and I constantly feel tired. Need some motivation I think.

There's also some family arguments going on, basically about the heritage and money and stuff (even though grandpa is still around). Really not fun. =/


I hope the weekend is better for you eenuh, I had the similar thing with grandad dying a few months ago.


In the past couple of hours my brain has gone down hill, maybe I'm just looking into things way too much, but there's no effort for me to go the pub in an hour or even bother talking to people.


I hate these moods because I do like talking to people and last night was great and so was today..sigh -.-

Guest Stefkov

3 family birthdays within 4 days. Yay be me.

Sometimes life does suck.


I had an interview for a band 2 job pool today, could mean I may get offered a permanent position somewhere else within the trust. (if i did well enough!)


Would be pretty awesome to have something a bit more...set in stone. Feels like my job could go down at any minute.. Even if it does get made permanent, I'd still have to reapply (i've had 3 interviews for one fucking job rawr)


The nhs is so P.C that it fucks around with the dedicated staff.


This whole job pool thing (over a thousand people applied for it) could mean everyone in band 2 level will do a nice switch-aroo within the whole trust, and the whole thing will basically go to shit. What a waste of money. Retrain everyone? sure lets waste a ton of money and add pressure to the lower management levels!


Just told the ex I'm still into her but don't want to be single because shes not the only one I like. Haven't got heart to tell her I've been with the other one as well. Made it weird. She then went offline. Going to drink the night away to celebrate freshers week and stop myself from wallowing in self disgust.

Ah jesus. The sweet sweet kiss of numbening tipsyness. How Ive missed you old friend.


Im having a big conversation one of my best mates over msn whilst on webcam. We're both slowly getting progressively more typsy, so the conversation is beginning to get rather hilarious.


Had another rehearsal session for our division play, but I HATE THAT WE CAN NEVER HAVE ALL THE CAST TOGETHER AT ONE TIME!


This is a commitment, for eff's sake.


Anyway. Tres funny, and tres compicated too. It's based around the running in and out of approximately 9 different rooms, and on a black set, we have to try and convey an upstairs and downstairs, which will be annoying.




I love my 4-day Sketchbook...we were challenged to fill an A6 book in a week, but I didnt start until 4 days in basically, but I did it in 4 days, and love it.






The ticket is fucking gold!! (Okay, it's not real gold.)


Pedro Winter (If you don't know who he is he runs Ed Banger Records and managed Daft Punk up until this year) is doing the line up!!


+1 so I'm dragging Ashley along. :D


Also downloading the LittBIGPlanet Beta... so awesome day.


One more time.... YAY!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:


In short it has been a good day.


Had a normal boring day. Math test. Substitute in Computer science, and we did the most useless assignment ever in Web Design (searching words on different search engines).


Today sucked.


Maths + Physics were fine, but then Computing was the most pointless hour in my life (we have a temp teacher while our usual is on paternity leave. He doesn't even set us any work, so we all sat there playing flash games. When he saw us on that, he just sighed and made no attempt to make us work. We've had this guy the last two weeks, and everything we've done with him we're gonna have to redo with our normal teacher. I mean, this guy didn't even know why Mac's don't get as many viruses as Windows PCs. "Incidentally, Macs don't get many viruses. I guess they musth ave some sort of safeguard built in". He's supposed to be a Computing teacher for goodness sake). Then spent an hour watching a useless video in Modern Studies.


Got excluded from fun stuff by my supposed best friend, who decided that flirting with the girl I like is a better idea. He even moaned that he was gonna be the only guy there - with me standing right next to him - and didn't bother suggesting I went along. I've decided he is no longer my best friend.


Then I get told that I supposedly caused a guys iPod to break. He left his bag sitting on the bench, so I jokingly hid it round the corner 2 metres away. The daft prick dropped it when he went to go get it and it fell down about 10 stairs, causing the screen to crack on his iPod inside. Now apparently he's going to confront me about it. He was going to today, but I by chance didn't see him all day. I rather hope he does confront me though - I've had a fight with this guy before and the single punch it took to down him was one of the most satisfyingthings I've ever done. I rather need something like that right now, just need an excuse to do it.


So since school I've spent the whole day gaming, pretty much. Got a bad back from playing Rock Band on a crap chair, but a hand cramp from God Of War on the PSP (that analog stick is positioned terribly) and got too frustrated with GTAIV and its glitchy bullshit that I cracked the battery pack thing on the back of the controller. Moved onto the Wii, and it did that really annoying fucking thing whereby it decides not to load the disc after clicking "Play" in the disc channel. It fucks me right off because it means I have to get back up just after settling down for a shot of Wario Land to turn it off at the mains. Seriously, it puts me off playing the Wii in the first place these days because of how often it does that.







The ticket is fucking gold!! (Okay, it's not real gold.)


Pedro Winter (If you don't know who he is he runs Ed Banger Records and managed Daft Punk up until this year) is doing the line up!!


+1 so I'm dragging Ashley along. :D


Also downloading the LittBIGPlanet Beta... so awesome day.


One more time.... YAY!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:


In short it has been a good day.


You look like Brian from Spaced


My drinking contest with a mate developed. We both got rather typsy, bordering on drunk. I'm beginning to sober up up now though, so als well that ends well. Sorry for not replying on msn Aaron! My msn is fucking up totally.


Okay, after my initial hyper-excitement this little trip to Paris is pretty expensive and, slightly more problematic, time consuming.


Not too bothered since I'll save money this way.


You look like Brian from Spaced


*off to shave* :heh:


Today started off well, I spent the last few days staying with a friend so lots of fun ensued. Came home this evening to find a letter had come with information about my uni graduation which is going to cost me a ton (renting the robe, pictures, graduation ball) :(


I also got a letter about my part-time studies timetable. I'm starting work with an accountancy firm on Monday, and while I'm working there I have to do a part-time course to get another qualification. Classes are 9-5.30, every second Saturday and Sunday.. This is going to be torture. So the day has ended on a pretty crappy note.

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