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- I'm Ben.

- 34 years old.

- Born in Bristol, lived in South Wales my whole life.

- Can't remember when I first joined here, I didn't post for years.

- Won an old Cube-Europe competition for a GBA SP and Metroid Fusion, I was well chuffed.

- Been working in a colours testing lab for the last few years. It turned very toxic at the start of this year unfortunately, I handed in my notice a couple of weeks ago.

- Going back to uni in September to do a masters degree.

- Liverpool supporter because they were the best team with a green (away) kit in 1994/95.

- I enjoy trying new craft beers and real ales.

- I like spending my annual leave on foreign city breaks (I wouldn't quite call it travelling). Anywhere with a cool castle, big tower to climb and nice food & drinks to try.

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- I'm Anil

- I'm British Asian! My family are Punjabi (North India) but I was raised in Milton Keynes.

- But I was actually born in Birmingham! Hate the place...

- I studied Chemistry at the University of Nottingham, where I met my fab fiancee :)

- I work for a large energy company in the Digital Marketing team. I run small projects and support larger ones.

- I enjoy travelling. As @Mandalore also said, I love a good city break over a long weekend. We also tend to have one 'beach' holiday a year. Last year it was Sri Lanka, the year before Greece (Corfu).

- I love discovering new food and drink. Good food reveals a lot about cultures and history, and it's part of the reason why I love going to Italy (especially Rome). 

- Formula 1 is my favourite sport. @Will has fine taste! I've got a picture of me and Fernando Alonso somewhere on my phone...

- I love discovering new music, and tend to have a pretty wide musical palette. My favourite bands / artists are Metallics, Rage Against The Machine, Kanye West, Nas, Eminem and Bruce Springsteen. I also love discovering music that's in another language - I'm listening to a lot of Cuban music at the moment!

- I love Jurgen Klopp.

To keep this thread going, I nominate @MoogleViper and @Zell to post :)

Edited by Goron_3
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 - I'm Chris (well Christopher but I hate being called that)

 - I'm 31 years old

 - Born in Kirkcaldy, lived in Glenrothes for 23 years of my life but have lived in Dundee since 2013

 - Joined the board June 2008, though I'd been reading the main site for years beforehand

 - Engaged to my partner of 6 and a half years. We've lived together for nearly 6 years now and have managed to not kill each other so must definitely be the real deal. Admittedly, given that we spend much of the day doing silly and stupid things, making faces and the like and have similar sense of humour, it was only ever going to be good times and its certainly been that and has pretty much felt like we've been married for years at this point. Neither of us want kids either so that's a plus (she asked me on our first date if that's what I wanted, so very forward but saved bother down the line)

 - Had intended to get married this year but as things started coming out with covid, we just held off of pulling the trigger on booking things which ultimately means we'll probably have to wait longer now because wedding dates being sadly pushed back everywhere. We'll sort out a date at some point (genuinely her words not mine, she'd rather buy a house first)

 - Went to University of Dundee and got my MA in Psychology. Enjoyed it so much I stayed another year and got a MSc in Eye Movements and Visual Cognition. Enjoyed that even more so applied and got offered a Ph.D. place (half an hour after the interview so its the only time I've knocked an interview out the park really). Ended up dropping my Ph.D. after having had to take 6 months out after family and personal issues, my supervisor retiring and being put with a new supervisor who was confrontational more than helpful. Physical and mental health issues meant that I had to call it quits 3 months from submission date but I don't regret dropping as I'd be a shell if I'd pushed myself to hand in.

 - Currently unemployed and don't really know what I want to do career wise. Been 2 years out of psychology so getting back in would be difficult and have struggled to get in the door anywhere up here with fewer jobs going in Dundee. Would've loved to have gone into counselling but I can't do Uni again. Maybe something in the games industry marketing wise as I seem to be interested in the back end of games development and publishing but not sure

 - Hobby wise, I love music, playlisting, occasionally drawing and reading and playing games. Have always wanted to learn guitar but have never gotten round to it

 - Getting older has just brought several health issues to the surface over the last few years. Undiagnosed gastric issue that a gastroscopy, allergy tests and blood tests failed to shine light on. Had to alter my diet drastically so ended up just going vegan (did so for ethical reasons as well) but its still difficult to manage. Have benign tremors and get frequent seizures and convulsions  possibly a side effect of medication that I was prescribed but most likely not and have hypermobility in my shoulder joints which causes bother frequently. Also have the potential to develop hemochromatosis if I'm very unlucky in later life (my dad has one of the genes for it and suffers from many of the symptoms of it)

 - Want to do more travelling and would love to do the whole living in a van thing at some point doing so (the missus is 100% on board with this as well). As long as I can be near the sea and some sand and culture, I'd be very happy

Tl;dr: I'm me, I think ::shrug::laughing:

Edited by Ganepark32
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This was me, from that thread:

  • James Pike - Still true!
  • 31 :( - Even worse; 41 :(!
  • Mormon - My heart doesn't lie here anymore. It's my people and my culture, but not who I am. My family is deeply entrenched so it's difficult.
  • Statistician - Now Senior Statistical Scientist, because the world discovered machine learning and data science
  • Married at 23! - Still married!
  • Two kids: Anna (4!) & Caleb (20 months) - Now 14 and 11.
  • Joined C-E in Jan 2004 - Still true!
  • Originally from Teesside, but left when I was 19 - Still true!
  • Live in Macclesfield - Still true! Feel really settled here, and we're about to build an extension on our house so it'll be a suitable forever home. (Slightly nervous about such a financial commitment during these times, but if everyone stopped spending then that would be a shame.)
  • I really love cookies -  - Still true! Made a special trip to Sainsbury's last night for essential shopping and cookies were on the list. However, this batch are a bit crunchy for my liking.


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Hang on a minute. We're friends on Facebook and although I knew you were from NE, I had no idea you were @Mr_Odwin

Come to think of it, I never even questioned what your actual username was...

Anyone else from Facebook want to highlight what a shitty Facebook friend I am?

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3 hours ago, Happenstance said:



1 hour ago, nightwolf said:


Of course I know you guys. How could I forget my good friends Gary and Sarah. A pair of real cards if ever I saw one. Oh the fun times we've had together.

*Shuffles awkwardly towards the door*

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3 hours ago, Mr_Odwin said:

Ha ha. Question is, which of my personalities did you prefer? :-p


Oh, I can definitely remember both...

Seriously though, I have been paying attention on Facebook (you do the family blogs right?), I just knew you were NE, but must have never actually associated you with your username.

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52 minutes ago, Goafer said:

Oh, I can definitely remember both...

Seriously though, I have been paying attention on Facebook (you do the family blogs right?), I just knew you were NE, but must have never actually associated you with your username.

That's me. The video blog is mainly so far away family can keep a tabs on what we're up to, but just posting it to facebook is super convenient.

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5 hours ago, Goafer said:

Oh, I can definitely remember both...

Seriously though, I have been paying attention on Facebook (you do the family blogs right?), I just knew you were NE, but must have never actually associated you with your username.

...I mean...

W/E. Dead to me now Gaston. 

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On 14/07/2020 at 10:52 PM, Goron_3 said:

- I'm Anil

- I'm British Asian! My family are Punjabi (North India) but I was raised in Milton Keynes.

- But I was actually born in Birmingham! Hate the place...

- I studied Chemistry at the University of Nottingham, where I met my fab fiancee :)

- I work for a large energy company in the Digital Marketing team. I run small projects and support larger ones.

- I enjoy travelling. As @Mandalore also said, I love a good city break over a long weekend. We also tend to have one 'beach' holiday a year. Last year it was Sri Lanka, the year before Greece (Corfu).

- I love discovering new food and drink. Good food reveals a lot about cultures and history, and it's part of the reason why I love going to Italy (especially Rome). 

- Formula 1 is my favourite sport. @Will has fine taste! I've got a picture of me and Fernando Alonso somewhere on my phone...

- I love discovering new music, and tend to have a pretty wide musical palette. My favourite bands / artists are Metallics, Rage Against The Machine, Kanye West, Nas, Eminem and Bruce Springsteen. I also love discovering music that's in another language - I'm listening to a lot of Cuban music at the moment!

- I love Jurgen Klopp.

To keep this thread going, I nominate @MoogleViper and @Zell to post :)

This ain't Facebook, you can't just nominate people!

Alright fine.

  • I'm Matt
  • I'm 30
  • Born in Oxford, grew up in Bucks
  • Studied maths at Warwick Uni, decided to become a management consultant instead. Been in the job over 8 years now
  • After graduating I lived in Birmingham (not that bad) and then London, but very recently moved out of London and bought a house in Milton Keynes
  • My job involves a lot of travelling. Until lockdown, I had been travelling to Glasgow for project work for the last 3 years. It's rewarding but tiring and it can get a bit depressing being away from home a lot. Getting to work from home during lockdown has been a revelation for me, got so much more free time now. Although I do miss Glasgow a lot, great city
  • @Goron_3 introduced me to the forum back when we were still wee nippers. Don't post on it as much as I used to, but I still lurk and play PS4 with a few forumites
  • Hobby-wise, I'm cricket mad, although probably not as much as @Mr-Paul who I think has a fantastic job. Love going to watch games, have travelled to Australia twice to see The Ashes and will certainly go again. I've also started playing again in recent years despite being very shit
  • Also a big Oxford United fan, been to hundreds of games and may now get a season ticket since I'm free of London's shackles
  • Love rock music and going to gigs and festivals. I'm mostly into metal and early 2000s punk but have a soft spot for Fleetwood Mac
  • Geek out on history, love reading about it and going on short city breaks
  • My favourite game is Super Smash Bros Melee
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On 7/14/2020 at 1:48 PM, Eenuh said:

I can't see the photos! I want to see the photos! :( 

Same! @soag, we need our Disney fix! 😂

One of my friends told me to watch a series on Disney+ about marriage proposals done in the style of Disney films. She reckons its cool to watch. 

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I'm Edd

I'm 33

Born in Weston-super-Mare, grew up in a tiny village near Cheddar in Somerset

Have a degree in Graphic design, studied in Bristol for first two years and Plymouth for the third

Now work in the Workplace pensions marketing team for Aviva in Bristol - love working from home, even though if I was in the office it would literally be a 10 minute walk from leaving my house to sitting down at my desk :heh: Have worked for Aviva for 4 years now and really enjoy it (most of the time). Most of my work involves creating and maintaining pension scheme literature, but don't ask me for pension advice as I am definitely not an expert!

Was introduced to the old C-E forums by @Retro_Link (my cousin) back in 2005, so only a few months before the move. First username was Twilight_Link. I'm more of a lurker these days, although I never really considered myself as the most active of members even during my prime

Helped with graphics for the site for a few years, but haven't been doing that for a long time now

Have been a Man United fan since the first match I saw live was Villa vs United and United won 2-1 (thank god Villa didn't win), think it was the 93/94 season. When the new Wembley opened went to see all the England home games for a few years - including the infamous "Wally with a brolly" match vs Croatia, not a good night! Also a big Tennis fan and went to the ATP Finals last year 

Favourite games are Zelda A Link to the Past and the Witcher 3. Should probably include Destiny as well considering the sheer number of hours I've played

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15 hours ago, Zell said:

Either in the London Borough of Milton Keynes, or we crash Bard's.

Man I miss being in Walthamstow and getting the two of you too drunk to go to work the next day :p. Have a particularly fond memory of us drinking a liter of Vodka, a bottle of port and playing Rock Band until 4am. Will have to get you and Anil down to my crib for a hang when I'm back in the country!

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I've been unusually busy these past few weeks, so it's high time I posted something here:

  • My name is João Pereira
  • 30 years old. Will hopefully stay that age forever
  • Born in Porto, still living here
  • Studied Civil Engineering, now working in a door factory (on a design/programming capacity)
    • Luckily, I've kept this job throughout these months. They've been fairly competent at keeping the business running.
  • Before I landed that job, I actually studied and worked in Germany for a few years. Was looking for some independence and money, and after fulfilling both goals, eventually came back to Portugal. Very rich experience.
  • Speaking of that, I know a fair few languages (PT, ES, EN, DE), and love learning bits of more (French, Italian, Greek, Japanese, Farsi, etc.), though I've fallen behind since coming back.
  • I have a large extended family (seven uncles, 18 first cousins), and I'm fairly close to all of them. And because that's not large enough, there's an estranged branch out there whom I simply don't care about.
  • A lot of members from that family were either born or raised in Venezuela, so I always thought of that country as familiar, even if I never lived there. I imagine this is how children of immigrants feel.
  • Not a club football fan (I have a metric shit ton of reasons to hate it more than ever right now), but if I were to choose a club, I'd go with Sporting Clube Portugal (yes, it's based in Lisbon, I know). I do enjoy the World and Euro cups. Much more interesting matches for a large variety of reasons.
  • Started out as a Mega Drive + Game Boy child, moved into PC gaming (not the "master race" kind, rather the "easiest&cheapest option" kind), eventually got an N64 due to Pokémon, moved to the Gamecube thanks to Ocarina of Time and Melee, and I have called myself a Nintendo fan since. Though I suppose I never stopped PC gaming either.
    • Also, massive handheld fan. I understand this is an uncommon take, and that's a notion I still find confusing.
    • I'm also a big fan of fighting games, the one genre that tempts me towards other consoles. But as long as I have games like Smash, Soul Calibur, Garou, and Tatsunoko, I'm good. It helps that I'm in touch with the local Smash scene, which is a wholesome place.
  • My favourite game of all time was Melee for a long time, but that crown was recently taken by Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
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