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Today was more interesting than most if nothing else.


Went for my "interview". The emails I got from the bossman seemed pretty informal, but luckily I treated it as a proper interview. 5 minutes before I was meant to leave, the dog decided to throw a wobbly and start shaking and feeling sorry for himself. That made me a bit late. There was roadworks on the way there too, so that made me even later. Apparently the bossman doesn't like people being late at all. Not a good start. I did explain to him about the dog, the traffic lights and he seemed to be a bit understading about me working nights as well.


Long story short, apart from the lateness (about 5 mins by my reckoning), I did pretty good and have to go back Friday for a few hours as a sort of trial. He's also a fan of Volkwagens, like me and particularly likes Sciroccos (I own one, bonus). He did describe me as "geeky" as well.


So came home, dog was still being wonky. So took him to the vets and we left him there to get his stomach X rayed, since he has a habit of swallowing anything and everything (honest to God, he once swallowed a golf ball). Hopefully he'll be fine, they're ringing us later.


I'm off to watch the greatest band ever later, Hayseed Dixie. Should be mega-turbo-mecha-awesome.

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Rargh I think I may change postgrad courses to something more practical (and ie more likely to take me somewhere...hopefully) but they want an academic reference. Chances my personal tutor will even check her emails during the summer? Shame I can't really use the one whose on facebook.


But on the bright side applied for what sounds like an interesting job (photographic studio assistant/odd hand) so touch wood something will come from it. At least they say if you hear nothing in three days then its been unsuccessful so at least I'll know by the end of the week.

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Communicating through a third party is always bad. Keep me updated if you like ;)


Well apparently the text might have been an old one since she just got her phone back after being on holiday for a few weeks. Great. I thought the text might have been because of how I was acting on Sunday, which was a bit out of it, I was inexplicably tired.


People should just mind their own f*cking business sometimes. I might be being a bit overly paranoid at the moment. She meant well though so I'm not that angry...just slightly annoyed. ::shrug:

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FFS. I bought a replacement key for my laptop on ebay and NOW they tell me they don't have my specific one in stock even though they don't say it mght be an issue on the description. They are called keyholesurgery so I assumed it meant they had loads. I doubt they are going to be willing to send me a refund or anything either. Dicks.

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Extremely boring day today, just sat around browsing the net, watching dvds then tidying up a bit. Theres absolutely nothing to do here!


Tomorrow should be better, meeting Goafer and a friend in town for some breakfast and then we are gonna wander around town, might pick up some trades and see if I can find some DS games cheap.

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University staff don't have the same holidays that students do - they're supposed to do research all year round. Unless you went to a weird uni.

Odwin speaks the truth.


Hmm, a slightly irritating day in general really. First I found that a train strike means I'll be seeing my girlfriend a day later than I was going to, then I had my hair cut and it was cut slightly too short for my liking (and took ages, with awkward conversation...). Now I'm supposed to be meeting a friend this evening, but I'm waiting on him to tell me what's happening. And I'm generally pretty tired.


So nothing all that bad, but a collection of stuff to grumble about.

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Well from my experience, as soon as 4.00pm on a friday rolls around, you won't hear ANYTHING from ANY tutor until monday morning at the earliest; and more often than not for me I don't get a reply till I go and see them. I've never had one reply to be over a weekend, so I'd imagine them to be extremely relaxed about checking emails over the summer.


Ash, have you done any photography courses/classes in the past, or is it just a hobby you'd like to take further.


As much as I'd like to pursue a photograohy career I'd have no idea where to get a break because there are people who've studied it for years through school... uni... work experience... and I always imagine I'd be going in with next to nothing compared to them.


Though I know I've got a good eye for it and can take some crackin pics.

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For fucks sake. I was supposed to be going to watch Hayseed Dixie tonight with some friends, but the ones who were going have bitched out and the ones who were a maybe have made other plans. They always do this. I invite them on Facebook, they say maybe, then completely forget about it. I booked a night off work to go, now I just have to sit at home doing fuck all.


I'm getting pretty sick of the lot of them to be honest. The meet made me remember what it was like to spend time with a group of people I actually like and has made the lot of them twats by comparison.


At least tomorrow I get to spend time with the friends I have left that I actually like.


Looks like an evening of Pokemanz.

Edited by Goafer
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Well from my experience, as soon as 4.00pm on a friday rolls around, you won't hear ANYTHING from ANY tutor until monday morning at the earliest; and more often than not for me I don't get a reply till I go and see them. I've never had one reply to be over a weekend, so I'd imagine them to be extremely relaxed about checking emails over the summer.


Ash, have you done any photography courses/classes in the past, or is it just a hobby you'd like to take further.


As much as I'd like to pursue a photograohy career I'd have no idea where to get a break because there are people who've studied it for years through school... uni... work experience... and I always imagine I'd be going in with next to nothing compared to them.


Though I know I've got a good eye for it and can take some crackin pics.


Mhm I'll email her tomorrow and hopefully if she isn't there she'll at least have an out-of-office auto reply to let me know. If not I'll just have to put a note on the form saying "I have contacted my referee but its summer yo, she be sunbathing or some shit." Those exact words of course.


I'm not a professional, but I have been paid to do photography (people I know) and have worked alongside a professional wedding photographer. I was speaking to young Daniel earlier and mentioned I like photography, but to pursue it as a career...hmm. I'd love to do those bizarre glamour shoots where people were bunny heads and are dressed in bikinis or stuff like that but the majority of photographers end up in weddings (my friend said she was asked her photographer friend what he does and he responded with "what I do, or what I want to do?" which I think sums it up nicely). Most people slump back into wedding photography and while I didn't mind it its not something I'm particularly thrilled about.


I think at the end of the day experience is everything. I think university courses will only really supply certain things; opportunities to practice, potentially professionals to speak to (depends on where you go obviously) and industry conacts.


This is the course I was talking about earlier. It seems nice and rounded. Done the application form, just need to do the personal statement now.


And in completely unrelated news Ben and Jerrys and (free) red wine :D!

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Got up at around 1, and just as I was about to head to the Orange shop I got a phone call to see if I was free to do some work. 20 quid in pocket, but it was some hard work.

I feel good though, you meet some really nice people doing that job, and you have the knowledge you've helped someone out. It's a self satisfying job. Counter weighting the goodness is all the heavy bloody lifting.

Washing machines are now the bane of my life. Frickin piece of concrete in that bitch.

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For fucks sake. I was supposed to be going to watch Hayseed Dixie tonight with some friends, but the ones who were going have bitched out and the ones who were a maybe have made other plans. They always do this. I invite them on Facebook, they say maybe, then completely forget about it. I booked a night off work to go, now I just have to sit at home doing fuck all.


I'm getting pretty sick of the lot of them to be honest. The meet made me remember what it was like to spend time with a group of people I actually like and has made the lot of them twats by comparison.


At least tomorrow I get to spend time with the friends I have left that I actually like.


Looks like an evening of Pokemanz.


I know exactly how you feel mate, you know, seeing as it's how I feel tooooooo! :heh:


When I saw them on Sunday night though (well only two of them and one of those is kinda new so I can actually act like my self around her, not the stupid person i think my older friends expect me to be) it was awesomes, but I think that was cause I was still on a high from the meet. I think everyone from N-E should just buy a massive house that we can all move into, we could turn it into a reality TV show and make a mint at the same time! :heh:


Anyways, just got back from football training, didn't even break a sweat. The so called fitness training is a piece of piss. Whilst there's a couple of guys who run marathons so could out run me, in general fitness (push-ups, situ-ups, etc) I could run rings around them all!

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People should just mind their own f*cking business sometimes. I might be being a bit overly paranoid at the moment. She meant well though so I'm not that angry...just slightly annoyed. ::shrug: [/color]


How right you are...people shoud mind their own business. But good to hear it's all relatively ok now.

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i have the job! start at 8 am tommorow, thankfully i can get a lift. got a mate joining to, he was emnt to text me some details to help find it, hope he does so he can get in on that lift!


Congrats Chris! hope it goes well for you! :D

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