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30 Day Video Game Challenge Thing.


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47 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Favourite Town/Village

There are basically two groups of people when it comes to this question. The wrong people who have clearly never played Majora's Mask and the people whose answer is Clock Town from Majora's Mask.

I've played Majora's Mask and I sure as hell won't be picking Clock Town!

I'm the worst kind of wrong.. but it feels oh so right :grin:

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Day 11 - Favourite Town/Village

Kakariko Village - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


If you've played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, then you'll instantly know the layout of Kakariko village, which residents are in each of the houses, how to awkwardly traverse the place via chicken and a combination of floating off the rooftops and the fences at just the right angle, while holding your feathered friend, in an attempt to round up all the others.

It's a gateway to Death Mountain, the Graveyard and later on you get to go beneath the well, underneath the graves... plus the entrance to the Shadow Temple is hidden in plain sight until you get the right tools to go there towards the end of the game. You could call it a mini-hub of sorts, for all the places it leads to.

Then you have the House of Skulltula, which you'll likely be returning to frequently, in an attempt to lift the curse on all of the family members who have been turned into partial Skulltula form, by hunting down the one hundred gold skulltulas which are in the game, they can be anywhere and everywhere... I think when they were relegated to individual locations in Majora's Mask, something was lost and there was just something really cool about getting to say... fifty Skulltulas and then coming back to this place to see the effects of the curse you've been lifting.

It might not objectively be the best village, but I've always been fond of the place. :smile:

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Day 11 - Favourite town/village

Might be an odd one out but I’m going with...


Tarrey Town, mainly for the reason that it actually felt like a task to gather everything and everyone to build the town. There may not be a lot going on afterwards but it was probably the best side quest in BotW

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7 minutes ago, BowserBasher said:

Day 11 - Favourite town/village

Might be an odd one out but I’m going with...


Tarrey Town, mainly for the reason that it actually felt like a task to gather everything and everyone to build the town. There may not be a lot going on afterwards but it was probably the best side quest in BotW

Really clever idea, the town itself was pretty handy to stock up on supplies too, I used it all the time, gliding down from a nearby hill

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Earliest video game memory - Tetris or Sonic
Opening section - Final Fantasy IX
Local multiplayer - Snipperclips
Favourite villain - Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
3D Platformer - De Blob
Most relaxing navigation - Wind Waker
Favourite ranged combat - Worms Armageddon
Best musical moment - One Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII)
Scariest moment - Doki Doki Literature Club
Best Credits sequence - Super Mario 64
Best Town - Windfall Island (Wind Waker)

With this entry, I officially forfeit Hard Mode:

Windfall Island (Wind Waker)


Other than navigating the ocean, I also loved visiting and revisiting this place. Perfect place to do business, do some side-quests, sell spoils, go to the auction, see how much my quest is affecting the townspeople, etc. I love that every NPC is unique, they go around their lengthy business around town (clock or no clock), and I think everybody here is involved in one sidequest or another. I absolutely adore this place. Oh, and you can restart the windmill and rekindle the lighthouse. It's great.

The music's friggin' fantastic too, being an upbeat, sailing-themed version of Kakariko's theme. Very nostalgic.

Also, that one sidequest that turns out to be mandatory...

I had that happen to me too, during one of my replays :heh: Super memorable stuff.

If I were doing Hard Mode, It'd be a close call between Skyloft, Clock Town, or Zazen Town (and if you know what that last one is, you're a cool person, have a nice day). Maybe I'll make that call at the end of the challenge.

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Favourite Town/Village


Crescent Isle: Skies of Arcadia

It starts off as an desert island that you get stranded in and you return later in the game to build it into your home, complete with customisation options based on the regions you've visited.

Edited by Goafer
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Favourite Awful Game

I really found this one difficult, and had to look through quite a lot to find something I thought was a good fit, eventually I found it:


Sonic R on the SEGA Saturn

At the time this was meant to be SEGA’s answer to Mario Kart, but my god they messed it up. Hardly any tracks, gameplay was horrendous, and it was so ambitious the Saturn could barely render the track before you’d run over it. It was bad.

HOWEVER! The music was out of this world, fully produced tracks with real singing and a great beat. It’s worth suffering the game just to listen to the tracks. I think some of them have even been re-used now - well worth trying to get hold of them and have a listen.

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Day 12 - Favourite Awful Game

The Star Trek game from 2013, set between Star Trek (the 2009 film) and Star Trek Into Darkness, you play as Kirk or Spock and fight through hordes of Gorn.

It's not a particularly good game, but I had fun with it in co-op.



(Also, now I have Super Sonic Racing stuck in my head)

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Favourite Awful Game

I think I must have played a different game to everyone else because all I hear online about Paper Mario: Sticker Star is how it's one of the worst games Nintendo have ever put out, but from my point of view I really enjoyed my time with it. Maybe objectively it was poor compared to past entries, and I certainly enjoyed Super Paper Mario and Colour Splash a lot more but still, I had a great time with Sticker Star. The Paper Mario series has always been haunted by TTYD though so maybe having not played that I just don't mind how each subsequent game is different to it and just enjoy them for what they are. 


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24 minutes ago, Cube said:

Day 12 - Favourite Awful Game

The Star Trek game from 2013, set between Star Trek (the 2009 film) and Star Trek Into Darkness, you play as Kirk or Spock and fight through hordes of Gorn.

It's not a particularly good game, but I had fun with it in co-op.



(Also, now I have Super Sonic Racing stuck in my head)

Somehow I knew this would be your choice. I remember you defending it at the time 😆

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Day 12 - Favourite Awful Game

Can a game be awful if you enjoy it yourself?
For me, it’s probably the grind fest Tank!Tank!Tank! So good, they named it thrice.
It’s mindless, impossible to dodge some enemy attacks, especially incoming rockets, but the time spent with my son was priceless. There’s also a tank that shoots pizza projectiles, as the announcer yells, Dinner Time!


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Day 12 - Favourite Awful Game

ClayFighter 63⅓ - Back in school my brother had this really rich friend who seemed to have pretty much every single N64 game. After borrowing quite a few of the good ones, I started trying the ones which got awful reviews in N64 magazine for a laugh. Clayfighter was entertaining seeing just how terrible a game it really was. :laughing:


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Day 12: Favourite Awful Game

My vote goes to The House of the Dead: Overkill


As an arcade-style light gun game? It sucks.  The pacing is terrible, the enemy/boss design is dull & uninteresting, the stages are FAR too long and it’s nowhere near as fun to play as the other HOTD games.  It’s just not a very well designed light gun game all around...

... but holy shit is it funny as fuck! The writing is spectacular! And it absolutely nails the Grindhouse B-Movie vibe to a tee!

The gameplay (as an arcade-style light gun game), sucks balls; but the game as a whole is hugely entertaining!

Edited by Dcubed
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Day 12: Favourite awful game


A game not many people seemed to like, but I had a blast with it. I picked it up at a bargain price, but even at full price I may have found it acceptable. I got some of the paid DLC as well.

Yes it's repetitive, and basically is following waypoints and going from one battle to the next but it had a nice flow to it, and exploring the universe and different planets was enjoyable.

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Favourite Awful Game



Given how much hate and "worst game ever" this game got, I actually enjoyed it. The gameplay was fun, if a little repetitive and the large mech (forget what it was called) felt nice and weighty. Didn't deserve anywhere near the hate it got.

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Favourite awful game

This one's really hard.... it's hard to work out what an 'awful' game is. I thought about choosing one of the crap cereal box games I played as a kid, but I guess I'll go with:


No Man's Sky

By all accounts this game was a critical mess when it came out, mainly due to the disconnected between what it promised in previews compared to what was eventually released.

I however, really enjoyed it. I loved the feeling of exploration, and tracking down all the species on each planet. It felt like a weird and wonderful safari. Since I 'completed' it and last played it, it's had many large updates, and supposedly plays much better. At some point I mean to fire it up and play it again, but I don't know if I ever will.

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Day 12 - Favourite Awful Game

World Racing for the Nintendo GameCube

There aren't that many videos which have footage of the GC version, but here's a brief clip...

Though, I remember the game for a certain, long and winding road track which allowed you to go of course at one point, into the water surrounding part of the track and... just keep on driving :p I've no idea where the game came from, I just know that it used to be a game in my brothers collection, we both played it, thought it was hilariously broken but somehow playable at the time, it was probably sold a long time ago but I always think of buying it back just to play it again for some odd reason. ::shrug:

If I do, I might try and capture some footage of it myself, being that there's so little of it out there, although there is footage of it running on an emulator but not so much when it comes to original hardware... I'm really thinking of rebuying it you know, I'm sure my brother would love to play it again as well. :D

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5 hours ago, Dcubed said:

My vote goes to The House of the Dead: Overkill

See, this is why this category is so hard to choose for. I would never classify HotD Overkill as a bad game, its writing and direction are tremendous. And I might not be well versed in the On-Rails Shooter genre, but the game seemed fun and competent enough for me.

I played a bunch of games that are considered "bad" by others, but I don't quite agree (for example, Aero the Acro-Bat for the Mega Drive is a legitimately fun game, undeserving of the scorn I've seen geared towards it in several websites), some games that are bad by today's standards, but excellent for their time (like Tales of Phantasia), but that's not what I'll be picking: Instead, my criteria is "Game that I legitimately enjoy despite its glaring flaws being clear as day, and I might even like it better with them".

With that, my runners-up are Sonic 3D Blast and Virtual Bart, but my choice was the one I struggled even putting in this category...

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade


Just a mock-up. It never officially left Japan

Man, Binding Blade is rough. The game's hard, its hit rates are unforgiving (they show the real percentages, predating the modern, more forgiving RNG methods that benefit the player), they do same-turn reinforcements (the bane of FE players everywhere), support conversations take too long to unlock, the most common fan translation is very dry, there are QoL flaws everywhere (like the inability to promote units on the preparation screen, or the inability to pick position for units technically joining in that chapter. Yes, Cecilia, I'm looking at you), the artwork is ugly, several sprites look rough, the colours look muted compared to FE7, and the true ending is hidden behind doing all the optional maps, some of which are hidden behind highly specific criteria (not likely to get it if you go in blind).

But goddamn, is this so good. The unforgiving hit rates make this the hardest-yet-fairest Fire Emblem around, the multitude of side-objectives make each map fun and challenging, the map design is actually legitimately good, the music is wonderful, the mute colours sell the idea that this war is taking a serious toll on Elibe, there's a certain bleak aura to the whole game with supports to match (the Noah/Zealot support is so harsh)... The game feels harsh where it needs to, and its fair brand of high difficulty make this a thrilling game to tackle every time.

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Earliest video game memory - Tetris or Sonic
Opening section - Final Fantasy IX
Local multiplayer - Snipperclips
Favourite villain - Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
3D Platformer - De Blob
Most relaxing navigation - Wind Waker
Favourite ranged combat - Worms Armageddon
Best musical moment - One Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII)
Scariest moment - Doki Doki Literature Club
Best Credits sequence - Super Mario 64
Best Town - Windfall Island (Wind Waker)
Best "bad" game - Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade


Edited by Jonnas
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