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Just did an assignment for Thursday and was satisfied with myself ... until I noticed that an up-until-now undated assignment had been dated for the day after tomorrow. I really hope it's a mistake, as I know I'll have a lot of regular homework tomorrow, and it seems weird it's already for Tuesday.


Today has been a great day! :grin:


I didn't have to go into work! :yay: I was at my friends where we we watched Secutary and played Trials HD on the Xbox. fun times. :)


Other than that Simian Mobile Disco just made it better and my dinner was bacon, Sausage, Chips, Runny Boiled egg and some toast.


It left me as stunned as Michael Johnson was in the studio. Couldn't believe he smashed it by that much. And he thinks he can get down to 9.4. Incredible.


Apart from that utterly stunning display of speed, today has been rather laid back, slightly demure if I do say so. Shoulders and just the muscles in general around that area are stiff/tense. Need a massage or something to ease the pain a little.


I kept loosing track of the time even though I wasn't doing anything. Wasn't going to go out but when I found out it was 2 hours earlier than expected (shows how prolonged the day has felt to me) I just went for a wander around the town for a bit. Haven't done much other than that. Bit of Wii Sports Resort on the TV in the living room after my smack to the top of mine resulted in it opting to never turn on again. Wasn't working anyway and parents know this so just have to wait till they come back from wherever they are and see about a new TV.


ok, so, somthing rather odd happened last night.


ive got a mate at work, hes an odd guy, but thats what i like about him, totaly comfortable to be himself, even if outhers dont understand.


any way, i was chatting with him, he says how hes not been in alot of relationships, mentions a girl a few years back, and a guy more recently. quickly dropping in "but that dosent make me bi" now, call me old fasioned, but dosent that make you bi?


im also very confused in my love life. i like a girl, but ive no idea why. we arnt well matched, i dont really stand a chance and im stupid to try it. what am i doing?


Went on a little Road Trip today, and got a new Laptop WOHOO, much better than the old one, 4gig of RAM so should have no problems with slow down, just gotta install everything and move over all my files from the old one which I'll clean up and re-format and give to Joy so she can use

ok, so, somthing rather odd happened last night.


ive got a mate at work, hes an odd guy, but thats what i like about him, totaly comfortable to be himself, even if outhers dont understand.


any way, i was chatting with him, he says how hes not been in alot of relationships, mentions a girl a few years back, and a guy more recently. quickly dropping in "but that dosent make me bi" now, call me old fasioned, but dosent that make you bi?


im also very confused in my love life. i like a girl, but ive no idea why. we arnt well matched, i dont really stand a chance and im stupid to try it. what am i doing?

Newsflash to the dude: What he says is the definition of bisexuality. Unless he was never actually attracted to one of the persons mentioned.

Good luck Daft!


Thank you my friend!


What happened to square?


I worked there for a year. Half of that while at university. Enough is enough. I want varied experience. (Plus, the pay is better. :heh: )


My job tomorrow, I'm doing a jacker cover for a book for Dorling Kindersley and then when I get back from Cairo and before university, hopefully, I'll be shadowing a barrister.

Boooring day. Crappy family gathering and not much else.


When does District 9 come out over here? Wiki has it as August 13th, but my local cinema doesn't even have it down as "coming soon", never mind released.


Sept. 4.


That was what happened to me yesterday, too (check the movie thread for my disappointment).


Today has consisted of playing a bit of Wario Land: The Shake Dimension, working a bit on a project, playing frisbee, watching 300 and lots and lots of hugs and huggles and snuggles and whatnot. ^_____^


Tomorrow will probably consist of trying to figure out what to pack for Paris, and what we actually want to try and see there. Whooooo Paris! Whoooo Disney! =D

Sept. 4.


That was what happened to me yesterday, too (check the movie thread for my disappointment).




I think I shall go see the new Tarantino instead.


Nine point five eight.


That's all I can say.


Thing is he still doesn't look like he's peaked. It's coming down more in the next few years, and then staying for a long time.


Hey guys. I had a pretty good day today!

I made my first youtube video for my channel :D Hopefully I will get some views *fingers crossed*


I'm sorry for advertising my video but I am really proud of it and I would like others to watch it and rate it. Basically, it's just a silly video I made about when I was minding some cats for my relatives and I wanted to make a funny video out of it.


I hope it will make you smile :) Don't be too harsh if it isn't good, its my first one ;) I might make more blog-y videos in the future if I have the right public.


Thanks!! :D here it is ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8uJc-EckqI


I hope you like it.

Five N-E Birthdays today, and WTF (that... Who The Fuck, this time) to all of them?!


I think Locky was mostly active in the Bargain boards (me noticing his user title there...), and Schpickles is an old C-E member who I'm pretty sure got married and stuff. He is also an Aston Villa fan like myself. :geek:


Dunno about the others. ::shrug:

I think Locky was mostly active in the Bargain boards (me noticing his user title there...), and Schpickles is an old C-E member who I'm pretty sure got married and stuff. He is also an Aston Villa fan like myself. :geek:


Dunno about the others. ::shrug:

I thought Locky was a girl.


This morning my stomach was reet bad. Decided I couldn't work, so I went back to bed and then got up at about 1 ish. Then I sat around all day doing nothing whilst I writhed in pain. Only a few hours ago the pain finally stopped allowing me to be able to watch a film to pass the time.

After watching the film I thought about how you can bring out the best in yourself. I don't think you can try everything, you won't have enough time, you might not have that sort of thing in your area and with strings of failures you would grow tired of trying so many things if you didn't find anything you were good at after what you had done. I know I'm not good at anything I've tried up to now, so how do I know what I can be good at? Rambling no one will read.

I thought Locky was a girl.


::shrug: I don't actually know either. You just always tend to put them as 'he/him/his/he's' because it's much more likely. Unless it's too obvious.

Hey guys. I had a pretty good day today!

I made my first youtube video for my channel :D Hopefully I will get some views *fingers crossed*


I'm sorry for advertising my video but I am really proud of it and I would like others to watch it and rate it. Basically, it's just a silly video I made about when I was minding some cats for my relatives and I wanted to make a funny video out of it.


I hope it will make you smile :) Don't be too harsh if it isn't good, its my first one ;) I might make more blog-y videos in the future if I have the right public.


Thanks!! :D here it is ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8uJc-EckqI


I hope you like it.


Good choice of music my friend! I like how at the beginning, you've got the cats sort of strutting along to the music!


Got sod all sleep last night. Got into bed at half 11 and never fell asleep. So I'm tired and sore as a result. Me thinks I'm going to go out, don't know where, just to pass the time otherwise I'll die of boredom at home.


Kind of owned a customer at work. It's great knowing I'm leaving, because I can be as rude/cocky as I want. Although I'm not either really.


Guy comes up and asks if he can pay with a £50. I say yes, but I have to chuck it straight into the vault thing so it can check it's real. It accepts it and once it's in there, there's no getting it back. I think he took a bit of offence at me checking, but I have to, someone got fired for accepting a fake £50 before. So it works and I get his change, but we only have coins. I can see why someone could get a bit annoyed, but he's a miserable twat at the best of times and there was still no need to swear at me. The conversation went roughly like this:


"I don't want any coins"

"We don't have anything else I'm afraid"

"Fucks sake. If I'd have known I'd have paid by card. Why didn't you fucking tell me?"

"Because I can't see through the metal lid of the till" *Points to till lid*


I consider that a victory for logic. Granted I could have remembered from last time I looked in the till, but I probably use the till twice an hour at most at night so it's easy to forget.


I offered to put the coins into bags for him to make it easier and he said something like "Hurry up before I get angry". I then kept imagining him hulking out. Which probably didn't help since I had to hold back the laughter. I spent the rest of the night smug that I finally argued back for a change. The prick.

Kind of owned a customer at work. It's great knowing I'm leaving, because I can be as rude/cocky as I want. Although I'm not either really.


Guy comes up and asks if he can pay with a £50. I say yes, but I have to chuck it straight into the vault thing so it can check it's real. It accepts it and once it's in there, there's no getting it back. I think he took a bit of offence at me checking, but I have to, someone got fired for accepting a fake £50 before. So it works and I get his change, but we only have coins. I can see why someone could get a bit annoyed, but he's a miserable twat at the best of times and there was still no need to swear at me. The conversation went roughly like this:


"I don't want any coins"

"We don't have anything else I'm afraid"

"Fucks sake. If I'd have known I'd have paid by card. Why didn't you fucking tell me?"

"Because I can't see through the metal lid of the till" *Points to till lid*


I consider that a victory for logic. Granted I could have remembered from last time I looked in the till, but I probably use the till twice an hour at most at night so it's easy to forget.


I offered to put the coins into bags for him to make it easier and he said something like "Hurry up before I get angry". I then kept imagining him hulking out. Which probably didn't help since I had to hold back the laughter. I spent the rest of the night smug that I finally argued back for a change. The prick.

How much was the item? Please let it be £1!
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