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My friend does a digital media course which includes things like web design, adobe software stuff, filming, bit of everything. I can imagine its similar.


She found its helped her define what she wants to persue in her career, but a friend of mine does multimedia and has found it to be the biggest waste of his time (partly because our university is a piece of shit.)


Having a language is a great start, alot of jobs I'm looking at find languages a massive bonus!


I don't think I know one course that gets to sit and watch movies/adverts all day and finds it enjoyable, you have to analyse them so much it becomes awful!

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This would be when a decent memory gland would be handy as I did do A-level media. I think it was more basic (a lot more basic). Just learning about theories/ideas/techniques/whatever rather than really thinking about it. This may be of help. Its a decent enough subject at A-level, but personally I find digging in deep more interesting but obviously thats university level.


As for adult learner, I know anyone over 21 is classed as a mature learner in Uni. I'm guessing if they say 14-19 than anyone over that is a mature learner. But I know you can do them, I've met a few people who did college courses prior to coming to uni and certainly were over 19. But there can be a clear theory/practical divide so check to see exactly what it is they offer.


In completely random news my dreams as of late have been odd;


Saturday - I was a serial killer

Sunday - I had a lot of pets I was trying to clean all at once

Monday - Someone gave birth to an alive-again baby that looked like Charles Charles did in Pushing Daises (decomposed body slightly covered by bandages)

Tuesday - Someone I used to know accused me of somehow causing her break up; got so angry that she had a heart attack

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Todays comedy highlights:


Wendy the customer services lady: "I've had a request from a lady. Her daughter has shaved off part of her eyebrows and would like them photoshopped back in. Who wants to touch up this little girl?"

*Childish sniggering, escalating to full blown, riotous laughter*

*Exit Wendy*



This one is only funny if you understand the type of person the owner of the company is. She is quite a posh, modern lady. Nice enough, but probably spends her weekends polishing her horses with a cravat made of caviar. And the horses are probably named after art galleries. Well, she sent around an email about the works Christmas do:


Owners email: "I would like to apologise for the typo in the works do Email. It was not supposed to read Christmas Party, rather End of Term Party."

My Boss' reply "I am not coming as "End of Term" is not in the Quran"

Owners reply: "Ok, but no backpacks at work"

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Ashley; so I've been (will have been) a mature student for, like, half of my degree?! I thought a mature student was generally 23+?


Villan? how much have you researched into this? A specific college where you want to go, or whatever? Have you been there? Questioned staff? Current pupils? Talk to eddage, he's recently gone back into education (and as you can tell from his generally low attendance rate to this here forum, is extreeeemely busy with it), and it's well worth knowing everything you can.

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Guest Stefkov
Gears of War 2 on insane... well we seem to get through about 3 checkpoints each time we give it a go. Currently Carmine is running off and getting killed. Very annoying.

When has Carmine never been killed? Ok, once before, but still. His brother shared the same fate so maybe the third Carmine, which is inevitable cos there will be a Gears 3, might consider taking a safer route.

I've applied for a 'Japanese for Beginners' course that I saw earlier in the year (but I should tell them I'm not a complete beginner; I know Hiragana and Katakana!).

Just want to say that the beginner course won't just be learning the scripts. It'll be learning sentence structure and grammar, etc. I did a beginner class last year and learned quite a bit


My day consisted of going to the jobcentre, sitting down for a few minutes and then leaving.

Bought some milk, went back to the flat and had Coco Pops for brunch.

Oh yes.

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Villan? how much have you researched into this? A specific college where you want to go, or whatever? Have you been there? Questioned staff? Current pupils? Talk to eddage, he's recently gone back into education (and as you can tell from his generally low attendance rate to this here forum, is extreeeemely busy with it), and it's well worth knowing everything you can.


I'll just be honest: I haven't researched anything into this just yet. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. Of course I'll be doing some research into it.


As for colleges. Hmm. A couple of colleges - including my nearest one in Sutton Coldfield - have merged to create a form of super-college called Birmingham Metropolitan College. That looks like to be the one.

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Carmine is the saviour of Gears 2. I rememeber countless occasions where me and Shorty are shouting at the screen for Carmine to Do His Thing and revive us. But this one section (underground, after you've met the worms... er... can't describe it) he just runs down the slope and gets killed too close to the enemies for us to save him (on insane!!).


Villan; then continue to stew on the thoughts for a bit. Don't rush - you're only 20. You have at least a couple of years before you need to panic about anything.


You lazy, jobless good-for-nothing, you.

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I am still rather young, and I am still rather sexy, but I'm now thinking I'd best start doing something with my life.

Since school, I've done nothing. Plus it took me 2 1/2 years before I started job hunting.


I was doing NUFFINK, now I think I should start doing SUMFINK.


You lazy, jobless good-for-nothing, you.


That's me. Since 1989. :hehe:

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i forgot to bring my painkillers and antibiotics to work... so i've gone comlpetely fucking insain. i think i'm holding it in pretty well but EVERYTHING is pissing me off so much i could SCREAM. like the people around me needing to give a running commentary of whatever the fuck they're doing in the game?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!!!



...does this mean i'm addicted to painkillers?? or am i just in a coincidentally shit mood?

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i forgot to bring my painkillers and antibiotics to work... so i've gone comlpetely fucking insain. i think i'm holding it in pretty well but EVERYTHING is pissing me off so much i could SCREAM. like the people around me needing to give a running commentary of whatever the fuck they're doing in the game?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!!!



...does this mean i'm addicted to painkillers?? or am i just in a coincidentally shit mood?


Cheer up chuck! If you're ill, then you need your meds and the fact you're feeling crap without them is understandable. Can't you nip home on lunch and grab them?


EDIT - *Checks time of post.* Fail.

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The NHS are bullshitting me this time.


I normally have a form [called HC2], which - because I don't earn enough - entitles me to free meds [and free dental and optician shizzle too on the side, but the main thing is the meds]. This needs to be renewed every year. This time though after asking for a shitload of payslips [they don't normally ask for this much], they send me a HC3 form. This doesn't entitle me to free meds, merely gives me discount on other things, which I really don't care about. I'm going to have to cut down my meds if they end up costing too much.

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:( whats wrong :(


youve put me in the mood for battenburg! (lovely stuff!)


Would be nice to have some (combined with your lovely company would make it even better too :) ).


I dunno, not sure if I should go into specifics on such a public medium. It's rather tricky to explain...plus I'm not sure if bringing the mood down is good.

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Would be nice to have some (combined with your lovely company would make it even better too :) ).


I dunno, not sure if I should go into specifics on such a public medium. It's rather tricky to explain...plus I'm not sure if bringing the mood down is good.


no worries =)


in other things.... 1,000 words of my 3,000 word essay is done! and i think it makes sense

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video games live was EPIC.


seriosuly, great atmosphere, everyone was sharing childhood memories and a love of gaming.


there was so much to talk about there, i'll just say, when one winged angel started up, the crowd went wild.


mini adventure heading home, broke down in a McD's car part, some couple kept flishing lights at us, and hanging around, after 10 mins we realised there were doging! it was rather funny, they really wanted us to join by the looks of things. when the rescue van turned up, they were gone like a shot. the mechanic laughed heartily, though sadly didnt slap his thigh.

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The NHS are bullshitting me this time.


I normally have a form [called HC2], which - because I don't earn enough - entitles me to free meds [and free dental and optician shizzle too on the side, but the main thing is the meds]. This needs to be renewed every year. This time though after asking for a shitload of payslips [they don't normally ask for this much], they send me a HC3 form. This doesn't entitle me to free meds, merely gives me discount on other things, which I really don't care about. I'm going to have to cut down my meds if they end up costing too much.


I thought being epileptic entitled you to free meds?


(or you could cut down on alcohol which causes your problem in the first place? no?)

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