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Don't really remember the director's cut.

Main difference is that the director's cut removed Harrison Ford's narrative. I think the ending's longer, too, and the scene where he interviews that girl is different, as well, I think. Probably other stuff, too.

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Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem (AVP-R)


WTF, seriously. How could they make it any worse than AVP? They just have. (As a huuge Alien fan) it made me sick to my stomach.


This film was too dark, I mean really dark I couldn't see a fucking thing and when I did, it looked straight-to-dvd cheap. I've never felt so insulted in all my life. Whoever designed that Predator/Alien hybrid should be castrated immediately.


And what I hate most is people who defend it saying 'well what did you expect, a masterpiece? It's meant to be shit, switch your brain off blah blah blah.' Well if I made a piece of artwork/film/something creative and told you I made it suck on purpose what do you think, you're not going to be very amused.




2008 hasn't got off to a great start.

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No I honestly do not know what to say, I'm not sure if I think it is good or awful. I'll need to think about it.


See the original, Abre Los Ojos. That's quality film making...




Tales from Earthsea.


You gotta hand to Miyazaki... he's always right. I went in expecting allot from this... and I got out with nothing but anger and frustration at Goro for ruining the core experience that is Ghibli...

"Hayao Miyazaki explicitly expressed that he felt his son did not have the experience to direct a film" Damn right he doesn't! I mean, he basically destroyed everything Isao and his father built with time, dedication and passion!

I didn't even bother to see what the reception from it was, because it was a Ghibli... and now I don't know... Maybe that award for "Worst movie" is a bit too much, it was... herm... ok. But that "Worst Director" award? Fucking dead on! What the fuck was Goro thinking?!?!?!?

No wonder the writer was upset! This is the worst type of advertising she could get!

It completely lacks sentimentality! It's like it starts on point A and ends on point B and the distance between them is a straight, uninvolving and completely uninteresting line!


Watchable? Most certainly.

Disappointment of the year? Yup! You bet it is.


Maybe if this wasn't a Ghibli film, I'd give it a 6... nonetheless:

5/10... or in other words GTFO/10.

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Whats wrong with the name Humphrey Bogart?




I am currently half way (well, just under) through Battle Royale. Doing an analysis of it, examining how it is typical of contemporary horror in showing the monster inside of us, what we're capable of doing to others etc. Having to stop it regularly to jot notes as I have to keep my eyes on screen at all other times. (currently taking a break)


Still, a great quality film. This will be my forth time watching it (forth or third, I forget which). Still love it. And finally learning names and such ^_^



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Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem (AVP-R)


WTF, seriously. How could they make it any worse than AVP? They just have. (As a huuge Alien fan) it made me sick to my stomach.


This film was too dark, I mean really dark I couldn't see a fucking thing and when I did, it looked straight-to-dvd cheap. I've never felt so insulted in all my life. Whoever designed that Predator/Alien hybrid should be castrated immediately.


And what I hate most is people who defend it saying 'well what did you expect, a masterpiece? It's meant to be shit, switch your brain off blah blah blah.' Well if I made a piece of artwork/film/something creative and told you I made it suck on purpose what do you think, you're not going to be very amused.




2008 hasn't got off to a great start.


Ah that's a shame :( Especially seeings as the original Alien film is just fantastic (and the sequels tbh).


AVP was one of the worst films i've ever seen and I can't believe they've made it even worse!

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Pff OW, you talk about the movie as if it burned down every remain of previous Ghibli movies and then proceeded to rape your entire family. The fact that you were expecting a lot also doesn't help. I don't find the film watchable, I find it good, not the best from Ghibli, not the most original, but it's still very beautiful and entertaining. I also found it very involving and touching. Talk about blowing things out of proportion (just like the rest of the anime community). You read too much and get informed too much about movies, I think that brings down the experience a lot :P

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I Am Legend


I consider Will Smith a wholly likeable person, and if he ran for president I'd happily support him. If I were American, obviously.


Anyway, he does a good job of carrying this film largely single-handedly making a believable impression of a man on the edge, and the movie weaves a thick atmosphere very early on. Incidental visual clues to a world that was are nicely implemented, with flashbacks used effectively, and derelict New York is realised convincingly.


The same can't be said of some of the CGI, with the animals and other beasties getting lost somewhere in the Uncanny Valley. As with a lot of modern monster movies, I can't help but wish the studio would go back to the likes of Alien and Jurassic Park to see how to make your craft convincing.


Visuals aside I found the film intriguing and enjoyable, but as is so often the case it stumbles towards the end and you're left wondering whether they drafted in another screenwriter to pen the finale — I hear the book is quite different, but I'm afraid I haven't read it.


Overall a film that's worth watching, but by the end it falls far short of legend.


1% immunity/10

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i am legend.



2 of those points are for the cute doggy -

the other 2 - WILL SMITH DOES PULL-UPS. hell yeahs.


the rest was fairly boring. and the ending was rubbish. i hear the book is much better though ~ i'll probably give that a read...

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I thought I Am Legend was pretty good actually. Bad ending of course, but Will Smith's performance was surprisingly good and until Anna turns up it's a really enjoyable and quite unconventional (by Hollywood standards) sci-fi film.


You're right about the dog though, that thing is awesome.

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