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Rate the last film you saw


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Utterly dismayed. Watching the Star Wars universe in the cinema is supposed to be something you remember forever. Not something you forget instantly. So much promise...So much uncharted teritory left as blank as before.


As much as the universe is as brilliantly sharp and realised as previous, (with some nice little nods for the fans,) the feeling of emptyness is what shocked me the most. No care for returning to Tatooine? No original voice actors?


No love.


It just came across as a cash cow starting to grind its gears...Even though the massive Star Wars fan in me screams "it's going to get better".


Lovely art direction though ;)


5/10. The force is NOT strong with this one.

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best bit!




but yeah: the novel's murders are horrendous. All sorts of insanely fucked up shit I won't spoil for you but it's dark, evil stuff.


I totally agree. The book literally had me feeling so ill at the horrorific things he does. I don't think anyother book, except maybe parts of Misery, have evoked such an emotion in me.

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i just got forced to see shitty shitty zohan or whatever it's called.


its one of those films you wonder whilst you're watching it how the self respect of all the actors didn't kick in at some point and mke them stop it.


and it was so long too..... urgh. Second only to meet the spartans for worst film i've seen in the last few years. urgh. I feel ashamed of myself and degraded for having seen it.

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I watched a few films over the weekend.

Die Hard with a Vengeance (Again)

A sign of a good film is Replay Value. This film has it. I can't stop watching it.


Nine and a Half Shabba's





10 Things I Hate About You

Another film which has the Replay Value, not as much, but still a sexy film.

Eight Shabba's


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Utterly dismayed. Watching the Star Wars universe in the cinema is supposed to be something you remember forever. Not something you forget instantly. So much promise...So much uncharted teritory left as blank as before.


As much as the universe is as brilliantly sharp and realised as previous, (with some nice little nods for the fans,) the feeling of emptyness is what shocked me the most. No care for returning to Tatooine? No original voice actors?


No love.


It just came across as a cash cow starting to grind its gears...Even though the massive Star Wars fan in me screams "it's going to get better".


Lovely art direction though ;)


5/10. The force is NOT strong with this one.


I'm not gonna bother with The Clone Wars. Wasn't the idea of it originally is to let whatever happens during the wars to the audiances imagination?


If Lucas is going to milk this franchise, he could at least given us a SW story in a different part of the universe with original characters, seeing as he's always on about how vast the SW universe is.







But anyway, what i've seen recently...


...And Justice for All- 7/10


Pacino was great as usual, but aside from that, pretty much meh.


Ed Wood- 9/10


Now this was a memorable film. Quirky, but didn't stray too far from a traditional biopic. An amazing cast as well might I add; Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Bill Murray, Patricia Arquette etc.


Armageddon- 2/10


Wouldn't it be easier to train astronauts to be drillers, rather than the other way around?

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I'm not gonna bother with The Clone Wars. Wasn't the idea of it originally is to let whatever happens during the wars to the audiances imagination?

If Lucas is going to milk this franchise, he could at least given us a SW story in a different part of the universe with original characters, seeing as he's always on about how vast the SW universe is.


Yeah... back in 1977. Lucas had already written most of the prequel's story by ep 6 and the Clone Wars are one of the most important and interesting parts of Star Wars, the Expanded Universe made it clear that this was going to be a focus.

Isn't this the mix of the first episodes of the show, kinda like a preview? I'm certainly not going to expect an experience catering to the movies.

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chill out dude :)


it IS the big film at the moment sure :)


Oh, i know it's a massive film - it's just that I don't get to watch it 'til wednesday and I don't wnt to read about that shit in here because they're structural spoilers :P

Kingsley Amis called Terminator 2 "a flawless masterpiece."


I agree.

Kingsley amis... jeez, I've never understood the obsession. You know how he felt about his own son's work (especially Money)? he's an old card who doesn't really understand why society ever had to evolve. Be careful where you tread with him.

The majority of the film is just grungy cyber punk and it rocks :D

Cyber punk? No. No. No. It is not cyber punk. Nowhere near.

3:10 to Yuma - Fucking amazing. I generally hate "westerns," so I was surprised by how hard this film kicked my ass. Ending was abrupt, but it all worked really well. 9.5/10


There Will Be Blood - Had to pause it a couple of times, as it meanders a lot (not as bad/awesome as Magnolia though) and I have a fairly short attention span, but it was a story well told. 9/10

Bard! i honestly feel that you've rated it 9 because you feel it deserves a high score! I've not seen teh film yet, but any film that you can't watch in one sitting cannot earn such an esteemed rating.


so yeah. Going to watch Dark Knight on wednesday and Wall-E on friday, hopefully. I've avoided nearly all trailers (saw very first wall-e trailer and raved about it when others were all "hmmm...", and saw one trailer for batman) so hopefully it lives up to expectations.

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You Don't Mess With The Zohan


I expected nothing, because I disliked Sandler but this was hilarious. Some boring bits and then suddenly it makes you explode with laughter. I was in fits for half the film, some of it was just so brilliant. The most stupid film I've EVER seen. I swear I've lost IQ points from watching it, but the bad thing is it was that funny I don't actually mind.


"Are you..Bionic?"


Funny Rating - 8.5/10

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*Joke spoliers*

Hah, I loved it so much. I'd willingly pay to see it again. It was just SO odd. I mean when they started playing hacky sack, and had "disco breaks" - it floored me.


But come on:


Michael: What are you? Bionic?

Zohan: No, I only like the ladies.


I've never laughed so much at an actual comedy film in the cinema before, they never usually amuse me that much. But you should give it a try, it's much better than the trailer makes it out to be.

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You Don't Mess With The Zohan


I expected nothing, because I disliked Sandler but this was hilarious. Some boring bits and then suddenly it makes you explode with laughter. I was in fits for half the film, some of it was just so brilliant. The most stupid film I've EVER seen. I swear I've lost IQ points from watching it, but the bad thing is it was that funny I don't actually mind.


"Are you..Bionic?"


Funny Rating - 8.5/10


are you kidding?? i felt mentally violated by that film. it was degrading to watch!

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My mate lent me this in preparation for the new movie he wants to see, he needs someone to go with him so i watched the first one to get me in the mood ready. Never seen it before or read any of the comics so i thought it was a good movie. Good action/adventure and Hellboy himself has what is known as a no nonsense tough guy attitude. Good supporting acting as well. Quite liked the movie, 8/10

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Star Wars: Clone Wars


While not good as a film, I stilled enjoyed it. I'll probably be watching the TV series when it starts. Hopefully they've used the money from the film as a way of financing the great visuals of the entire show.

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My mate lent me this in preparation for the new movie he wants to see, he needs someone to go with him so i watched the first one to get me in the mood ready. Never seen it before or read any of the comics so i thought it was a good movie. Good action/adventure and Hellboy himself has what is known as a no nonsense tough guy attitude. Good supporting acting as well. Quite liked the movie, 8/10


Then you'll probably give The Golden Army at least a 9.

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27 Dresses


I really enjoy this film as it's just light fun and happy. Which is exactly what I want from a movie sometimes. : peace:


5 and a half Bears out of 7.


X-men 2


This was on on Tuesday night and I hadn't watched since I saw it in the cinema. I liked it then and it still held up now a very enjoyable superhero movie!


It was odd watchingJames Marsden from 27 Dresses playing Cyclops. :p


4 and a half Bears out of 7


Mummy 3: Tomb of the dragon man thing. (I still don't know the title! :heh:)


It was okay.... some of it was funny! like the abominable snowmen!!! that may have been my favourite part! It was just so... random. It's like the director was like:



"Hey scriptwriters you have forgotten to put in a way for them to excape the mountain"




"ah no worries will throw in a couple of Yeti's!"




"I love it! throw in another for luck!" :awesome:


The whole film felt so uneccesary. I mean things happened but there was very little logic as to why they happened or why we should care that they happened. It was pretty tired as well and I wasn't a big fan of the new Eve and the dialogue oozed unseen levels of cheesiness than I had seen before!!!

but it provided some brainless entertainment for just under 2 hours and at the price of £3.50 I'm not going to complain. :D


My friend wanted to see it and I decided to see out of curiosity how bad it may be. I was pleasantly suprised as it was fairly enjoyable to sit throuh. not the worst movie I have ever seen! :)


3 Bears out of 7.

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Get Smart


Pretty funny in places, a bit unfunny in other places, but generally entertaining! Steve Carell is obviously amazing, and there is one really funny joke in ;


Maxwell Smart: I think it's only fair to warn you, this facility is surrounded by a highly trained team of 130 black op snipers.

Siegfried: I don't believe you.

Maxwell Smart: Would you believe 2 dozen Delta Force commandos?

Siegfried: No.

Maxwell Smart: How about Chuck Norris with a BB gun




But, aye, I liked it a lot. Anne Hathaway is smoking hot in it.



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