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Had quite a relaxing day.


One thing was crawling inside my mind though:

I'm missing a friend of mine like I have never done before. She is on vacation until next monday and I want to see her again really bad. We'll meet next tuesday and I can't effing wait. Maybe I got a crush on her, who knows.


Anyway...I still don't have plans for the next few days which is very annoying. I hate this -.-''


Oh, to Eenuh: You probably don't know me, and I don't know you that well but: Here's good luck sent your way, too. :)

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Saw Harry Potter earlier this evening, which I very much enjoyed! A big improvement over OotP. The experience was also so much better, safe in the knowledge that the one and only Neville Longbottom was giving spiritual encouragement to the film from the ticket office.



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i had a FANTASTIC day today.

...well, -ish.


the teaching recruitment place have a possible job for me ALREADY ^__^ gunna hear more about that soon-ish mayhapse.


and, while i was at work today i had a fantastic chat with a 5 year old kid - who came in with his mum, dressed as a knight.


me: (after taking their sushi order) so, are you here on dragon slaying business or just a regular quest?

him: i'm on a quest. i'm actually a king.

me: ahh thats good! not enough kings get their hands dirty with the knight-work. it's good to take such a hands-on role with your kingdom.

him: yes but my subjects aren't very clever

me: oh really?

him: yes. we're looking for magical ravens but they havent seen any for FIFTY SEVEN YEARS!

me: what?! thats crazy! they must not be looking hard at all. you should fire them.

him: but i saw one just a few days ago. i think when you're LOOKING for magical ravens, they know - and then they stay at home.

me: ahh yes - they're like that. thats the trouble with this area - not enough magical raven SIGHTING information out there.

him: they should have it on the news.

me: yes! like, after the weather report. weather - pollen count - magical raven sightings report.

him: and you know what? i didnt even have anywhere to put my horse!

me: parking in london is terrible....


That's one of the best things I've read in a long time. Sounds like an awesome kid!

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todays been okay, went to town to try and see the new harry potter film but we couldnt find any car park spaces so went to town instead. i bought the new driving theory pratice test cd, didnt realise that it would cost £9 but oh well.

speent the rest of the day online and that thing i go to on a wednesday night.

cant wait to see michael mcyintire tommorow should be a great laff.:bouncy::bouncy:

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Usual scheme faffing around, form filling out, cv doing, job hunting.


Then since returning home wtih mother and her partner (went to pick her up from work and I printed some CVs at Staples) there was another spat of divorce related drama which I think is surmised nicely with this photo I took yesterday:




Ate late and have just left the dinner table as we were chatting/looking at old photos. Odd.

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Today has been a better day than yesterday. I woke up, and found my university results on the kitchen table. Passed with a 2.2, which could have been better, but I think it's a fair result. A good friend of mine passed with a 2.2 as well, despite having her dissertation marked at 75% and scoring 80 in another module. How she didn't end up with a higher classification than me, I'll never know. The good thing about this degree is that your experience in the classroom teaching counts for more. At least, I think so anyway.


Got an email today from an agency which I sent an application off to yesterday. I need to fill out a few forms, and then will go to see them for an interview, after which they can hopefully find me some teaching work, either permanent or supply.


I also got a phone call from another agency, which I sent an email off to last week. Same situation, interview next week, and then they'll hopefully be able to find me some work.


Had a cool-ish workout at the gym, and been watching loads of Mock The Week and QI. Good humour. :)


Bluey: That conversation is brilliant.

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You had? :wtf:


I'm now swine flu-free, incase you're wondering about the safety of the N-E meet. I had flu a week ago (over my birthday :(), but now it's gone. Every Doctor or Nurse I spoke to said it was probable swine flu, given the time of year.

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I'm now swine flu-free, incase you're wondering about the safety of the N-E meet. I had flu a week ago (over my birthday :(), but now it's gone. Every Doctor or Nurse I spoke to said it was probable swine flu, given the time of year.


I had it last week but was told it definitely wasn't swine flu, its not the only thing going around you know...

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Job Centre pissed me off today, claimed id not applied for a job they gave me months ago even though Id told them it was too far for me to travel and was given to me by accident anyway.


Had to have another appointment to convince them that it was basically their fuck up. They let me off but ended up telling me to "learn my bus timetables better"!

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Soo... Went to job centre today, and they told me to go away and call a number. I went away, called the number, it still didn't work, so i called the job centre to re-arrange signing on next week, they told me to come back in (sigh), so i went in, filled in a form, and as they processed it they realised that they had fucked up my application, not me, THEM, and it was all their fault. They'd tried to get me ESA (whatever that is) without my request, permission, and without any paperwork whatsoever. Also they sent all my forms to scotland. Twice. So yeah, should get some dole-dough next week :D


I suppose this should go in the job-seeking thread, really... but meh.


Been really getting into Assassin's Creed (you were right, shorty), just generally feeling invincible killing a city-full of guards, only to be unable to SWIM. FUCK THAT. Me and my housemate Will have basically taken it in turns to do 7-hour shifts on the game in the lazyboy chair. It's fun living with another money-less pal as we struggle to have fun with no money. Netto is amusing for about 30 mins.



I'm super pumped/excited/happy/relieved as I am no longer searching for employment. I got the job at HMV and I'm so...everything I already mentioned :D


Man, such good news. And I had just finished a cheese sandwich as I got the call, as if the moment could have been any sweeter! Man. I'm so glad it's over...woo!

Excellent dude :) very pleased for you! Buy me a drink on sat ploz?


All quite on the western front. Did my stint at the charity shop, gave blood, been feeling awful lonesome these past few days. I'm detecting a distinct lack of par-tay in my lifestyle, can't be healthy.
n-e meeeeeet! We'll put some party in you.
Basically im worried about money, going this weekend is pretty much going to tap me out. Ive been offered a loan of some money but I just dont wanna owe people anything at the moment. Im thinking about what to do.
Job Centre pissed me off today, claimed id not applied for a job they gave me months ago even though Id told them it was too far for me to travel and was given to me by accident anyway.


Had to have another appointment to convince them that it was basically their fuck up. They let me off but ended up telling me to "learn my bus timetables better"!

I'd say fuck it and go to the meet, for starters. Having a good, fun day is always a welcome break from the nothingness of poverty. I feel you on the job centre front, too...
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Went to see Bruno today. Was so funny, but some of the things people say - the bit with the parents auditioning their kids in particular - I was actually facepalming.


Then I got caught in a really heavy shower while walking home, which was very unpleasant. Like, I was actually worried about my iPod in my pocket because it might get too wet.

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Finished off all my CV prepping...now just trying to figure out how im going to get them to London without a creasathon. All packed too. Went to a local pub with £1.50 lunches with mom, her partner and my grandparents. Been a limbo day really. Friend is apparently coming up later for a drink which'll be nice but part of me expects her to drop out. Wouldn't blame her, she's been at work all day and has to travel...distance. No idea. However far Redditch is from Halesowen.


Got a text off Jodie though saying "remember to bring swimming shorts, we may be going in the hot tub." How the other half live eh? Still, Jodie, her workmates and her MILF in a hot tub. To quote 30 Rock; I'll meet you at erection cove! :heh:

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Glad to see from Happestance's post I wasn't the only one who suffered the vagaries of the Job Center internal systems. Word to the wise, if you happen to do three evenings casual work for a friend at sub-minimum wage as a favour, for god's sake don't declare it and just lie. The paper work isn't even worth it. I feel like I'm being punished for actually trying to get work, as opposed to simply looking for it.

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Glad to see from Happestance's post I wasn't the only one who suffered the vagaries of the Job Center internal systems. Word to the wise, if you happen to do three evenings casual work for a friend at sub-minimum wage as a favour, for god's sake don't declare it and just lie. The paper work isn't even worth it. I feel like I'm being punished for actually trying to get work, as opposed to simply looking for it.


Too late for that, took me 2 years to sort that out and an appeal

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