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COVID-19 (The artist formally known as Coronavirus)


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18 hours ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

Edit: my body is attempting to reject this anti-virus software upgrade, I've been weak and achey all day...

Yeah, I had this issue when I got my first jab. The next day, I basically spent all of my time in bed. But it passed soon afterwards. It was horrible though. Headache was the worst part. Meant that I couldn't handle playing on the Switch to pass the time.

Kinda concerned that it'll happen again when I get my second jab in about 3 weeks.

Edited by Glen-i
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6 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Yeah, I had this issue when I got my first jab. The next day, I basically spent all of my time in bed. But it passed soon afterwards. It was horrible though. Headache was the worst part. Meant that I couldn't handle playing on the Switch to pass the time.

Kinda concerned that it'll happen again when I get my second jab in about 3 weeks.

After my first jab it took me a couple of days before I felt like shit, this hit me in under 24 hours and was worse. I had the colleagues at work saying I should go home, but I'm too proud for dat. I'm feeling better this morning, but still not 100%. I think my fever broke around midnight last night. I could almost feel the delirium as my mind was racing about random work shit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my second vaccine yesterday. Just like the first, I'm coming down with headaches and, well, just aches all over.

So far, it's not as bad as the first dose. But I can't stomach passing the time on my Switch.

Annoying too, because I've got so many materials to find in Monster Hunter.

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3 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Annoying too, because I've got so many materials to find in Monster Hunter.

Yeah if you miss out on a few days there will be three new Monster Hunter games out for you to play.

(Seemingly based on the fact I don't follow the series but there seems to be a lot of topics for it in the Nintendo Discussion)

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Just got a text cancelling my vaccine on Saturday, it's been rescheduled to a later date in a different town due to changes in the Welsh Government policies as people under 40 are only being offered Pfizer now. 

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15 hours ago, Jimbob said:

Got mine tomorrow.  NHS Wales seem to like reminding me every hour today that it's tomorrow.

Your vaccine is today! Just reminding you because you have almost certainly forgotten!

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One third of the German population has been vaccinated once.
Not sure if this is a cause for celebration or if it's just sad because it took so fucking long.

Anyways, the prioritization of AstraZeneca's and John and Johnson's vaccine has been revoked over here, so it's possible for everyone to get one. I've told my doctor that he should let me know as soon as he's got one left for me. He still has lots of older patients left who, of course, should get their shot first.

For me, it's now just a matter of what comes first: get vaccinated via my doctor or via the university. Seems like employees might get a vaccination offer soon.

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Check out my gloves:


Quick story  - the wife and I set up our own company this year making these reusable protective gloves. The idea was to create something better than disposable plastic gloves. Its been tough but its allowed us to move back to the UK, and work together which is nice (most of the time). They're called DABS, and they're meant for wearing in public places.

Anyway with things opening back up I thought I'd share them, and if you guys want a pair I've created a special discount code just for the forum  - DABSNEUROPE - 20% off. Check us out at www.survivewithdabs.com or @survivewithdabs

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Honestly, I found everything confusing to the point I've stayed away. It's bloody annoying me. Like, my friends and I aren't sure if I could see them or not because they live in a house of 11 (9 taking away the kids-they're a big family) and I said that "two houses can meet of any number" but then remembered there was a certain amount of people that could only meet. So does that mean I could only see a few at a time or I can actually see all of them? 

I don't care what anyone says. Call me lazy or what have you but to someone like me, and other people will be in the same boat, this shit is confusing. I'm just thankful for things like Simple Politics because they've explained it simply but even then, they wrote it down and it says the same. 

And because I don't know, I don't bother. But confusion of the rules can play a part of it. There's no disregarding anything as I believe we should be safe but people just still don't fucking sanitise their hands but wear a mask (not covering their nose, might I add) and it drives me mad. 

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10 minutes ago, Beast said:

Honestly, I found everything confusing to the point I've stayed away. It's bloody annoying me. Like, my friends and I aren't sure if I could see them or not because they live in a house of 11 (9 taking away the kids-they're a big family) and I said that "two houses can meet of any number" but then remembered there was a certain amount of people that could only meet. So does that mean I could only see a few at a time or I can actually see all of them? 

I don't care what anyone says. Call me lazy or what have you but to someone like me, and other people will be in the same boat, this shit is confusing. I'm just thankful for things like Simple Politics because they've explained it simply but even then, they wrote it down and it says the same. 

And because I don't know, I don't bother. But confusion of the rules can play a part of it. There's no disregarding anything as I believe we should be safe but people just still don't fucking sanitise their hands but wear a mask (not covering their nose, might I add) and it drives me mad. 

I think you are probably annoyed by me calling people lazy but I still just wanted to comment on this. You are overthinking things and causing the confusion. If it says "two households can meet of any number" then that's what it means. They can't spell out every single difference in situation.

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10 hours ago, Happenstance said:

I think you are probably annoyed by me calling people lazy but I still just wanted to comment on this. You are overthinking things and causing the confusion. If it says "two households can meet of any number" then that's what it means. They can't spell out every single difference in situation.

happs w the slam down of some common sense daaaim boiii :laughing:

Sorry i do agree, it doesnt seem to be complex at all.  Consider yourself lucky that you are able to go out and meet people at all, not all of us have that privilege :blank:

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I'm not at all stating I'm unlucky. However, I'm just saying that some people like myself can get confused. I have a tendency to overthink things and fret way too much due to other things. I became obsessed to the point I wouldn't leave my house at one stage. So because I'm not clear, I didn't bother having a social bubble and all that stuff. I just stayed away from people and stayed in. 

But yeah, I was just saying that there would be others out there who think the same but would just not bother with the rules. But it's cool. Everyone has their minds made up anyway.👍🏾 

Edited by Beast
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On 18/05/2021 at 7:26 AM, Happenstance said:

Finally been able to book my vaccine appointment. Nice that they just let you book the 2nd dose at the same time.

It's not working for me at all. I've been trying all day yesterday and most of today just going through it again and again. 

Basically it keeps saying "We cannot find a slot for your 2nd appointment", so it's not letting me book anything at all. 
There is only one place nearby I can go to (which would take me 40 minutes by bus), the only other options are too far away. I've tried different dates and different time slots and it keeps giving me the same error message. So frustrating. :sad:

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2 hours ago, Eenuh said:

It's not working for me at all. I've been trying all day yesterday and most of today just going through it again and again. 

Basically it keeps saying "We cannot find a slot for your 2nd appointment", so it's not letting me book anything at all. 
There is only one place nearby I can go to (which would take me 40 minutes by bus), the only other options are too far away. I've tried different dates and different time slots and it keeps giving me the same error message. So frustrating. :sad:

Yeah I had a friend who had that problem last week. He said he just had to keep trying because the place he was trying to book hadn't updated to allow second bookings yet.

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3 hours ago, Ashley said:

Got mine booked for Friday 🎉

The site is opening to 35s tomorrow but seems it already works for under that (I'm 34). 

I missed the age bracket by 6 days, but thanks to @Happenstance informing me of them accepting people under the bracket, I'm now all booked in.

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I just had a call to tell me that one of my close friends has died after getting an aneurysm following his vaccine jab. I don’t know how linked the two are or any underlying conditions, totally gutted. Just 42 years old.

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12 minutes ago, Will said:

I just had a call to tell me that one of my close friends has died after getting an aneurysm following his vaccine jab. I don’t know how linked the two are or any underlying conditions, totally gutted. Just 42 years old.

Yikes, sorry to hear that.

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2 hours ago, Will said:

I just had a call to tell me that one of my close friends has died after getting an aneurysm following his vaccine jab. I don’t know how linked the two are or any underlying conditions, totally gutted. Just 42 years old.

Oh fuck I'm so sorry Will, what a devastating loss. 

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