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Edit: Also..


"Vegeta! What does the scouter say about Dyson's post count?"





I'm having the opposite of a writers block. Just minced out the last 5 pages of Cast issue 2, and I guess I'll start issue 3 now. Well...just gotta ink the storyboard.

Good! Get something on the Asylum bitch.

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lol. My laptop has a problem with the scrolling function on the touch pad and it flicked to the bottom of the page where you can see the tags for this thread. 'Jayseven wins at life' is one of them. Genius. :laughing:


I hope I get rid of this cold soon because it's affecting me even in my sleep. Was one of the worst nights of sleep I've ever had, but not because I didn't sleep. No, I got plenty of that. It's more to do with the sleep being restless on account of one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had. It had no profound affect on my being but it weirded me out big time. Nothing disturbing or anything but just made me go 'WTF?' Don't want that one again. Worst point of it was it was lucid and so I was awake the whole way through the damn thing which made it so restless. Haven't had a lucid dream in awhile but better not have one like that again for a long time.


I'm continuing the job hunt today. Scouring job sites looking for any morsel I can find but I'm not getting anything. Need it to be part time but there are virtually none that I can find that I'm qualified for (the only ones appearing are for things like quantity surveying and while I know the basics of the subject, I don't understand it enough, and don't really want to as I've moved away from the construction industry in terms of career choices, to make it in a job). But I'll keep looking. Went through my CV and tried to streamline it a bit. Some of it was a little cluttered while other areas weren't extrapolated upon enough.


Need to make a start on my english preparation but can't be bothered. Will probably get round to it later in the afternoon. Just working my way up to it slowly. Oh, and I hate pork. Yeh, had it in some casserole thing last night (not a huge fan of casseroles but they can be alright) and it was just awful. I like it in things like chorizo but I can't eat it outside of that. Seems I truly am moving in the way of a quasi-vegetarian. I'll eat some meat (beef mince, chicken and fish) but I'm not a huge fan. I have started to love red peppers recently as well which is quite nice.

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I woke up at 9am, and thought "God, I'm tired" and went back to sleep oddly having the thought it was a saturday. I woke up about an hour ago, saw my planner and thought "..Hang on...FUCK". I'm about to head in now, for my only lesson this afternoon, but cannot believe I've missed two. I'm such a dumbass.

Edited by Slaggis
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Almost missed school today too. Parents aren't here at the moment, and I forgot to set my alarm last night. Had I slept normally, I'd have definately been late. Luckily I woke up at around 5am, and when I went to check the time noticed the alarm wasn't set. Bacon = saved!

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Had a Knock-out Pool match last night, which i managed to get the team score to at least give us a draw with my win. Overall, we won 5-4 (had to have a decider game, score was 4-4).


The atmosphere here in work at the moment is a mixture of both depression and chirpyness coming from the news yesterday we recieved.


Tonight is a busy gaming night. Got Banjo Tooie to now attempt to beat (i'm determined to do it this time) and a MK League match later.

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Went to school, left after a couple of hours to go and buy paint, then came home. Didn't feel like sitting there for 8 hours doing nothing. So instead I came home and did nothing, heh. Well I had a nap, yay.


Bit shocked about what happened in the Netherlands today. For those not in the know: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8026807.stm

Crazy people live in this world. =(


I've also been having a weird kind of pain in my left leg, and it's been there for a week already. Have no clue what it is, but it's starting to worry me. Won't get to go to the doctor until Monday (doesn't sit during the weekend and tomorrow is a bank holiday), and I'm not even sure she would be able to tell what is wrong... >.>;

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Yeah. Essay handed eeeeen. I was all "zomg it's 3pm I really need to leave and print this shit off- pee first, yayay-- WATT! SOMEONE IS HAVING A SHOWER?! DIsASTRUS!"


soo.. I runrunrun (read: Speed walk) to uni, and everything bizarrely goes supremely smoothly. Good good.


So yeah - read an entire book last night and now I totally understand everything about it. Only... I wrote my intro before i read the book (1,000 words total) and... it was all waay off the mark. So I had to edit it down to about 600 words at 8am straight after reading for hours and hours. Then write another 3kish werds. Feck. Crashed for AN HOUR. So now I'm going to have a spliff, watch lost and In Treatment and The Unusuals and then sleepppzzzzzzzzz


And now the soles of my feet are reaaally itchy. I genuinely think I'm allergic to my own sweat.

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Last night was nice. Went to see Wolverine, and it greatly exceeded my expectations (which were pretty low actually). That was over at around 1 am. Afterwards I went to a so-called Thé-Dansant, where very few people were. Drank, talked and laughed. Went to bed at around 4 am. Then this morning I got up for my calligraphy class, which was somehow very soothing to my tired mind. Went home on a crowded train. Saw a friend in the station, who invited me to go party in Ghent. I sadly declined his offer. We'd go by train, which means I could only go back in the morning. I'd sleep all day tomorrow, and I wouldn't be able to get any work done for uni.


Also, I suck at writing. Just look at this damn post.

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It flew straight into my mouth! I could taste its buzzing wings on my pursed lips. I almost ate it before I realised and then I SET IT FREE! :D


Apart from that today was a bag of pointlessness. Except sweets I got sweets and they were tasty. I may have taken to many though! @___@

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Ugh. Getting shouted at and made to feel shit blamed because my incompetent depressed lazy sister refuses to do anything around the house makes me wish I'd stuck out living in my fucking university flat even if I had no chance in hell of passing. It'd have been worth paying the extra few grand so I didn't have to put up with this utter bullshit even if only for a couple more months.

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Sorry to hear that Letty :(


I finished my dissertation today. Printed everything off and trecked to uni but they only have someone binding between the hours of 10-12 and 2-4 (two hour lunch? easy for some) so had to wait around. Anyway eventually got it done and they did it then and there (they say 24 hours but as its not due til next week guess they're dead) and was like "zomg we can hand it in now!" then realised I have supplimentary material (ie CDs) at home. So tomorrow it is.


Trying to work on this film reviewing assignment and judging from what people said in Tuesdays lecture (which I skipped) he explained it but it sounds like a bag of arse. The title says "using a number of one reviewer's reviews detail what aesthetics they consider to make a good film" and he wants us to write it as a auteur/poststructuralist essay. The fuck?


Only one week left and its over :)

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Deadline for my essay got changed to tomorrow. It's the university deadline so if you're late handing in, you get a ZERO.


Wrote the most amazing essay in only 5 hours. I'd be shocked, but I keep hitting them out the park so I'm just going to say I'm pleased.

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Oh, bad luck Letty. :( I know from my experience that ECA is a hard nut to crack. Where else have you applied? Dundee? <--- if you got in there then there would definitely be a mini meet-up seeing as I'm there :D


Yeah, to be honest I'm not suprised. When I was at my interview they basically said to us; 'When you get your rejection email, don't be too upset!'


Yeah, Dundee was my next choice - hopefully get an interview there soon!

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Yeah, to be honest I'm not suprised. When I was at my interview they basically said to us; 'When you get your rejection email, don't be too upset!'


Yeah, Dundee was my next choice - hopefully get an interview there soon!


Unlucky Letty. :(


*hugs and pugs*


What is this applying for Uni or something? sorry I'm not actually sure. :)

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Unlucky Letty. :(


*hugs and pugs*


What is this applying for Uni or something? sorry I'm not actually sure. :)


I applied to various art school because I'm a massive pretentious faggot.


My day has been pretty good!

Did loads of driving.

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