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Friends of N-E


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The guy who introduced me to N-E(i was reading the front page for news ages before I joined the forums) is a member of the forums. Pretty good mate I'd say, but he joined about a year ago, and his last activity was like 3 days after that lol(checked his profile just now :p). Other than that, I don't think I know anyone on here in real life.

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Also, old (well, young) Twilight Link (Raw) cos we have the same birthday, hurrah for us! :hehe: By the by, we've not met in teh real world. Were just Internet bros.


Love ya too brother, but you gotta embrace the name change - it's who I am now!


The only person I know off these boards in real life is Retro_Link, he is my cousin!

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Emo, who long time forumites will remember better as ex-admin j7wicked, is my roommate and best bud (we met on here, then I said "dude, you should come to this Uni I'm going to, the course is perfect for you" and he did).


I've met your host, Ashley, top bloke - and would consider him and a chunk of the staff my 'online' N-E friends. Except Jordan, he is my enemy. *eyes flash to side, I hear the sound of flashing steel* BRB

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..hehe -


ive known / nananananananananananando / for almost 24 months - bee going out with him 20 of those


How cute. :heh::love:


and darksnowman - only met him once... but greg talks about him alllllll the time......so i feel like i know him more!


He does? :heart:

You do? :kiss:


and he likes pokemon and animal crossing so hes bound to be cool!

tho he does french :confused:


Ahh yes, he does. I'm looking forward to when Greg allows us to have a battle, and the chance to visit each others villages.


And yeah, French. Can I just say that le francais is more fun and freestyle than most other subjects.

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Just posted one in the meaningless post thread,


I have known Moogleviper since year 8 , now we're both in year 11 at the minute which the 3 years have gone really, really slow thinking about it.


There were some others that never really posted much. The main one I can think of was Riko182 (or something like that) on C_E.

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My only real friend here is Ollie (Oli1983uk) who I have known for about 7 years. He actually signed up before me and told me about the place back in the N64/cube days.


Other than that I have met a few others....Tim, Joby, Jav (Who stayed at mine for 2 nights), Dom, Rokhed, GKB, Sharan, pdhq64 and a few more of the oldies.


I also spotted Rummy at Bluewater trying out the wii but didnt say anything to him for some reason.


One day I will meet the flinkington.

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Guest Jordan
My only real friend here is Ollie (Oli1983uk) who I have known for about 7 years. He actually signed up before me and told me about the place back in the N64/cube days.


Other than that I have met a few others....Tim, Joby, Jav (Who stayed at mine for 2 nights), Dom, Rokhed, GKB, Sharan, pdhq64 and a few more of the oldies.


I also spotted Rummy at Bluewater trying out the wii but didnt say anything to him for some reason.


One day I will meet the flinkington.


How'd you meet Dom?

Speaking of which, he lives in 10 miles up the road from me. I often spend a few days at his when we have the time.

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How'd you meet Dom?

Speaking of which, he lives in 10 miles up the road from me. I often spend a few days at his when we have the time.


Met him at a games thing in London... I think it was one of the Earls court ones which I cant remember the name of.

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Guest Jordan
Jordan is attempting to look shocked here. But the shocked smilie is so rubbish it just looks like he's really satisfied because his constipation is finally over.

EDIT- You edited your post.





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Lint/Santa Cruz (never posts no more, but has been a member since the real early days) got me involved in this place. I've met him, a lot.


Also met Mr Odwin, he was a fun guy, and brought Schloer and Celebrations.


P.S. Me and Dan Dare will meet, someday...

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Aye.. I know darksnowman because we found out we went to the same uni and decided to have a bit of a duel on the DS. He's almost a worthy foe.. :blank:


What was kinda strange though is that he is friendly with someone I knew from a few years ago and my cousin!


Since then we've played some football.. some GC.. some DS.. there's just no beating him at Mario Football..


..and then of course there's my darling magicbuttons :love: (none of this My Button's are Magic nonsense :heh:)


She only came on here to check up on me (apparently :indeed:).. but hasn't found any dirt :laughing:


Then there's a few guys I talk to on the internet.. flameboy mainly.. had a few games of Winning Eleven DS with him in the League (which we have to resume!) and I've had a couple of games with RedShell and khilafah

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