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I was meant to be in Chepstow today at 1:40pm for a Future Jobs Fund meeting (had to go part of the J/C). Didn't go. I went to catch the 12:40pm bus, which didn't show up until 1:20pm. And then, it got 500 yards up the road before the door started playing up.


Then it stopped at the next stop and wasn't able to go any further (darn bus only moves with the door shut!). It practically broke down, so i called the J/C saying i couldn't make it. So i had a different meeting in order to get some money to purchase some clothes for my interview on Tuesday.


Apart from that, it's been a chilling day in-between everything else. Watched some Two and a Half Men, went on GTA online and listened to some tunes.

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Been getting to grips with charcoal today. Done 10 drawings. Intend to have a count through later but I think I'm around the 80 mark now.


Also tried to Maya. I say try because it kept being a dick. Although I do like these;




Oooh shiny!


Packed my little suitcasey thing for Sheffield :D Its rammajamma, but that's mostly filled with something I have for nightwolf :p


My friend just rung me to see if I was up for anything this weekend (but obviously can't). Apparently he's going to dump his boyfriend. I had to feign surprise. Always fun. It has been about...four weeks. I believe that's a record for him.


And also; why did nobody tell me there's a full length Fireman Sam movie out in the cinemas? :p

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Yeah thanks to ReZ and his stupid status update I also was shocked to know Molly isn't Molly.


I also a few weeks ago found out that she doesn't look like Princess whatever.


And yesterday I found out Ramar is white.


I mean, common people!

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Finally had a day of doing nothing after what seemed like a lifetime of traveling up and down the country visiting people. I really could do without ever seeing a train again during my lifetime. Plus, people that sit on platforms with a flask and a camera? Kill yourselves. Looking forward to seeing Channy tomorrow, and joining Chris and others for a night out in Sheff. Though I intend to bitch-slap Channy when she arrives. She knows why. Then Monday is the start of Uni again, which I'm oddly looking forward too. :)

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so my mam hates me again. bassicly i let my parents know i was going out for a curry tonight after work. got a phone call from my mam at 7.30

mam "where are you?"

me "the pub"


*phone slammed donw*


phoned back

dad "hello?" *mam going mental in back ground

me "what the hell, mam just hung up on me, i let you know i was out 3 days ago"

dad "well we thought you needed pucking up first, you usualy come home before a curry"

me "but i used to finish work much earlier! i thought you'd have realised."

dad "yeah, not to worry"


get home, my mams blanking me.


am i really in the wrong? had i just gone off to the pub and not said, i can understand the anger, but a simple miss comunication?


in outher news im out of debt, YAY!

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so my mam hates me again. bassicly i let my parents know i was going out for a curry tonight after work. got a phone call from my mam at 7.30

mam "where are you?"

me "the pub"


*phone slammed donw*


phoned back

dad "hello?" *mam going mental in back ground

me "what the hell, mam just hung up on me, i let you know i was out 3 days ago"

dad "well we thought you needed pucking up first, you usualy come home before a curry"

me "but i used to finish work much earlier! i thought you'd have realised."

dad "yeah, not to worry"


get home, my mams blanking me.


am i really in the wrong? had i just gone off to the pub and not said, i can understand the anger, but a simple miss comunication?


in outher news im out of debt, YAY!


woopa!!!!!! for bein out of debt!!!!...



... my eyes are blurry and sore

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so my mam hates me again. bassicly i let my parents know i was going out for a curry tonight after work. got a phone call from my mam at 7.30

mam "where are you?"

me "the pub"


*phone slammed donw*


phoned back

dad "hello?" *mam going mental in back ground

me "what the hell, mam just hung up on me, i let you know i was out 3 days ago"

dad "well we thought you needed pucking up first, you usualy come home before a curry"

me "but i used to finish work much earlier! i thought you'd have realised."

dad "yeah, not to worry"


get home, my mams blanking me.


am i really in the wrong? had i just gone off to the pub and not said, i can understand the anger, but a simple miss comunication?


in outher news im out of debt, YAY!


Totally out of order. I'm sure you are raging about it, but i'd say try to just keep calm about it all, don't let it phase you, or mention it, and your mum will calm down. =) I find backing down will gain you more respect in the long run. But don't be a pussy and come crawling back apologising. You did mention it after all.


Yay for being out of debt, high five me lad. :P

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Today I found out that Molly is NOT called Molly. Life is over.


What! Why must she turn this into a house of lies?



Tonight I've been trying to create an excel spreadsheet doing data analysis and price comparisons on wedding venues. (MBAM look at the joy you have to look forward to). However I have got bored and instead started trying to create some sort of game based on chaos theory using excel. Yeah my life really is this exciting.

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What! Why must she turn this into a house of lies?



Tonight I've been trying to create an excel spreadsheet doing data analysis and price comparisons on wedding venues. (MBAM look at the joy you have to look forward to). However I have got bored and instead started trying to create some sort of game based on chaos theory using excel. Yeah my life really is this exciting.


meeeeeeeee why me?


i do the planning... greg worries about how we're going to afford it - i like this situation :P

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I',m home alone for a weekend for the first time fucing ever! Was going to have a party/gatrhering byut my mum guilt-tripped me into not. But might still.


Went out tonight to a friends brother's band's free gig I expected shit, but his brother had a stunning voicve. HOMNESTLY a mx of Axl Rose (mmm) and Juliette Lewis) yes). I was blown from several directions. Drank a lot, having had no dinner helped in my tipsiness, but after the gig, we faffed arpund so much I sobered up (well more than I wanted). Paid for entry ande cloakroom in a club, but ended up ;osing everyone/drama, so ac tually did nothing in said club but try and m,ove through th massess (insanely packed), and then left. Got taxi an d home.


I could go back and spell check, but I can't be arsed, let's all be hones.

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I went to a boring drinks reception which I had to go to (because I'm on the JCR committee). 4 glasses of free champagne made up for it though.


Then went on out to this pub/bar with a dancefloor, met my crew. Then went on onto a club, and I could tell you all about it, but I have not the energy.


They played Revolver by Madonna, which made the night worthwhile.

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I'm feeling the family bullshit Chris. I think my brother has finally sealed his prison fate by missing community service. Again.


He's been warned that if he skips another [without proper reason (there hasn't been one previously)] day he'll be back in court. Goes out Friday night as always. Tells me he's going to one local pub, then another which has kareoke, and will be back early. I finish work at midnight and go round my coworkers flat for takaway pizza and late night roulette. I get home at 2 and brother phones me just before 3 to let him in. Step Dad tells me they heard him come in at 6 too, little fucker must've gone out again. I hear mum telling him to move his arse and his whining to stay in bed.

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