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Shit Jordan, hope you're alright man.


You too Letty.




My day has been rather awesome, actually. Woke up to a beeeeautiful day and my flatmate was off uni so we decided to go down to the beach and play Frisbee. We ended up playing for about 20 to 30 minutes, having some relaxing time, and ended up having a small sand wrestling tournament. We made a sumo style ring in the sand, rules were first to hit the floor or leave the ring lost. First to 5 points - I won 5-4 :D It was awesome!


We then decided to make coke floats, and they were alright. On top of that, with it being St Paddy's Day we decided to get a pint of Guinness each, even though we both hate the stuff :heh: Went out later in the evening, I had a strawberry cider and got ID'd, bought a mini chocolate egg and lots of other crap. Also made a Halo 3 story I'm about to post in the Halo 3 topic.


Plan for tomorrow is beach once more followed by Wagamamas. :D

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Today has been a day of contrast. Started off meeting Happenstance in town. The weather was good so I took the MR2 seeing as it's more comfortable (and faster!) than the Scirocco. Town was pretty routine, although I was tempted by some Lego. Not entirely sure why to be honest.


Got offered a job interview doing school photography. It's not exactly the jet setting travel/journalism photography I dream of, but it's photography none the less. I just have to avoid the sentence "which way to the chuffing jailbait then?! Don't tell me there isn't any, because I can smell it from here!" and I should be ok.


Ready to go out on my bike, I noticed my front tyre was a little flat. Wanged some more tyreweld in there and pumped it up to pressure and the twat burst sending foam everwhere. It was a brand new inner tube as well. Off to Holfords tomorrow again then. I really want to try the self healing inner tubes, but there isn't one wide enough for my wheels. The highest they have is 26x1.75-2.125. My wheels are 26-2.35. Arse.


Also got the second sitting of three for my tattoo tomorrow. I'm not actually as excited as I thought I'd be, considering that tomorrow is the day the main part gets done. Expect updates in the tattoo thread tomorrow.


Oh, and it didn't exactly happen today, but the neighbour has got rid of their rooster. Now if only I could stop my dad from snoring without smothering him with a pillow, I'd actually get a good nights sleep. I can hear him as if he were in the same room. I swear I'm getting close to the end scene from "One flew over the cuckoos nest".

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Strange thing to wake up to and read. I have no idea why I read Jay's foray into the sciences that was anal seepage (isn't it called anal leakage in medical terms? ::shrug:) A lot of it sounded like, excuse the pun, crap though. Some sounded very fabricated. Anyways, lets leave this interlude at that, otherwise it'll spawn it's own topic and god knows where that'll lead.

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Sorry to hear about the breakup Jordan and Letty. Hope you two take care.






I feel messed up at the moment. Had a lot of trouble falling asleep last night due to just having a lots of things on my mind, keeping me up. Worries worries everywhere.


Woke up this morning (bit over an hour ago) and felt like crap and just blehhh. Was supposed to go to school, by bicycle, but just don't feel like I have the energy for it. So skipping class this morning. Would've been annoying anyway, two hours of lectures (until 10:30) and then wait (alone, no friends around) until 2 for a talk with my tutor about the paper (which I'm still going to).


By the way, my mentor for said paper sent me a short list of links. More than half of them are from wikipedia (which I am thus not really allowed to use), the other half I either already found myself or is simply not relevant to my question. Poop.

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Guest Jordan
More than half of them are from wikipedia (which I am thus not really allowed to use), the other half I either already found myself or is simply not relevant to my question. Poop.


But wikipedia uses references... So just use Wikipedia's. They're at the bottom of the page.


Last night was weird, didn't sleep much. Pretty lucid this morning, but gotta go to work. We're releasing the new version of our product and i'm heading up release to administrators and supervisors today.

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Sorry Letty and Jordan, hope you are both okay.


I'm up for work. I shouldn't be, went to sleep around 3. Had to look after this girl who was sick. She wanted me to stay so I cuddled her why she went to sleep. She's my friend so it was okay, but now everyone just thinks I slept with her.


On the plus side, think me and the ex may be getting back togetherish again >_> Hi Domjcg.

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Aww, shit - I'm away for one night and look what happens... Sorry Jordaroo & Letty, I hope you're holding up OK. *massive hug*


I now feel kinda bad for being really happy this morning... :(


On the plus side, think me and the ex may be getting back togetherish again >_> Hi Domjcg.


You and Dom are ex's? He kept that fucking quiet (literally!)


Since midnight I've come into possession of a day with only a single, piss-easy lecture (no more labs, woo!) and a girlfriend, so, for once, L is rather G.

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But wikipedia uses references... So just use Wikipedia's. They're at the bottom of the page.


Yeah but not all of the pages have them, and some of the references just lead to crappy pages too (I've checked). Were only a couple of useful ones. I'll be okay with this really, just a bit annoyed at my mentor being so crappy, heh.



Alsooooooo! Just got a phonecall from the bank. Apparently there's been a fraud with my card, someone using it to play on virtual casinosssss. D:

So yeah, they just blocked it and will have to send me a new card. Poop. No idea how this could've happened. =(

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That sucks Ine! Do you get the money back?


Last night was okay. I was on my own so i watched a cheesy film and relaxed. I also put Friends on! I havn't done that since university. I knew having all the seasons would come in handy one day :p


Quite funny watching it back after so long, i forgot how great it was :)

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Fell asleeeep, missed my alaaarm. LOL. So happy. Nah. Dead inside. I lit a chariot, with a torch too heavy to carry it, with such force you' beg me to marry ye, I'm on course, keeping no tally yet. Blah.


Someone remind me to change my top before I go out as I got bbq sauce on it.


Strange thing to wake up to and read. I have no idea why I read Jay's foray into the sciences that was anal seepage (isn't it called anal leakage in medical terms? ::shrug:) A lot of it sounded like, excuse the pun, crap though. Some sounded very fabricated. Anyways, lets leave this interlude at that, otherwise it'll spawn it's own topic and god knows where that'll lead.
[i did indeed make it all up]






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Jordan ~ *hugs* :sad:


Haha shit! I hope I get the money back! Don't even know how much was used... not that I have much to begin with but I'd be gutted if the money I saved up was gone! =O


i think in situations like this you're liable for the first £50 or something... but if you panic about it to your bank manager enough you're probably cute enough for them to waive the entire amount (i got a £20 overdrawn fee waived once ^_^)



had a pretty good night last night!! i used this girl's credit card details to do some online gambling... :grin:


no no no ~ but it was a pretty good night anyway!! i've been busy with the designy stuff from my thread in the creative gallery (shameless plug) and my housemate leant me his copy of "twilight" which i've been reading. it's good - but a weird japanese habit i've apparently picked up forced me to cover the book with paper so people couldnt see what i was reading on the train O_o

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well, that was odd. i got a phone call from a job i applied for in october/november, they reandomly decided to give me a phone interview today, which i failed magnificently. it as an outbound calls job, and as a test i had to sell them somthing in my room. i chose the office chair. a bad decision as its actualy shit and broken. apparently i lacked enthusiasm so i failed.


just as well really. when i applied, id have been working with friends, doing inbound calls. its less work and id have gotten lifts in. outbound is way more work, and id not have been able to get a lift, and this place is miles out of the way, would have been a few hours by bus.

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well, that was odd. i got a phone call from a job i applied for in october/november, they reandomly decided to give me a phone interview today, which i failed magnificently. it as an outbound calls job, and as a test i had to sell them somthing in my room. i chose the office chair. a bad decision as its actualy shit and broken. apparently i lacked enthusiasm so i failed.


ack! chris thats so harsh of them O_o not only do they randomly call you and spring an interview on you - they then tell you straight away how and why you failed?!

their admin department must suck!! :shakehead


well done for trying!! how much for the chair?

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ack! chris thats so harsh of them O_o not only do they randomly call you and spring an interview on you - they then tell you straight away how and why you failed?!

their admin department must suck!! :shakehead


well done for trying!! how much for the chair?


the interview was a supprise, i was still in bed, half asleep. im glad they told me i failed straight away. better then natwest who told me they would let me know. i to took silence as a no.


i said £40 for the chair. i was ripping them off, its broken.


why didnt i sell them the TV? its got built in freeview and a dvd player, HD ready.

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"Do you wanna come to x"


"April 3rd?"

"Can't do April 3rd, but can do any other day"


*Request ignored*


"Okay, we're going April 3rd"




EDIT;/ Okay things are changing now, I am not mad anymore.

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