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Posted (edited)
Made a short, new video featuring yours truly. It can be found in the usual spot.


I thought I was subscribed to you, but I'm not. Can you hit me with the link.


Been bogged down with uni work and the like recently so very little chance to get on here unfortunately :( I miss ye all!


We miss you too.


It costs 800 Microsoft Points, aye.


Theres a DS version in America. I want it. :( May resort to importing if I can find it on the cheap. Started Etrian last night...my first actual dungeon type game and its pretty sweet.


Also....Oh yes bitches. Oh yes indeed. Ghet.











Not content with having just Jason Howard comment on my models, I just had some of my Invincible models commented on by the designer. So....that kinda rules REALLY hard, considering its my favourite comic and artist.





And as if this day wasn't good enough, I have caught wind that the Indigo and Orange Lantern Corps t-shirts are in this week. So....that rules.


Except my friend blew me off tonight. But thats fine....I have other stuff I can do.





Edited by ReZourceman

Yesterday - went to uni to drink and be merry (and listen to drunk girls 'sing' >_<) on the grass and celebrate the end of dissertations. Went to Nandos. Came back and rested a bit. Went back to uni bar which was crap. Full of knobs including some tossers from Shipwrecked that I never saw anywhere but paid £6 just so I could get in because they were there.


Then went to town and average night out, just more people. I enjoyed it, in spite of the god awful music, but am glad it will be my last night out in this town. Then my housemate kept arguing with her boyfriend while I was left to stand there until eventually she darted off so I followed and we got a taxi and she got really upset and then we spent an hour talking (we meaning her).


Today: About two hours sleep. Essentially a nap. But I'm bright eyed and bushy haired and went to my 'lecture'...in which we watched South Park, Curb Your Enthusiasm and Drawn Together. And that, boys and girls, is how I concluded my undergraduate course.


Now I need to decide what to do for five months...so far I have tided the front room. I want to make food but its all in the sink and only two plates are mine. I refuse to wash it, just wishing they weren't in such a stupor that they could go clean them up. Ah well.


Wow. Again astounded by the "friend" of ours behaviour.


He asked told me to go across the road to the other building to get him a sandwhich (I was on my lunch) and I was like "Whens your lunch" he was like "Earlier but I went home to get stuff" I was like "No I'm sorry I'm not your slave" (cos he asks me to do shit all the time) and hes like "Oh come on I'm asking you as a mate" so I was like, "Fine I will at x time"


Anyway went off to do it, came back fruitless as they didn't have any, and he went off to check if they had any cos he didn't believe I'd actually gone.


Thats it as far as I'm concerned. Last straw, I'm done with him, not gonna do shit for him in future.

Wow. Again astounded by the "friend" of ours behaviour.


He asked told me to go across the road to the other building to get him a sandwhich (I was on my lunch) and I was like "Whens your lunch" he was like "Earlier but I went home to get stuff" I was like "No I'm sorry I'm not your slave" (cos he asks me to do shit all the time) and hes like "Oh come on I'm asking you as a mate" so I was like, "Fine I will at x time"


That sucks, but couldn't help noticing the repetition. :heh:


And I was like man dude bro man bro dude rez bro.


I could totally pull of the frat boy look. My dad totally owns a dealership.


Fantastic. I put in a couple of late nights, polishing off my writing portfolio to be submitted and then just as I'm about to finish my tutor calls and tells us we can leave it until Monday. I am both relieved and annoyed.


Urgh, my sister just got home from uni five minutes ago and already she started an argument with me about something trivial. I seriously don't get her sometimes... she can't talk normally, she's always attacking people. Bah.



Anyway, today. Handed in my paper finally, glad that's done. Still have to present and defend it in front of a jury at the end of May though, eep.

Made a call to the doctor about the pictures of my leg, and she said there did seem to be some evidence of an infection or something. And now she wants me to go take an MRI scan. O.o;

That really just seems like a bit over the top to me though. My leg doesn't hurt that much anymore, and I'm really not sure it's necessary. Will go talk to her on Monday to ask if I really have to do that scan or not. >.>;


Nice relaxing day again. My class took our teacher out to Buffalo Grill for the leaving lunch thing. Everyone else went to Pizza Express, so we were the ones who made the effort of choosing somewhere unique.


Was nice/fun/hilarious.


Dossed about otherwise. Chatted to some friends before heading home.


Felt really down on the way home. I feel a bit lost future-wise. I...don't know what I'm doing. Or what I will do. Or why other people aren't in the same position as me (not referring to what I just said when I say that).


Hm. Will get a cold drink of Diet Coke, some crisps/something and watch more BSG.


The weather has been tooing and froing all day. Hasn't been great for going out but I did it anyway. Rained all morning and when I went out it was perfect; sunny and everything. When I got where I was going, it starts raining and some little juvenile stopped me for money while it was pissing it down. I felt bad as she'd just got out of the Sheriff's court (which is next to the bus station and it was evident because all her stuff was in one of those plastic bag things that they put your stuff in in police stations. At least I think they put it in there. Never been in a police station) but I honestly didn't have any change to give her and I wasn't giving her a £20 note. And plus, it stopped raining after like 2 minutes.


So wandered around town. Saw a t-shirt which I liked, mainly because the design on it appealed to me, but it was yellow and I don't overly like wearing yellow so I left it. Was only a tenner so perhaps I should have bought it. But then again, I do have like 20 t-shirts in my wardrobe so perhaps it's for the best that I left it. So instead of buying that, I went and bought Within Temptation's last album from HMV which set me back £13. Got lunch, headed to the train station and walked home. Was so hoping it's start to rain really heavy. Was just in one of those moods for walking home in pouring rain but it didn't happen.


Now sat at my laptop listening to a plethora of different styles of music, as is my want, and contemplating what I should do this evening. Thinking some movie watching is in order (High Fidelity is on BBC 1 at 11.40 so I'll need to think of something to watch Pryor to that :heh:;)). Might fit in some more writing. I was shocked to find that I actually started to write my novel idea yesterday. Got a chapter done, about 900 words, but want to go back over it. It seems very slack jawed in that the narrator is constantly talking to the audience as if they know them personally, which was the idea, but it needs tightening.

Another job rejection letter in the post this morning for me...yay:sad:


At least they are letting you know you didnt get it, way too many companies these days just dont bother replying to you. Drives me mad!


I feel absolutely awful today. I felt it coming on yesterday so made sure I was in bed early and got a decent 11 hours sleep. But no, I'm sick as a parrot. I feel like jelly, can't eat anything and am bloody miserable to top it off.


Went into the doctors this afternoon, said he wanted to have a few blood tasts done and told me to make an appointment with the nurse later. Last time i had blood taken a passed out and started convulsing, lol i want to see what she does if the same happens again. The best part is that shes a student nurse, so she'll probably freak out....good times indeed.


As a non-proud member of Swindon I am going to the Big-Weekend tomorrow! Not really that excited but it should be fun.

Posted (edited)
I feel absolutely awful today. I felt it coming on yesterday so made sure I was in bed early and got a decent 11 hours sleep. But no, I'm sick as a parrot. I feel like jelly, can't eat anything and am bloody miserable to top it off.


Aww, that sucks! Being ill during exam season is complete hell. Hope you feel better. :)




I came home today, and ended up having a huge argument with my mum about college work and exams and so forth. She got me so amazingly fucked off, I threw the cup of tea I was holding against the wall and ended up breaking the lock on my bedroom door from slamming it shut so hard. I swear I've never been more annoyed than I was during that few minutes. Eurgh.


But! Massively amazingly orgasmic pizza is now in the oven, so I'm litterly turned on at the thought of eating it. Wish there was more on tv tonight, a weekends worth of revision seems like such a horrible prospect at the moment.

Edited by Slaggis
Another job rejection letter in the post this morning for me...yay:sad:


At least they are letting you know you didnt get it, way too many companies these days just dont bother replying to you. Drives me mad!


agreed. i just wanna know where i stand with places :(


Random thoughts from my day:


7:00-I don't want to get up. No time for breakfast.

7:45-Shit, I left my bag. Do I go home and get it and be late or catch the train.

8:30-No lunch today then, but at least I'll be on time. Maybe I can get money out in Leamington.

8:45-Cash point is broken, definately no lunch for me.

10:00-Don't spill the ethanol. To spill the ethanol means certain death.

11:00-*Theme tune from Duck Tales on repeat*

1:00-I could eat a week old Big Mac I'm so hungry.

2:00-Fantastic, £1 in change. I can get a packet of crisps and a Snickers bar.

3:00-Did I just fall asleep in the library. I hope nobody noticed.

4:00-Did I just fall asleep on the toilet. What the hell is wrong with me.

5:00-No buses. You've got to be kidding me, I want to go home.

5:30-Hooray for lifts from random strangers.

6:00-That's an amazing comb-over.

6:30-I might get M&S food. No, it's the end of the week, I deserve M&S food.

7:30-Jacqui Smith is an arse.

9:00-Wow, Jason Statham is popular in Saudi Arabia. You learn something new everyday.


So ends another thrilling chapter. Until next time....

nan had her dog put down. my best friend. devastated.


:sad: Dude, i don't know what to say =[ text me if you want to talk about it man.

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