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Well seeing as I honestly couldn't care less anymore about her, I thought it'd be fun to just change it. So I linked the URL to www.n-europe.com/forum - which she really hates, what with the drama she went through on here. It'll take a day or two for the link change to reflect, though. Mind you, I could have linked the URL to things far worse, so she should consider herself lucky. :p


Bahahahahahahahaha. That is brilliant. Kudos sir.

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Yeah. She really was such a horrible bitch, looking back. Such a selfish girl who was always losing her temper over anything and everything. Hence why she has been banned or flamed to hell on more forums than I can remember. I am so unbelievably thankful to be out of that relationship with her.


When I consider where I am now, it would be completely laughable to entertain the thought of a future with her. :p

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Had another good 'ole day. Buying a relatively inexpensive box of chocolates went down a real treat, and watching episodes of Peep Show (series 1, she's never seen it) today was a great laugh.


In other news, some of you remember dynastygal (who wouldn't) - she has run a forum for ages that is reasonably popular called PSRV. I've always owned the URL that forwards to her website (I bought it for her way back when) - basically the URL people type (http://www.psrv.co.uk) links to her proboards forum.


Well seeing as I honestly couldn't care less anymore about her, I thought it'd be fun to just change it. So I linked the URL to http://www.n-europe.com/forum - which she really hates, what with the drama she went through on here. It'll take a day or two for the link change to reflect, though. Mind you, I could have linked the URL to things far worse, so she should consider herself lucky. :p




Oooh....they have a Facebook page.....

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Good times.


Yesterday had my programming class, the tutor is pretty awesome, has us doing blindfold programming, basically that whole guiding someone around a room and such, he's making sure the lot of us understanding programming and seems really passionate, alot of my tutors seem awesome this year.


Went to pub yesterday with some guys from class, they basically welcomed me with open arms recently after feeling crap about home stuff and whatnot and regularly ask me to hang out (which gives me that warm fuzzy feeling) anyway made a new friend - scott, he seems lovely, so now I play l4d with chris and scott, although the connection was being weird last night!


Bought some train tickets to see petey in bournemouth and generally much love is coming from my side of sheffield <3

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My day today is so far just work.


But I'm off to see the new Ricky Gervais movie and then do some food shopping. After that I'll be home and wrap up some modelling while having a pizza. That's good no?


Also, I really can't wait for these two assignments to be handed in, so I can get into a better routine for different modules.

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A lazy day of nothing for me. Parents have gone off to another cat show this weekend with one of the cats so I have the house to myself. It's nice but it's starting to annoy me greatly that they can just go off willy-nilly.


Had to hang around the house as I was waiting for a package to be delivered and eventually it came. Post around here is really bad though. Got the mail yesterday at 4pm which is just ridiculous.


Have to spend all weekend writing essays but I reckon I should be able to get them out of the way quickly tomorrow to free up some of my weekend. Not that I'll be doing much if I get any free time.

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Just about to go in and vote on lisbon... I don;t know what to vote. any other irish members here?


If your still there, I say Vote No, the very fact that we are being made to vote again of the very same thing we rejected already is a mockery of democracy, and the so called "gaurantees" the government say they got are worthless unless written into the treaty itself which they have not been.

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Pretty okay day. No school so I got to sleep until noon, yay!


Been working on a project for a bit, finished some stuff. I've worked over 50 hours on it already, and they said I'd get paid €10 per hour, so whooo! Though I haven't seen any of this money yet. =P


I need to send some big files to someone though. Does anyone know how YouSendIt works? Do I just put in their email address, or do they need to have an account with the site as well?




Also, Desperate Housewives season 5 finally starts here tonight, whooo! And dad is currently making cupcakes, double whooo! =D

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Just about to go in and vote on lisbon... I don;t know what to vote. any other irish members here?


Vote yes!


The EU has given Ireland so much, it's time you started giving something back...


To be honest, it really shouldn't be in the hands of the common people to decide such a thing - such a complex document should be studied by those who are trained and experienced in economics, politics, diplomacy and the like, and they should advise the parliament which the best course of action should be.

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The missus and I went to the Mecca bingo for their late night session, didn't win. Went to a bar afterwards for some beverages. Then apparently kept the rest of the family up whilst we were having the sex. My brother even took his pillow/blanket downstairs.


All in all, not a bad day.

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The missus and I went to the Mecca bingo for their late night session, didn't win. Went to a bar afterwards for some beverages. Then apparently kept the rest of the family up whilst we were having the sex. My brother even took his pillow/blanket downstairs.


All in all, not a bad day.


How many thrusts per minute did you do?



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To be honest, it really shouldn't be in the hands of the common people to decide such a thing - such a complex document should be studied by those who are trained and experienced in economics, politics, diplomacy and the like, and they should advise the parliament which the best course of action should be.


I agree, the people are stupid and I go one step further: All power should be given to one person.

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