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while we are on the topic of breast.


I can't get enough of them. I think I'm addicted.

Luckily my Best friend lets me play with them as much as I want.

Yeah it's a bit strange, but she sure makes my life better ;)


I'm feeling this also. My potential missus let me get jiggy with her jugs last time I saw her.

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edit: oh yes that reminds me, mr.jay are we having this shefs meet or not?

Yesss indeed. I shall bump the thread, unless I was the last poster in which case you should, or something.


You were talking about boobs and then said your two puppies were ill.

lol XD

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Guest Stefkov

I got pissed off at a Sudoku puzzle today so I went through the entire newspaper and drew glasses on everyone's face.

Then watched a Chinese woman who could probably crush a rhino in between her thighs lifted some weights and won gold in olympics.

Pretty productive day.

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i just spoke to my mum. the hanging up yesterday seems ot have been ignored, which is good.


and she seems to be being a bit more sensible in her plans for the future. I doubt any of them will happen though. Plus i'm a bit annoyed that it was a short conversation with a friend of one of her friends, rather than me and my sister trying to talk to her that made her see sense...

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Glad to hear things are getting a bit better Tom :)


Woke up late. Rang up O2 and they sucked. Went to the shop and they sucked. Wondered around trying to find a phone and failed. Went and saw my mom for a bit. Rented Steamboy and Lion King from Blockbusters (50p each :D)


Come home and found 11 potential places to live, so need to ring them up tomorrow and arrange them. Going to try and do it over two days... Also made progress with finding a new phone.


However my day seems to be better than my friends on facebook, one person is "REALLY REALLY ANGRY", another is thinking of quiting work and another is "really fucked off" so in perspective im good.

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Meep, I'm kinda tired. Had another day at work, which was boring at first but then in the last two hours tons of faxes arrived so I was super busy.


Also went to the Pukkelpop festival already to pick up my entry wristband. I have to say I felt realllllllly out of place there. So many young people (my age and younger) in big groups. And there I am, alone. Starting to wonder if it's really such a good idea I'm going alone, heh. But too late now!


Tomorrow will be busier even. Haircut in the morning, then work (though I leave 2 hours earlier), then go to the festival, which will last until at least 2 am (which is when The Killers finish I think). And then going home, sleep, go to work and back to the festival.


And somehow I have to finish this commission before Monday, heh...

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Guest Jordan

A few words can sum up my day:


I played Fifa 2006 and got 5/6 of the achievements. 1 to go after work tomorrow... thats like the fastest i've gotten 1K points.

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Dear Diary.


Writing shit like this is normally reserved for girls, but because it's on the internet and mentions tits it's alright for men.


I went out on the piss today with my old gringo Paul. I went back to the pub I tried out at and found I have work tomorrow night. This displeases me as my Warhammer night is on Thursdays, this means my Marvel Massive which I showed earlier won't be shown in battle for another week. This does mean however I can develop my Sinister Six.


Until then Diary, Excelsior!

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This evening has been good. Had a good talk with my best mate about how our other mates just aren't that cool, but the only reason we hang with them is because they were the closest to the personalites that become our real friends and shit like that.


Good to know I'm not the only person thinking that.

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Guest Stefkov
late-night cereal!


*gets coco pops out of cupboard*

Oh god I am so hungry for some coco pops now. I havn't had them in years.

The way the milk turns brown...it's amazing!

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As I have results tomorrow, I feel I deserve a late-night shower, preluded by some not quite as late-night cereal!


*gets coco pops out of cupboard*




I was going to do the whole shower thing but decided against it in the end. Though I'll never say no to a bowl of late night ceral. :D


man I could go with some CoCo pops eight now. I'm stuck with an empty box of weetabix. I'm so hungry, I could eat the box?


(I'm not going to eat the box. :p)


My day has been great. ^____^ Got up early this morning to catch a bus to meet my sister and nephew and watch Wall-e with them which was just as amazing the second time, then I had macdonalds came home. played so much brawl my eyes are almost bleeding. @_____@ so many awesome games. :grin:


and also Mario Kart which was equally as brilliant!


Results tomorrow.



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I had a pretty decent day. Had 3 hours sleep, and then went to work from 9 til 9, so a 12 hour shift. Piece of piss, I could easily do that again. I guess I'm a sadistic sod, really? I like pushing myself to the limit, to see how far I can go before I crack. Yesterday, I walked to work and back, which takes about 45 minutes in itself, did a 10 hour shift, came home, went to the gym staight away, and didn't go sleep til 4, hence the lack of sleep. Plus, then a 12 hour shift the next day, which is today.


I was quite proud of myself, until my ex-housemate, who I had a fling with, txted me about going to her birthday on Saturday. I told her the truth, which was "sorry, can't, working." So now she's got a face like a smacked arse and apparantly I don't care for her anymore.


To be honest, I kinda wish a giant piano would fall on her head. Like in those Acme/Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner cartoons.


Seriously, she's having a go at me now. What a fucking bitch. I'm sorry for earning a living! I didn't realise the world revolved around your huge arse.

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haha Link, girlies eh? Just switch the phone/msn etc off and leave her to steam, she'll come round if she wants you there that much!


This morning I'm feeling productive, my room is tiny and currently I have two large drawers full of coins (20p and below really) so I asked mum to get me those money bag things, one drawer is still half full and I have 53quid to go in the bank. Awesome.


Impressed, I've always got plans to see batman tomorrow <3 and plans for next week and my parents go away next week also. ^_^!


Oh and good luck to results people today!

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