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1-up Mushroom

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    • Very happy you stuck with it, got to the end and really enjoyed it. Like you, I love the puzzles and it's one of the reasons why I dislike the original version of Resident Evil 4. That game went all action based and threw away one of the things I loved about the series. Resident Evil 2 is even better, IMO. It's one of my favourite games of all time and the remake does it justice. The second game has better characters, story and replay value. As much as I love the mansion, I like the police station even more. It's a different beast to the original game but it's where the series really found it's feet and took off. Yeah, I'm excited for you to play it. Well, at least the remake of it. 
    • TWO SPACES!? TWO SPACES!?!? Are you trying to tell me if I used that random Mushroom I was given in the Last 5 turns event, I would've gotten that Bonus Star instead of @BowserBasher, and won!? It's enough to make a ghost fall off a tightrope! My track record for coming last on the turn order roll is incredibly impressive!
    • And that is credits and a game clear on my first Resident Evil!  Played through on Easy, as I mentioned before, because I didn't know the second option wasn't Normal...but in the end that turned out for the better with my time taken to adjust to the tank controls anyways  Finally found a use for that MO Disk I'd been keeping at the bottom of the item chest forever, and yes, I did blow up (just the once) trying to carefully go from one room to another in the lab. Not surprised by how certain characters played out, because I mean, some names you just hear through the grapevine, but the game even felt like it managed to get ahead of that with how it's revealed in certain documents anyways.  Just one final mention for the Mansion and everything it encompasses from a game design perspective, the sound design of the game, the incredible atmosphere, and those puzzles -- maaaaaaaan, those puzzles. I absolutely adored some of the puzzles in this game, as well as how rewarding some are as a player but also in terms of in-game rewards, such as more powerful weapons or super helpful items -- and (I might be wrong about this?) I think I potentially skipped a boss fight? There was a massive room where a cutscene played out which was clearly set up for one, but never came to pass, because of a puzzle I did earlier in the game and remembered to use after finding a certain annoying critter "protecting" itself as I'd read about in some notes. I lost count of the times I'd find a hint or be part way through a puzzle and rush to grab a pen and something to write on - a notepad, an awkwardly torn scrap of paper, or the back of a stained envelope - before hastily scribbling away. If I had to pick just one part of the game genuinely think this aspect was my favourite  That this then is part of an excellent blend of systems, story and lore bleeding into each other, which is very hard to pull off in such a relatively linear and short(ish) game, really makes it clear why this remake was so well received.  This was a real blast, and I'm seriously happy that I chose to stick it out despite early issues with the tank controls. I'm looking forward to seeing where the story and mechanics go from here, as well as seeing who turns up elsewhere, and I'm curious to see if the next game can sink its hooks into me in similar fashion. This is one of my favourite playthroughs of the year and I'm glad I squeezed it in -- in an another time where I'd grown up with a GameCube, on tank controls, and boss fights not coming as far as I know they have in the time since, I could easily see this being one I would throw around as being one of my favourites; it's not hard to see why others on N-E and elsewhere speak of it in such high regard and would include the game on their own personal list of favourites.  Obviously, this next part probably goes without saying considering where I've ultimately landed on Resident Evil Remake, and that's that I will absolutely be checking out Resident Evil 2 Remake next year -- which I have just now ordered a copy of 
    • Very much so. Many many hours are going to be put into it.  Can't get over how good it looks on the PS4 Pro. There's a Christmas update giving away free in game gifts for logging on each day with Christmas music playing in the menu screen. Thought it was a nice touch.
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