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    • Also pretty terrible, unfortunately 🙄 Speaking of which..       I was actually shocked by how rubbish this was throughout and how I didn't really find any justification for seeing it through. I guess it was doing things that were maybe more fresh when the game originally came out on XBOX 360 but this was my first and hopefully only experience of it. Terrible combat. Awful visuals. Nonsense story.
    • Hell, I'd argue if not for potential production line and assembly leaks, they could announce the Switch 2 in January and launch in March. Hell, you want an extra month, you could even turn up in December at The Game Awards if you wanted to follow in the footsteps of *checks notes* the Xbox Series X.  But seriously, I'm not kidding, and I've said this before – what exactly is there to advertise and message differently this time around? The concept is bulletproof, it's Nintendo so there could be something else to message which we haven't seen or heard of up to this point, but ultimately they've knuckled down as a business so hard over the course of this generation that while, yes, they still do very Nintendo-like weird ass things, they're typically run like a much more well thought out business than they used to be. And yes, I'm saying that current Nintendo probably wouldn't come up with the Switch in the first place, but with it already existing? They'll juice it up and iterate, anything and anyone which gets in the way of messaging that this is simply a more powerful Switch capable of playing more demanding games needs to be thrown into a cannon and fired far, far away from Nintendo HQ.  Show us the games, show us the juice and the sauce, there shouldn't be much else to show. Oh, and don't mess up the name this time around.  Struggle out of the gate by your definition, or by Nintendo's and the rest of the industry's?  I jest, but so long as Nintendo don't take a double barreled shotgun to their own feet and face, this thing is a pretty nailed on success which will almost guaranteed eclipse the Switch's launch, which I don't really think is a big ask – it will sell out just like the Switch did, and there will simply be more Switch 2 units manufactured for the launch of this thing if only to say that it did better than the Switch at launch. Standard stuff, PlayStation and Xbox would've done the same with the PS5 and Series X|S, respectively, if not got COVID and the parts shortage when they both launched at the end of 2020.  I really disagree on them letting the iron go cold to chase the PS2 sales record and am surprised you'd suggest that's what they're doing – there is very little about Nintendo today or for as long as I can remember which would suggest that they have any interest in breaking a record like that. PlayStation or Xbox? 1000% they'd chase it, and they'd probably never shut up about it either. Nintendo flexes their ego in a lot of ways - like Switch Online basically coasting by on legacy titles despite offering a subpar (to put it lightly) online experience in a good number of games - but this just doesn't seem like their sort of fight to me. I think the closest we'd see to them chasing the record would be a Switch price cut, but that's been long overdue by virtually every metric for the last 3+ years anyways, yet they've kept getting away with not doing that very thing.  I seriously think that the wait now is down to them curating and perfecting their launch year plans to ensure that everything is in place for this thing to hit the ground running, both with first-party games and third-party titles. I think first-party games will still be treated as the tentpole releases that they rightly are for Nintendo, but after the explosive success of the Switch how many third-party games from the last gen are lining up at the door to be there in that first year, and who at Nintendo's third-party relations is now needing to help manage and curate things so that Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate III aren't too close to each other or a first-party game, or a port of GTA V or Red Dead Redemption II? This time around it's just not going to be a case of Wii U ports and Indies propping up those first-party releases, but third parties are going to be doing some serious heavy lifting I feel. My goodness - Capcom can port the REmakes from last gen and potentially Monster Hunter World, you've got Bandai Namco sitting on Elden Ring but also the entire Dark Souls trilogy (as only the first game came to Switch), you've got them being friendly with Xbox still and so games like Fallout and the like aren't off the table, Square Enix no doubt want to do something with the Final Fantasy titles not already on the Switch, and it just goes on and on. Honestly, the more I type this out, the more I'm a little concerned about how indies are going to fare the first year or two when the Switch 2's catalogue could be getting swamped with the best third-party offerings of last gen.  I agree with @Hero-of-Time, and think both of his points connect nicely: I am so sick and tired of Switch Pro-turned-2 rumours over the last 4 or 5 years that I just want to see a couple of games and I'm in, which I think is the case for many of the more hardcore who keep tabs on the industry like we do here, but I also think that the gap in tech that the lack of a Switch Pro allowed for is going to see this huge jump in performance and presentation with Nintendo's own first-party titles and also an incredible expansion in the games offered going from the Switch to Switch 2, and when combined I think these two factors alone make this a far easier sell than the PS5 or Series X|S were at their respective launches due to the mid-gen refreshes we saw with the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.  Again, this is all trusting that Nintendo don't shoot themselves in the feet and the face and call the damn thing the Swiitch or Switch U. And goodness knows they've had a habit of doing that in the past, but surely not this time... ...right? 
    • The Switch was revealed in October 2016 and launched March 2017, there was less than 5 months between reveal and launch.  A reveal this month and release in March is clearly possible. Not saying it will happen but the past has proven it’s not a timeframe that’s “too tight”. 
    • Dragon Sword was also planned for other consoles, and it was in development alongside another cancelled game that I'll be covering. Although N64 cartridge costs (well, a higher up ordering far too many, to be more precise) were a reason for projects being cancelled. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour   NA release: 31st August 1999 PAL release: 24th September 1999 JP release: N/A Developer: Eurocom Publisher: GT Interactive N64 Magazine Score: 90% Considering how censored the Duke Nukem 3D port on N64 was, it’s surprising that the N64 got its own Duke Nukem game, but Eurocom ended up making Zero Hour just for the N64. From the censorship side of things, it works much, much better as things are catered to what Nintendo allowed on the console rather than covering up what was already there – the game even makes fun of Nintendo for their rules. The story this time is that the aliens have travelled back in time to prepare Earth for invasion, causing a zombie outbreak and nuclear war. It’s up to Duke to travel back and fix things. Zero Hour also brings a perspective shift into third person, with the game having plenty of control options, which makes the game feel more modern (except the inability to turn off inverted aiming). Jumping is fairly stuff, but the gunplay feels pretty great. When you’re in the thick of action, the game is great. Enemy body parts come off in a satisfying way and there’s a good variety of weapons to dish out damage with. What does let the game down is the level design. There isn’t a lot of time travelling – you see a post-apocalyptic future, go to a Western town, then Victorian era Britain (you do get to see an airship and Scottish castle) and back to the present for the finale. I feel like some of these could have been shortened to make way for a few more timezones. The levels themselves are also made to torment you. It’s much easier to find secret areas than it is to progress in some levels, due to annoying design, hidden keys, switches that blend into the background and some doors/teleporters/drops that just send you backwards in the level. Sometimes you’ll need to kill all enemies before a door randomly opens, but there’s a significant delay so you’ll often presume it’s one of the many doors in the game that are never used and move on. This brings a lot of frustration, especially as the levels are very long and there are no checkpoints or saves during levels. If you want to visit the secret location (the Titanic), then you’ll also need to find a hidden piece of a time machine in each level. Zero Hour is really good during combat, but in between combat is a lot of aimless walking around in circles. Fun Remake or remaster? A remaster collection of the Duke 3rd person shooters – Time to Kill, Zero Hour and Land of the Babes – would be great. Official ways to get the game. There is no official way to get Duke Nukem: Zero Hour.
    • Figured that was the case, it was just that you mentioned them as a publisher not a developer. I thought you were saying anything they publish sucks. 
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