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Your first game


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Either Super Mario World or Tetris. They arrived in our house the same Christmas. I would've been 5 either way, in the grand old year of 1992. I didn't get my own console until the following year (although it might have been 92' aswell, i'm not too sure) when I recieved a NES for Christmas with Maniac Mansion, Dr Mario and Isolated Warrior. Maniac Mansion was definately my first favourite game, even if I had no idea how to complete it back then, but the music was ace so I didn't care.

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Half Life 1. I pressed the shift key while a friend played for me. I was like 4,5 he was 10ish.


I used to play Rollercoaster Tycoon a fair but too when I was a wee lad, and Jazz Jackrabbit.


First game I owned on a console was Super Mario on the Gameboy, the crazy one with the Sphinx. Good games.

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Probably super mario land on my cousins' Game Boy or something, but my first actual game would be the SNES/Super Scope 6 which we got with it, it was pretty awesome. My parents rock for buying us that, I never really appreciated that fact before now, thanks!

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Can't really remember my first game I played... probably something on the NES or maybe on the commodore 64....tape deck loading ¬_¬


Edit: Thinking about it a bit more my first game was probably a handheld thingy... i had the donkey kong game and watch thing and also a pac man handhel game. Not sure if i had those before or after the commodore 64 tho.

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i really cant remember any particular games. i grew up playing games and my family used to run a shop so i played all the systems back then....first games i remember are super mario bros, sonic, some commodore 64 games like; rodlands, goldenaxe and bubble bobble.

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