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Why does parcel tracking have to be so cryptic? Seems like you need a degree in English just to know where your parcel is.



Basically, it's just been despatched. Country of origin, outward office... yeah I think so. :)

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My day has been a combination of win and oddness cakes. :) As it kind of never ended.


I fell asleep at 2 last Night to wake up at 3 and not fall asleep again until 7 in the middle of a 24 episode and then got woken up at 9:30 to go to play some golf! :o


It was only the driving range and I suck but it was fun! By the end of the session though I was hitting the balls like a Pr0! :D I was stunned by the fact that the ball actually made any connection with the club!


After that went shopping for a suit which took an age but finally settled on a pin striped one. (may post pictures of me in it for you unlucky guys :p)


I've also been in a retro gaming mood all day. At 4:30 this morning I was playing Metroid and previous to that last night I completed my first game of the summer. :yay:


LYLAT WARS in one sitting I got it all done. Great game, Loved every minute it of it. The battle with Andross was INTENSE! and the landmaster section was great! :heart:


I was so close to dying! I'm not sure how I survived!


back to today and I went to play Billy Hatcher to find the Disk is broken and so moved onto P.N.O.3.

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I've had a really fun day. I shall explain.


I got 3 hours sleep because I stayed up...for no apparant reason. So, woke up at 7 to get ready for work, and I was so tired. Even though I've done this many times before, I think my old age is kicking in. Noooo.


I went to work, and it was ok. I did my best, and I think my team can see that I'm not lazy, so hopefully they'll keep me on for the rest of the summer, although you never know in this line of work. I went to the toilets at break and noticed that my eye was red, due to tiredness, and I just felt wooozy.


I came home, had a shower and some dinner, and all is well.


Then, I went to the gym! Had a free session with a personal trainer, and he bluddy worked me hard! My arms hurt so, so much, it feels like they're going to drop off. I can't actually life them...ow ow ow.


So, I'm going to have a shower now, and anybody is free to join me if they want.

Only space for one other person though.

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I don't think that worked well, supposed to be in white? Besides we all know it's eenuh ;)


edit: you and your bloody edits :P


My edits are well timed. Stealth. Like a Ninja. Hooooowaaar!


Eenuh and Flinky sitting in a tree.



Childish, i know, but i love it.


Wait...wait for it....The...Jordan...Contorted...Face....eeees...eessss







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Eenuh and Flinky sitting in a tree.



Childish, i know, but i love it.


I personally can't help but imagine the kids. At home, polite, quiet and very contemplative, but take them anywhere outside, be it shopping or visiting a friend, they end up getting rogered on Ribena and just start running around screaming "CHOOOOOOON!!"

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Sup guys, just come back from a week's boozing in Tenerife with 21 other mates, I had a fantastic time. Got a funny story to tell...


First night we all went out to the biggest club on the island and well... I overkilled on the shots a bit. I remember having a good time, it was about 2 in the morning, next thing I know I'm on my own trying to chat up this German bird, and the next thing I know... I'm walking into the wrong hotel at 6 in the morning without my shorts. Man I must have been a sight walking around in my boxers. So I remember walking about half a mile back to the hotel, then realising that I've lost my room key. So I ended up sleeping in the hotel toilets until I got my head together. Damn I had the worst hangover I've ever had the next day.


My mates ripped on me hard. I saw the funny side, what a fuck up to be fair. The only thing that sucks is that I ended up losing my phone.


Apart from that had a really good time. Went to a foam party, awesome experience.


Oh and I watched the tennis, absolutely incredible.

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I personally can't help but imagine the kids. At home, polite, quiet and very contemplative, but take them anywhere outside, be it shopping or visiting a friend, they end up getting rogered on Ribena and just start running around screaming "CHOOOOOOON!!"


Their names? [joke removed].:heh:

Edited by Ashley
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Sup guys, just come back from a week's boozing in Tenerife with 21 other mates, I had a fantastic time. Got a funny story to tell...


First night we all went out to the biggest club on the island and well... I overkilled on the shots a bit. I remember having a good time, it was about 2 in the morning, next thing I know I'm on my own trying to chat up this German bird, and the next thing I know... I'm walking into the wrong hotel at 6 in the morning without my shorts. Man I must have been a sight walking around in my boxers. So I remember walking about half a mile back to the hotel, then realising that I've lost my room key. So I ended up sleeping in the hotel toilets until I got my head together. Damn I had the worst hangover I've ever had the next day.


My mates ripped on me hard. I saw the funny side, what a fuck up to be fair. The only thing that sucks is that I ended up losing my phone.


Apart from that had a really good time. Went to a foam party, awesome experience.


Oh and I watched the tennis, absolutely incredible.


Haha, awesome dude. Did you get your shorts back? :heh:



My day has been as follows.


Got up, waited for phone call from work, continued to wait for phonecall from work. Watched Prison Break (again), phoned work, waited for work to phone me back, continued to wait, phoned work again, watched more Prison Break, waited for phonecall from work.

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I had an excellent day - it was my sisters 21st birthday and graduation today. I was so proud of her, it was fantastic to see her in her cap and gown, although it did make me feel really bad that I never finished my degree. I think I'll call the Open University tomorrow and try to register again.


I also met her long term bf for the first time today, so get to flex my 'protective elder brother muscles' a bit. He seems nice and she's much happier with him than without.

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I personally can't help but imagine the kids. At home, polite, quiet and very contemplative, but take them anywhere outside, be it shopping or visiting a friend, they end up getting rogered on Ribena and just start running around screaming "CHOOOOOOON!!"


Their names? [joke removed].:heh:


That made me laugh.


Especially the CHHHOOOON bit. It's what I do...:(

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my day = woke up at mate's house, tea, chips and a fag before I was ready for the day! Went home, sorted out a date by which i should DEFINITELY know if I have this job or not, then perhaps went a bit too ahead of myself, invited three people to a mate's birthday bash before asking him, and he wasn't exactly cool with it.. and uninvited me :'(


So, uh, yeah. Night in playing chess on facebook, using MSN for the first time in months and eventually a chance to finish watching Cypher and start another movie before I enter another day of raining boredom! woo!

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Haha, awesome dude. Did you get your shorts back? :heh:


Nope... I have no memory of even losing them, I was that pissed. We went back the next day to look for them, searched a few bushes around the club and asked the receptionist at the nearby hotel if a pair of shorts were handed in, but to no avail.


Ha, the conversation the next morning with my roommate went something along the lines of:


"Where the hell were you?"

"Don't know..."

"Dude, where are your shorts?"

"I don't know.."

*my mate starts laughing his arse off*

"Seriously I don't know, I don't remember anything, this is really serious."

*my mate laughs even harder*

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So, uh, yeah. Night in playing chess on facebook, using MSN for the first time in months and eventually a chance to finish watching Cypher and start another movie before I enter another day of raining boredom! woo!

Prepare to be pwned.


*has no idea of chess strategy* :heh:


It's so boring being at home... I'm already looking forward to going back to uni.

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I personally can't help but imagine the kids. At home, polite, quiet and very contemplative, but take them anywhere outside, be it shopping or visiting a friend, they end up getting rogered on Ribena and just start running around screaming "CHOOOOOOON!!"


But, I don't even like kids. Or want any. =(



My day has been boring. Been trying to draw more but got nothing that's good. My cousin also still hasn't managed to write more. I kind of hope she says we shouldn't go through with this...


Had a horrible headache earlier, which is now luckily gone thanks to some medicine. Other than that nothing happened. Ate some fruit, yumm.

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Woke up early (8.45) and got ready and popped to town for a few bits and was back by 11.30. Which felt nice, normally im still half asleep by then. Spoke to my friend on the phone for about an hour. Played Pokemon. Worked out beats. Had a sunday dinner. Worked 6-10.45 and it was okay.


Also did a sketch drawing thing which had words on it but half did it and was pleased then upon further inspection i mispelt a word >_<


Aaaaand listening to Rapper's Delight which is blatantly better than you.

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My day has been cool, bit boring in work nearly ran out of things to do again as usual. Came home, met a lovely young woman and asked her out and she said yes. Made my day that did.


How the hell?! Did she just happen to be there? Is this still in Newport?


I tried looking for a beautiful woman in Newport once, and I ended up going home with Aids, which I gave to myself. Figure that one out.

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Oh which reminds me. Today some relative (I think my nan's nephew so I'm not sure what that makes him to me but whatever) came round and was talking to my grandad and said everyone in Newport was backwards. True story :P


(although hes also a train driver and killed seven cows last week. I don't like him :()

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How the hell?! Did she just happen to be there? Is this still in Newport?


I tried looking for a beautiful woman in Newport once, and I ended up going home with Aids, which I gave to myself. Figure that one out.


Can't Flink, thats a wierd one even for me to work out. My g/f lives in Swansea, she just happened to be on the same bus as me on the way home yesterday (i work in Chepstow, she was coming back from Gloucester) and we started talking from there really.

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she just happened to be on the same bus as me on the way home yesterday (i work in Chepstow, she was coming back from Gloucester) and we started talking from there really.


I must admit, that's kinda cute. :wink:


Best of luck to ya'!

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