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Tie it with giant spiders and you've got my worse nightmare.


I'd say giant spiders would be pretty harmless on ice. What with the 8 (admittedly giant) legs, they would be slipping everywhere.




I'm aware I wasn't supposed to try to rationalise that statement.

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I made a snowman :)

Then his head fell off :( (in an extreme sports accident)


Here are some key pictures of his life.



Mr Snowman (pre loss of head)


Mr Snowman (post loss of head)


Mr Snowman's head lying broken in the snow.


An artist's impression of what Mr Snowman would have look like if he was black.


As you can see Mr snowman loved his food, unfortunately it all went to his thighs.

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No snow here, thankfully as it doesn't go well with 30 miles of commuting each day. Some at the weekend would be ice though.


I had a good day! I got some nice shampoo and my scalp is already feeling so much better. I know thats pretty lame, but I have been using a shampoo for a couple of months now that really hasn;t agreeg with me so my hair and scalp have been 'orrible. Finally rmebeered to replace it.


On the downside, I managed to smash 2 glasses and a bowl AND pull a muscle in my calf while I was feeding my hamster... serves me right for being too lazy to put my used dishes in the kitchen rather than leave them on the floor.

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I've had an alright day, I've been wondering around Cambridge for most of it. It's been bluddy cold all day, but I bought some awesome stuff. :)


Went round an old mates house, and come to the conclusion that I'm getting another two dogs, ones only got one eye and the other stares at you like the demon headmaster (both tiny 8 year old jack russels).

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man, it weighs in at a whopping 71 pages long. I say this to scare Shorty, and also to point out that I have to send this PLUS my Novel folder, which will probably be 'bout 40 pages in the post... aaaaah fecking weight and size = bye bye money.

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I've had an alright day, I've been wondering around Cambridge for most of it. It's been bluddy cold all day, but I bought some awesome stuff. :)

Cool, where'd you go?


And that reminds me, I'll be going back at the end of next week... got to get some revision done before then.

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Been okay. Work was average. Although manager is ill so he went upstairs and ended up sleeping for a few hours. I get the feeling im going to end up running tomorrow. But there was minimal troubles (only one guy to best of my memory who when I told him that he couldn't return COD4 as it was open like it states on the receipt just said "BOLLOCKS!" and walked away (side note, why is it people seem to think you can play games and return them for money, you can't do that for CDs, DVDs, clothes etc).


Anyway. I then trecked half a mile to a mile (not sure exact distance) across town in the pouring rain and heavy wind with a huge bag with my new DVD player in and got soaked. Got home and set up the DVD player and put Chuck on so I was then happy. Done some uni work which was a chore and now, oddly enough, listening to Christmas music.


Oh and I found out Dick is engaged. I have no idea what she sees in him. It will be lols if he asked me to be best man, as I have nothing good to say about him.

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I made a snowman :)

Then his head fell off :( (in an extreme sports accident)


Here are some key pictures of his life.



Mr Snowman (pre loss of head)


Mr Snowman (post loss of head)


Mr Snowman's head lying broken in the snow.


An artist's impression of what Mr Snowman would have look like if he was black.


As you can see Mr snowman loved his food, unfortunately it all went to his thighs.


Poor snowman. :sad:


My day was alright.

Talked to Tellyn and Coolness Bears on msn and found a magot on my left hand.

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We had like an awesome load of snow falling for a while, but it didn't really settle, then the rain came :(




it was not awesome

it was so not awesome i had to give up my day to go into work to cover like 3 poeple who were snowed in :S


and the deputy manager had to do a 12 hour shift because someone snowed in and she had to cover them


oh! our deputy manager in game is called Ashley (quite ironic that ashley is now acting deputy in his game :P) cept shes a girl..hmm..doesnt seem quite as fun

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it was not awesome

it was so not awesome i had to give up my day to go into work to cover like 3 poeple who were snowed in :S


and the deputy manager had to do a 12 hour shift because someone snowed in and she had to cover them


oh! our deputy manager in game is called Ashley (quite ironic that ashley is now acting deputy in his game :P) cept shes a girl..hmm..doesnt seem quite as fun


being a girl doesnt sound as fun?


i would love it if we were snowed in, as it would mean both me and the manager wouldn't be able to turn up and thus the shop would be shut :D

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being a girl doesnt sound as fun?


i would love it if we were snowed in, as it would mean both me and the manager wouldn't be able to turn up and thus the shop would be shut :D



no i means she doesnt seem quite as fun


she seems quite bored and cross :(. .. i think it was the people she was working with tho


they seemed quite stupid

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My day has started rubbish.


Had to say Goodbye to my girlfriend as she has gone back to Uni today in Devon :( We have spent like nearly everyday together for the past 6 months so the next 6 months are going to be very hard indeed :s

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Alright so far, woke up by my little cousin at 20 past 10. Had breakfast, stepmum picked me up from my gran's. Came to dad's, watched 24, trying to decide if i'm going out today.


And this is post #10,000

Making me the 5th person to hit 10,000 posts.

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And this is post #10,000

Making me the 5th person to hit 10,000 posts.


Jesus, you have to be shitting me.


And I thought I had some sort of obsession with this place. I'm on a respectable 5,799. I guess it's probably cause most of my posts are pretty long.

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Alright so far, woke up by my little cousin at 20 past 10. Had breakfast, stepmum picked me up from my gran's. Came to dad's, watched 24, trying to decide if i'm going out today.


And this is post #10,000

Making me the 5th person to hit 10,000 posts.


Congratulations Ash.



Jesus, you have to be shitting me.


And I thought I had some sort of obsession with this place. I'm on a respectable 5,799. I guess it's probably cause most of my posts are pretty long.


Mine is: Total Posts: 7,632 (9.07 posts per day).


The Most Posts Users:


  • Jordan Total Posts: 11,701 (13.79 posts per day)
  • Ashley Total Posts: 11,211 (13.19 posts per day)
  • Stefkov Total Posts: 10,992 (13.07 posts per day)
  • Fierce_LiNk Total Posts: 10,292 (12.03 posts per day)

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I blame my internetless month for Jordan taking the lead. I was still the first 10ker though :p


Anyway. Pissing contests aside. Today was alright. One of those mornings where you keep saying "I'll get out of bed in five minutes". Work wasn't too bad. Spent half an hour popping music onto the manager's laptop. Then watched Chuck during my lunch but got called down to sort out some gift card problem that took ages so I ended up having 2+ hours on my lunch because I couldn't be bothered to go back down.


Got some bargains (Pokemon Battle Revolution and RE4 for £24) too. Always good. Just gotta do assignment work now which is a bit naff.

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I have been revising for most of the day.... :)


I really want to do well In My A Level mock exams considering in My GCSE Mocks i didn't do well!


I have also been playing a it of Guitar Hero 3 and now i'm relaxing on my bed with my book i got for christmas while listening to my music that i also got for christmas! :D


I don't want to go back to school on Tueday! :blank:

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