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B) You just don't like sex and "icky" things


I literally LOLed


My day has been rather splendid actually, the highlight being my joining of this fine forum, where I hope to discuss the one aspect of capitalism I enjoy. That is, of course, Nintendo. But don't tell my friends, they'll think I'm a gayer.




Joseph xx


Haha, post of the month.

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Guest Stefkov
Ive just lost my brothers.




lol watch them rot away. Rotting way like the bitches they are.


Nice síg and ávatár.

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The conspiracy continues :o

That and the way you go on about it makes it sound like:


A) You had it and you didn't enjoy it.

B) You just don't like sex and "icky" things

C) You've not done it before.


Does it matter what I think about it? You probably wouldn't understand anyway.


Eenuh doesn't want to talk about if she had sex or not then stop going about it Jordan.

Thanks Dante.


I literally LOLed

I don't even see what's funny about that? :wtf:


Just watched the finale of Lost season 3. It was weird...

And now to go draw/paint more portraits. I've only finished four so far. :(

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Haha, oh, the "good ol' days are back." Me and my woman troubles.


The scenario: Basically, a few months ago, two of my friends (one guy and one girl) basically went out on a date, and the guy said he liked the girl, but the girl didn't respond.


Bluddy hell, that's annoying. Ok, he's Ed and she's Laura. Much simpler that way.


So, for ages he kept thinking she was leading him on, which she wasn't, he was being a bit of a **** about it all. He said some pretty nasty things to her, and so I txted her to make sure she was ok.


He said some other things, so I txted to make sure she was fine. It became a bit of a regular thing.


Then, on a night out, Laura's friends met me for the first time and said that it's a shame that it was Ed who liked her and not me, because apparantly I was much nicer. (that made me blush, felt pretty chuffed to be honest!)


That's where it all kinda started. I started to look at her differently and think, hmm, what the hell? We began talking some more. I got sick about 2 weeks ago, and she txted me a lot to see how I was. She would txt me first, which was nice cos it's always me who usually txts girls first. Eventually, we struck up a close friendship. The more I knew about her, the more I fell for her. The more I wished that she wanted me half as much as I wanted her.


On another night out, news about our recent friendship came back to Ed, and he asked what was happening, as he still thought he had a chance when he blatantly didn't. All he did was make her cry. I said to him I liked her, but that I would never try it on because he was my friend.


I got sick, and so I fell out of the loop. But, basically, in that week I was ill, he managed to fall out with the entire group. He acted like a bit of a knob and now nobody is speaking to him. I rang Laura about it to make sure she was ok, as I did geniunally care about her.


Yesterday, she said that last week, Ed had told her about what I had said to him, that I liked her. She asked me if it was true. Now, what the fuck am I supposed to do? She's had so much on her plate recently, and this would just be another burden for her. I wanted to keep things simple. So I lied and said it wasn't true.


Today, after discussing it with people, I realised I had made a mistake. I rang her up and told her the truth. Everything. How I felt, why I had lied, why I was ringing to tell her the truth now, and just why I didn't mean to fall for her, but it just happens.


We've been on the phone for about a good hour and a half or something.


You never realise how much you care for one person until it dawns on you how much you can't be with them.

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up at uni again for another fine fine week!


- greg gave me a lift up last night (yay for kind boyfriends!)

- but he had to go early as there was these suspicious guys lurking around the cars (turns out they were drunk as i found out today)

- woke up late - forgetting i had a seminar, only had a hour to shower, dry hair, straighten, and rush to class!

- had fun in the tv studio workshop - was really really fun!

- film screening on to "all that heaven allows" or something, which was too over the top and a bit melodramatic (guess thats why they call it a melodrama)

- sitting in the library talking to all you wonderful people!

- miss my boyfriend as usual :(

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Guest Stefkov
What happened to your avatar Stefkov?

It was some girl sitting on a wall wasnt it?

Girl on a wall? Can't say I know what you're talking about.

I can't be bothered with an avatar right now. Might make one in time for christmas. Something that takes my fancy.

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Girl on a wall? Can't say I know what you're talking about.

I can't be bothered with an avatar right now. Might make one in time for christmas. Something that takes my fancy.


Eh okay Stefkov.

I am sure that you had a avatar of a girl.


Well said Dante man alive no wonder we dont get many girl forumites


Thank you Haden.

I dont like people that dont treat girls right.

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Well, the sex/food debate was pretty great, but I ended up abstaining.


The best reason given was probably "buying food isn't illegal", but the pro-sex side had some good bits too, like seeing whether a banana or a vibrator fell off the table first.


And when I got back from it, I wrote an essay. Only one left now.

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Just to add to the sex vs. food debate, I'd like to point out that any such dilemma can be overcome by smearing melted chocolate on your cock and allowing your partner to lick it off. The best of both words, I'm sure you will agree.


Ahaha oh wow....

But wouldn´t that be painful?

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Jeeze. We all have extremely different mentalities and what i said wasn't supposed to be a joke as Ash took it. But theres no need to be defensive especially on an internet forum...


As for understanding? It might not seem like it but i'm an incredibly emotional person when it comes to relationships... so try me.

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Jeeze. We all have extremely different mentalities and what i said wasn't supposed to be a joke as Ash took it. But theres no need to be defensive especially on an internet forum...


As for understanding? It might not seem like it but i'm an incredibly emotional person when it comes to relationships... so try me.


Why shouldn't I be defensive? I'm being asked about some of my most intimate thoughts and feelings; if I felt like sharing them I wouldn't have to be defensive.

And this doesn't even really have to do about relationships; I said food is better than sex, not better than a relationship (and to me that's two different things). But to be able to understand my reasoning behind me not liking it, you'd have to know everything about me and my psychological being. And I'd rather not share it, so please just drop it.


To get back on topic, I got up at 5:45 to paint a stupid portrait for school. It looks ugly (mostly because of the style I had to use) and it wouldn't surprise me if the teacher didn't even ask about them.

But now I'm exhausted and not looking forward to a full day of school.

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