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I am so close to finishing my degree. I thought I was going to finish this last assignment tonight but just realised that our lecturer probably wants us to reference both the films themselves and the review URL, which will then make the bibliography ludicrously large. So going to work for the next half hour then go to sleep and get up early and hopefully he'll reply.


Other than that today has been largely average. Went to town and finally bought a present for my friend's birthday which was back in Jan (every time I've seen her since it has been a suprise). Later found out she has started a wedding make up business which im glad of, she's been wanting to for a while :)


Also found out two people I know ended their relationships (as in two different couples). Invited one of them out tomorrow to bro up.

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My day wasn't the best. I guess my years of being lazy when it comes to work are about to come and hit me like a huge yellow school bus. Through my GCSEs and AS-Levels I've just been able to cruise through doing next to nothing and come out with the grades I wanted and needed. But today, I decided to set out some strict revision checklists and have come to the conclusion that I am fucking screwed. There is SO much to learn and I'm not sure I can do it.


Maybe I'm being over dramatic and just the sheer amount staring at me on a page looks a lot worse than it really is. And I hope it's like this because honestly if it's not I'm so buggered.


I also shouldn't be complaining as it's my fault, and I'm only technically taking 2 A2-Levels; Chemistry and Biology (I'm doing Italian too but it's a more of a time filler).


I wish I had some willpower!


YAAAYY go go laziness!!


Similar sorta thing for me... finished my Art A3 so pretty much just got English and Biology to be doing, neither of which I can be bothered to start revion for, despite knowing almost nothing of the biology course (I got UDE for my mock papers woop!) Turning into a bit of a 'how long can I put off starting revision and still come out with A's' sort of thing.

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i tried to explain why dividing by 1/2 doubled the number, a girl shouted at me. i didnt invent maths, dont get mad at me!


I once had to explain that to some people, but they were all 5 years old whilst I was on work experience. People who are probably all older than me should know better.

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mmmkae,.... so after, what? a week of working at this sushi place... today i'm opening up and running the morning shift alone... :blank:


i wonder how the hell i gave the impression that i was so capable?!


fingers crossed i dont fuck up!! :grin:!!

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mmmkae,.... so after, what? a week of working at this sushi place... today i'm opening up and running the morning shift alone... :blank:


i wonder how the hell i gave the impression that i was so capable?!


fingers crossed i dont fuck up!! :grin:!!


I reckon you will do well Bluey :D just do your best and let us know how it goes afterwards. *fingers crossed* ^^

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I've finished everything for my degree*.


Totally not worth £20,000-odd but ah well eh? I dunno, feels really anti-climaxtic. Tonight should be good as everyone is going out drinking and celebrating. But like in Tuesday's lecture everyone just left, drifted off on their own way. Endings are never as big as you anticipate them to be.





*other than a joke of a non-lecture tomorrow morning but I'll be phased out for most of it.

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Went to the opening of the Ferrari store yesterday, which I've written about in the F1 thread.


Seeing as that ended earlier than expected I decided to do the tourist thing, because... like Chandler says in Friends... 'I've seen these places before, but I've never really seeeen them!'


There was quite a lot of Barca fans around aswell and they'd hijacked Nelsons Column!




































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Having a pretty bad day so far really. Overslept after not getting enough sleep last night (and the sleep I did get was horrible). Got up and got ready for school, missed my bus. Finally arrived in school, only to be told I had to go help put up stupid posters for the stupid project we did weeks ago.


Didn't get back in school until lunch break, which I'm on now. Got a call from the print store place to tell me they couldn't properly print my paper, so I somehow have to find the time to go back there this afternoon, while I also have to scan in about 50 or more A3 drawings, which I can only do in school, and pretty much only today. Bah.


Only good thing is I got a drawing published again, but even that doesn't feel good because my friend explicitly told me she wasn't happy about me getting published and not her...

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Love your London pics, Retro. Makes me think I should get myself a decent camera. Next time I'm home I'm going to try and borrow my Dad's HD camcorder for when I go out driving round there.


I have a half day tomorrow and Monday off so trying to get all my work out of the way today. Looking forward to it very much but I hope the weather is nice as I'm driving to Exeter tomorrow. Looks a bit grey at the moment and was hoping to clean the car tonight :(

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Had another fit today, didn't help as I had 5 1/2 pints in quick sucession whilst working last night. Went to Macro/Hyperama with Dad and got some Milky Way Crisps and Bacon Flavour Fries, then epi'd it up in front of Dad, my first one he's seen.

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There was also a bit of a scary protest going on in London, something about China I think? but there was a riot van and police van driving alongside to keep everything in order, but don't think they're too uncommon in London actually...




Few more of the London Eye...








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Huh? Dividing by half?


Simple fraction properties:


If you have a fraction in the denominator (bottom bit), you move its denominator to the whole fraction's numerator (top bit), so:






(1 x 2)/1 = 2/1 = 2

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I forget that one of the world's most awesome capitols is only a few hours away from me. I've only been once. :( And have no pictures to show of it. :(


In other news... I... haven't done anything today.

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Why oh why are women so complicated.


The lovely young female i've arranged to go out with twice now, has decided to abandon the latest meet-up she arranged because she's tired. Gahh, i really wish she'd stop making excuses.


And to top it all off, my ex will not leave me alone. Why can't she ever get it that no means no. It does not mean i'm not talking today, but i will later.


Edit: I also forgot to mention, one of my mates keeps trying to steal msn and facebook addies of all the females i have and attempting to prevent me from going out with them.


In other news, i've sent both copies of my mixes off to the recepiants addresses i was provided a couple of days ago.

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There was also a bit of a scary protest going on in London, something about China I think? but there was a riot van and police van driving alongside to keep everything in order, but don't think they're too uncommon in London actually...


There's people outside Westminster 100% of the time in my experience, they should get a job if you ask me.


I've just signed up to Twitter (behind the times I know) bit boring as I don't have many people on it yet. SegaWill is my username if anyone wants to add me and make it a little more interesting.

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Last nights prom was amazing! The meal failed completely, but once that was over it was so much fun. Winning "Mr Lazy" was rather embarassing, but at that point I was drunk enough not to care. Managed to take millions of horrific pictures, and then somehow I managed to blag an I.D of a guy and used it to get into one of the clubs in York. How the hell I got in I don't know, the I.D looked nothing like me and I look about 12. But Yaaaay! Got the coach at 3am back, and managed to stumble home for about 4. Eurgh, how they expected anyone to be in college today is beyond me.

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Those pics are amazing. What camera are you using? I should really get a new one for my travels, but i dont want anything too big or heavy. Any recommendations?
There are two camera's I've been using lately.


The Panasonic DMC FZ18




8.1 megapixel, 18x Optical zoom.

I used this when I went to Silverstone as the zoom, high stutter speed, motion tracking etc... is required there. Bought it for £200 almost a year ago.


But the camera I used in London and use for everyday pictures is the...


Samsung s1030




It's actually a pretty standard camera [now anyways]. I bought it over two years ago now for around £120, but have kept it because it produces such great quality photos and because it's an easily portable option.

It's 10.1 megapixel, but only a 3x Opical zoom... why it's an everday camera, but it has great clarity and colour in the photos.




It's since been updated numerous times, with the latest in the range being the...


Sansung s1070 - £80 on amazon [probably cheaper if you look around]



For a travel cam it would probably suit you perfectly.

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