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Sorry to hear that also Daft, rant away!


Went to the park with jayseven and the gang, was pretty cool, but since I'm getting a cold I haven't really been that active, went home, got a call at 6 from jayseven asking me to the pub. Was pretty enjoyable, few drinks, food and card games.


Raining on the way home and there's been a massive accident just off my road, there's that much police and ambulance that I wouldn't be surprised if a person is dead and from the looks of it, it seemed more like a stabbing or something, I couldn't really see any cars. All I can hear is sirens.

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Thanks for hugs Raining :heart:. Greatly appreciated :D . Quite sore but it'll pass eventually. Just have to take it easy as you say.


At this moment in time, I'm quite buzzed. Drank too much in a short period of time. Like the feeling though. Haven't been buzzed in quite some time.

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I should go to sleep, I have to wake up in three hours to go to the airport, then on to Ibiza. Just syncing a few episodes of Chuck to my iPod, then I'm off. See you in two weeks, N-Europe!


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd he's out of here! WOO!!!!!! PARTY AT KNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


Have fun :)

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I should go to sleep, I have to wake up in three hours to go to the airport, then on to Ibiza. Just syncing a few episodes of Chuck to my iPod, then I'm off. See you in two weeks, N-Europe!


Ibiza? What is this? The 90s?


Have fun, sucker.


Today was ok. I feel pretty tired from gymming eet up over the last few days, so had a day off from that today. Did my daily rounds looking for teaching work and still nothing. Roll on September! Spent a big part of the day playing Fifa online again, and I was pleased to see that I had refound my ability to play properly, unlike yesterday where I sucked monumentally. Also, played Ine on Smash Bros. Brawl, and she won most of the games, I think. It was pretty close, thouugh.


Had a bath, too! So, that made me feel less sluggish, hehe.

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I should go to sleep, I have to wake up in three hours to go to the airport, then on to Ibiza. Just syncing a few episodes of Chuck to my iPod, then I'm off. See you in two weeks, N-Europe!


Ooo, where are you staying? Literally got back a week ago from there. Such an amazing place to go for nights out!

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Just found out I've had my card clone AGAIN. I think its just an unlucky account. They tried to spend £170 at some place call foryouhouse.com which is a fraudulent website. And then since that didn't seem to work they decided that they would top up their phone. Well at least perhaps the idiot can be traced through that mobile phone top up as all the data should be somewhere in cyber space. If that had been my main account however, I would be mega screwed.


Actually having a look at that website makes me think it is those dodgy chinese people down at the dry cleaners.

Edited by Ten10
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just finnished anouther week at work. played card games and my special impressions game again. i had to pretend to be bruce lee. to say my impression was borderline racist would be an understament, but damn it, i wanted to win.


also, try doing an impression of berty basset using only one word. its difficult.

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I really ought to be heading to bed, but am watching Fear Factor. Probably the worst eating contest they had was Duck Embryo's part cooked with the Yellow Yolk, washed down with Pig Liver milkshake.


This one they are eating Rotten Fish, a "Worm" Pizza and Eyeballs with some mank stuff on top

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Just found out I've had my card clone AGAIN. I think its just an unlucky account. They tried to spend £170 at some place call foryouhouse.com which is a fraudulent website. And then since that didn't seem to work they decided that they would top up their phone. Well at least perhaps the idiot can be traced through that mobile phone top up as all the data should be somewhere in cyber space. If that had been my main account however, I would be mega screwed.


Actually having a look at that website makes me think it is those dodgy chinese people down at the dry cleaners.


Mhm I'd imagine they should be able to. See if your bank can find out which network it was for (as I doubt they'd give you the number itself) and speak to that network directly. Something the police should do but call my cynical...


Unless of course they topped up a random number just to test your card worked.


That woman who arranged an interview for today at 2 still hasn't contacted me with any details, and she used an unlisted number so I can't even ring up. I think 12 will be the latest time I can still get ready and go, but I think by that point it may not be worth it. I still don't trust this thing.

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So the Uncle might be scoring some VIP tickets to Reading festival. Not sure if I've already posted but I would be mega happy. Only problem is that it would only be for a bout 3 of us and not the whole group. Oh well, at least 3 people will love me :p


Gutted Ashley. It was really my mum doing an elaborate prank on you!

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So the Uncle might be scoring some VIP tickets to Reading festival. Not sure if I've already posted but I would be mega happy. Only problem is that it would only be for a bout 3 of us and not the whole group. Oh well, at least 3 people will love me :p


Gutted Ashley. It was really my mum doing an elaborate prank on you!


I thought she sounded like a MILF who'll do anything.


Spending the day cleaning and listening to Justice instead. Hoovering used to be easier in a two bedroom flat :p

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mm..BBQ last night.


Not convinced the food sat well with me though- I was almost asleep when I came back out of my doze, heart pounding, breaking in to a sweat and feeling all gross.

I stuck it to the man though and didn't throw up. I'm so baddass.

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Well I've been vomit free since '93 :p


So cleaned, did some gardening, showered, fancified myself now going to a local shopping centre and handing in my CV to the Disney Store. Done it online too but figured no harm in doing it physically too. May have a poke around other stores and see if theres anything but Disney Store is one of the few shops there I'd like to work, particularly as in the build up to Christmas the centre is open til midnight and since getting taken over by a big chain if shops don't stay open til then they get fined. Shit be whack yo.


Then out later with the mish-mash of a family for a meal for mother's partner's birthday.


Oh and its 2pm and I'm not in that interview. Guess it was lies. Although part of me hopes she rings up asking why I didn't go so I can say "because you didn't email me".


(also what a weird day for news; John Hughes dead, Biggs free and Lady GaGa is Lady DingDong)

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I make myself vomit if it's a pre-emptive strike. I just did it.



Spell checker.

Dictionary.com lied to me. Shit... The Wiki is giving us lies too:

In medicine, diarrhea (from the Greek, "diarrhoia" meaning "a flowing through"[1]), also spelled diarrhoea



Bitch :blank:

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Someone hasn't watched How I Met Your Mother. :p


Bingo bango. Although in fact I've only vomitted once since about 93 and that was due to a stomach bug (and right outside a mcdonalds which I think sets a nice message). Never been sick off alcomohol.


Urgh mega urgent run back and panic to get home because me and my mom's partner are supposed to go meet my mom in 5 minutes about 15 miles away but I got back and he was asleep. Looks like latesies. Oh wait just rang her and she said no, not supposed to meet her until later. Rushed for nothing.

Edited by Ashley
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I need to start my Art summer project but I can't reach. I have to choose an object to draw from every angle in all shadow-lights. I was gonna do a weird upturned banana with bits of it lying about, as it's an interesting shape. But really, the only thing I enjoy drawing is people.

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I make myself vomit if it's a pre-emptive strike. I just did it.




Dictionary.com lied to me. Shit... The Wiki is giving us lies too:

In medicine, diarrhea (from the Greek, "diarrhoia" meaning "a flowing through"[1]), also spelled diarrhoea



Bitch :blank:

The British spelling that cropped up in Nature articles was always diarrhoea...Americans always seem to go with diarrhea.

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I need to start my Art summer project but I can't reach. I have to choose an object to draw from every angle in all shadow-lights. I was gonna do a weird upturned banana with bits of it lying about, as it's an interesting shape. But really, the only thing I enjoy drawing is people.


There is an obvious selection then, in my opinion.

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