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I hate the fact Milk never showed at a Cinema near me, so I've found a vaguely HQ version of it online, and am about to sit down and give it a proper watch. Plus, I have those big cheddar biscuit things. Once you eat one, you NEED to eat another, it's like crack...only cheesy.

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I was in ear shot....





I had a blinder of a good night out last night but was a bit miffed that "evidence" of me with a girl was gonna get put up on the facebook. Especially when the other girl I had pulled that night was in the other taxi and I'm still hoping to get to know her a bit better and see if we are compatible in any way. You can't do anything these days without your personal life being spread all over facebook. Mulling over the idea of leaving but then ppl will still be putting pics up. Argh!


Had a really awesome moment in a club though. Two girls had a huge cocktail and I wanted to chat one up so started asking them about the drink and seeing if I could have a taste of her "liquid" but her mate was being an ice maiden so I started ripping into her (jokingly) saying some patter of sorts about how she's a man eater as she's so cold. Next thing I said I gotta go back to my mates (there convo was drab) so I said I was gonna get a kiss from them both before I went which they duly obliged...:kiss: Good times.


What a night. I'm in that "loving" single mode atm. :santa:

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Renamed my goldfish last night. Stoyan Todorchev gets to keep his name, but Latrelle had now become Princess semi-colon!


Day was ok, had a driving lesson, did some weaving at college (barrel of lols...;_;) bought some pens.

Then went into my work, and my boss told me I have to work in the Fudge shop every Saturday now T_T Sucks, I really liked the art shop.

Then I went to aerobics, and watched Masterchef!!

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Today I remembered why I hate chavs so much. I wish more people used that term in North America too, the words we use for them here are way to positive.


Also, my geo teacher gave an assignment today where we need to make a map of a fictional place, I thought it might be fun, but then he told us we couldn't do it digitally because he's paranoid that people are going to use some map generator app or something. The assignment went from fun to painful in about 2 seconds.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Also, my geo teacher gave an assignment today where we need to make a map of a fictional place, I thought it might be fun, but then he told us we couldn't do it digitally because he's paranoid that people are going to use some map generator app or something. The assignment went from fun to painful in about 2 seconds.


Can't you just give in a map to one the many versions or Hyrule and have done with it?

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Guest Captain Falcon
Its not quite that simple of an assignment. And I'm not the sort of person who cheats on assignments anyway.


tough crowd... :blank:

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Laundry day. See you there. Underthings, tumbling.


Yeah laundry. Shame there was no redhead to sing with me. Got my CV okayed so I suppose applying for jobs is next.


Saw on freecycle what we thought were erotic books so we went to pick them up but once we looked there was David Beckham's autobiography, some random trashy novels and stuff. Looked at the listing when we got home and it states "adult" books. Let down.


And went to see Vicky Christina Barcellona. Meh.


Oh and 1650/2000 words for my intro :D

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tough crowd... :blank:


That really made me laugh. That is all.


Agreed, just pissed myself hard style


Just watched 24 after being battered at Street Fighter IV by my flatmate. All in all, epic night.


Word, 24 was amazing. Although SFIV gets boring when you go into a match, being able to guarantee you will lose. :weep:


I got a lot of my new comic "down" yesterday at work. Character names, plot draft etc, this will continue today, hopefully, with more character pics and diluting the story arcs...or would it be concentrating. Who knows. Ain't qualified for this shitaki mushroom yo.


Also. Recently started planning the event that will be known as....





April 3rd-5th



Also....wowza Christmas Eve was 2 months ago. 10 months till the next one. 1/6th of the way through this year.

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Its not quite that simple of an assignment. And I'm not the sort of person who cheats on assignments anyway.

So when you said fictional, you mean fictional in the sense that it has to be original fictional, not pre-existing fictional?


Either way, fuck it. Do Termina.


Also. Recently started planning the event that will be known as....



April 3rd-5th



Also....wowza Christmas Eve was 2 months ago. 10 months till the next one. 1/6th of the way through this year.

Damn right, my birthday is on the 4th.

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Today is Tuesday of Shrove! I shall, for once, apparantly be partaking in the ritualistic occasion of pan-frying amounts of butterbatterstuff for the one-and-only aim; to successfully FLIP. Then a night of dub-step, baybeeeee~


Yestuh-day, coupla old-skool mates came t'sheffield. I was mega-sleepy in t'pub. Had some booze. Met the Sheffield Uni Rock Society and argued with them a little. They are strange.


I want to buy the limitud edishun ecks borks! All red-sident evul, liek. I also want to read a book, please.

(barrel of lols...;_;)
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Just finished reading Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Took today off to read the whole thing so I had it done in time for friday and I have to say it's a very good book. Very powerful image at the end. Can't wait fo my tutorial on friday to discuss it although I doubt there'll be a big attendance for that tutorial.


Other than that, I've not done anything else. That was the main priority today and I'm happy that I've managed to do it. Watched some Drawn Together over breakfast and had a short run on Chrono Trigger, as I'm up to the finally battle, but that's it. Should really have done something else today to have made it a little more meaningful. Still waiting on a reply to my application for a reviewing job. They got back to me to ask where I was based which I answered and they haven't gotten back to me since. Will give it a little while longer before giving them an email to see what's up.

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I got a lot of my new comic "down" yesterday at work. Character names, plot draft etc, this will continue today, hopefully, with more character pics and diluting the story arcs...or would it be concentrating. Who knows. Ain't qualified for this shitaki mushroom yo.



Diluting would be making them worse. :p


Unless they're REALLY complicated, in which case, dilution could be appropriate. I'm about to interrogate you about it on MSN! :kiss:

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