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The package for my brother's army application arrived today [addressed to me], I'm going to spring it on him tomorrow when mummy is here to see him spout more excuses.


Plus the forum error is teasing us over the prospect of page 1001.


EDIT: Then it rewards me.

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Oh yeah page 1001. There are many great things in this world. Page 1001 of them falls into that category.


I'm trying my hardest to avoid doing any work in the final 20 mins of work. But I don't think I can make myself look busy much longer.

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Got back from Uni about an hour ago and had to wait to get in the house. :nono: Disgraceful. Anyways, I was going to hand in my psychology report today (it's due tomorrow) but I checked to see what mark I got for my other one and I got a D3 :yay:* so decided to take it home and I've just finished going over it with, fine tuning it and making it better so I'll hand that in tomorrow and hope for better.


Will have to make a start on my english essay so need to start doing research on Medusa and the Siren's from Homer's Odyssey so I can talk about the myths in relation to the poems. Will do the essay on saturday morning as I always do so it leaves the rest of the day free to do whatever I want.


And for some reason, I've hurt my foot, badly. I don't know what's happened. One moment it was fine and the next the sole of my foot is killing me and hurts to stand on/walk on. Can't see anything wrong with it and my arches haven't fallen so I'm at a loss.


*note to self, I shouldn't be happy with a D3 but I am for some obscure reason.

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Just been doing something I thought I'd never do: searching for College courses. :(


Had to be put into this predicament after a friendly chat with my mum last month. She wants me to get out of the house (aside from selling programmes down the Villa almost every home matchday [didn't do it last Sunday]) and at least do something to stop myself from wasting my life like I am now. And I admitted defeat in going back into education, which I hoped I'd seen the back of 3 years ago.


I've been looking at Language courses at my local College (because I've always fancied knowing a couple of languages) and I've seen a 'Japanese for Beginners' course, but it's for adult learners (So, I don't know if I qualify as I'm only 19). Not only that, but the tuition fee is £79. Now I don't know whether my parents would pay for that or if I'd have to take that out of my own pocket (Note: I don't have £79).


I fancy doing it, but I'm not sure if I actually qualify. But I'll look into it and see what happens. :smile:

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Just been doing something I thought I'd never do: searching for College courses. :(


Had to be put into this predicament after a friendly chat with my mum last month. She wants me to get out of the house (aside from selling programmes down the Villa almost every home matchday [didn't do it last Sunday]) and at least do something to stop myself from wasting my life like I am now. And I admitted defeat in going back into education, which I hoped I'd seen the back of 3 years ago.


I've been looking at Language courses at my local College (because I've always fancied knowing a couple of languages) and I've seen a 'Japanese for Beginners' course, but it's for adult learners (So, I don't know if I qualify as I'm only 19). Not only that, but the tuition fee is £79. Now I don't know whether my parents would pay for that or if I'd have to take that out of my own pocket (Note: I don't have £79).


I fancy doing it, but I'm not sure if I actually qualify. But I'll look into it and see what happens. :smile:


Why don't you just get a full time Job? or are you currently looking for one?

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Why don't you just get a full time Job? or are you currently looking for one?


Part-time. I fancy a part-time job. :heh:


Although I can see my chances of "Job Get" not being very high at this moment, what with...you know.



I really ought to get on the dole, tbh.

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Just been doing something I thought I'd never do: searching for College courses. :(


Had to be put into this predicament after a friendly chat with my mum last month. She wants me to get out of the house (aside from selling programmes down the Villa almost every home matchday [didn't do it last Sunday]) and at least do something to stop myself from wasting my life like I am now. And I admitted defeat in going back into education, which I hoped I'd seen the back of 3 years ago.


I've been looking at Language courses at my local College (because I've always fancied knowing a couple of languages) and I've seen a 'Japanese for Beginners' course, but it's for adult learners (So, I don't know if I qualify as I'm only 19). Not only that, but the tuition fee is £79. Now I don't know whether my parents would pay for that or if I'd have to take that out of my own pocket (Note: I don't have £79).


I fancy doing it, but I'm not sure if I actually qualify. But I'll look into it and see what happens. :smile:


I think adult learning counts for any age. It's more to let adults know that they can do it. I'm currently doing an adult course and the ages range from 17-40 odd.


I've been thinking about going back to education since my redundancy. If I don't get the photography job im going to go back to college methinks. Pauper student life for me!

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Just back from having my tongue-tie cut.


It was fine. From being taken out of my room on my bed (really pointless, since I could have just walked...) to the cut being fnished, it was probably about 5-7 minutes tops. Spent longer waiting for people to bring paperwork etc.


Stings a little, but feels fine. Just like I had a tongue implant or something.

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Just back from having my tongue-tie cut.


It was fine. From being taken out of my room on my bed (really pointless, since I could have just walked...) to the cut being fnished, it was probably about 5-7 minutes tops. Spent longer waiting for people to bring paperwork etc.


Stings a little, but feels fine. Just like I had a tongue implant or something.


Eh? Isn't that done on children?

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Just been doing something I thought I'd never do: searching for College courses. :(


Had to be put into this predicament after a friendly chat with my mum last month. She wants me to get out of the house (aside from selling programmes down the Villa almost every home matchday [didn't do it last Sunday]) and at least do something to stop myself from wasting my life like I am now. And I admitted defeat in going back into education, which I hoped I'd seen the back of 3 years ago.


I've been looking at Language courses at my local College (because I've always fancied knowing a couple of languages) and I've seen a 'Japanese for Beginners' course, but it's for adult learners (So, I don't know if I qualify as I'm only 19). Not only that, but the tuition fee is £79. Now I don't know whether my parents would pay for that or if I'd have to take that out of my own pocket (Note: I don't have £79).


I fancy doing it, but I'm not sure if I actually qualify. But I'll look into it and see what happens. :smile:

*repeats what Daft does*


£80 is next to nothing. If anything, ask your parents to pay for it, then work out on average how much each lesson will be, then give them that much each week. If you're unemployed then they'll realise that you have no money!


You need to see what sort of qualification the course is, though. On the one hand if you learn some japanese then it's good for you personally, but if you get a jazzy bit of paper (OR CARD!!!!) at the end of the course with your name and a few fancy letters on it, then even better for your pal C.V.

Just back from having my tongue-tie cut.


It was fine. From being taken out of my room on my bed (really pointless, since I could have just walked...) to the cut being fnished, it was probably about 5-7 minutes tops. Spent longer waiting for people to bring paperwork etc.


Stings a little, but feels fine. Just like I had a tongue implant or something.


Have you noticed anything different yet? I suppose you'll have to wait for it to feel settled and comfortable to really notice.

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Eh? Isn't that done on children?


No one knew I had one. I suppose as it didn't really impede me at all as a child, no one noticed. The orthodontist told me about a year ago.


It's a very routine operation.


Have you noticed anything different yet? I suppose you'll have to wait for it to feel settled and comfortable to really notice.


It feels just like before (obviously a bit stingy), but after it was done, it did feel like I had more tongue in my mouth.


From the little I've talked since the op, if I talk too fast, i can feel my tongue..more, or something. I'll have to work on that. I've always had speech problems though (unrelated to my tongue).

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Fucking coursework. Yes the swear was needed. I handed it in slightly late, due to sorting it out for their benefit, only to be deducted marks for being late. I said I have people who saw I was going to hand it in ready earlier. Bah so annoyed >_<


Completely ruined my day.

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I've been looking at Language courses at my local College (because I've always fancied knowing a couple of languages) and I've seen a 'Japanese for Beginners' course, but it's for adult learners (So, I don't know if I qualify as I'm only 19). Not only that, but the tuition fee is £79. Now I don't know whether my parents would pay for that or if I'd have to take that out of my own pocket (Note: I don't have £79).

I say do it. I had to pay £270 to do Japanese lessons, for the school year, at Uni. It's been much more fun than the course I'm actually doing which I'm paying 3 grand for. I've gained a lot more friends by going, better friends than who I spend my real lessons with.

If anything do it to just do something. I don't know how demanding your part time job is but this couldn't put too much stress on you could it.


Today I shot my lecturer in the face. irl.

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went to newcastle, had to jump on the metro and pray the ticket guys didnt come on, didnt have a ticket due to no change. not my fault the machine wont take notes or cards.



in town i got my mama card that is awsome and some shower stuff from lush. also picked up latest games TM, helped my mate pick a couple of ps3 games and went back to a mates house.

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*repeats what Daft does*


£80 is next to nothing. If anything, ask your parents to pay for it, then work out on average how much each lesson will be, then give them that much each week. If you're unemployed then they'll realise that you have no money!


You need to see what sort of qualification the course is, though. On the one hand if you learn some japanese then it's good for you personally, but if you get a jazzy bit of paper (OR CARD!!!!) at the end of the course with your name and a few fancy letters on it, then even better for your pal C.V.


I've yet to tell my parents about it. They won't be willing to pay for it, though. I know that for a fact.


Hey ho, I might as well get on the dole. :hmm:


I say do it. I had to pay £270 to do Japanese lessons, for the school year, at Uni. It's been much more fun than the course I'm actually doing which I'm paying 3 grand for. I've gained a lot more friends by going, better friends than who I spend my real lessons with.

If anything do it to just do something. I don't know how demanding your part time job is but this couldn't put too much stress on you could it.


I'm just hoping that, if I do take this course, I won't be learning all the same stuff I've learnt off the Internet all over again. I'll try and see if I can find out what the course includes before I apply. (I'm hoping they'll teach Kanji.)


anyone over 18 is an adult learner


Ah, right. :smile:


Love the look of your last.fm, by the way. : peace:

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Why havn't you done it before now? It's something I plan on doing as soon as possible.


I don't actually know. :blank:


I kinda rue not having gone onto it earlier. If I was on it, I would probably have that Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Box Set I quite fancied by now. Amongst other things. :(

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