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My Friend Pedro (2019)


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Preposterous. Spanish bananas are female. First the frogs, but now the water is also making bananas gay? I don't recognize this country anymore.

In all seriousness, I'm legitimately confused as to the role that the banana plays in the gameplay itself. It's intriguing.

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  • 9 months later...
9 hours ago, Ronnie said:

I could swear the game was super violent and gory when they showed it off at E3. Maybe there's an option in the Settings

They just toned it down for the direct. The game is still violent and gory as seen in the latest trailer. As for whether it'll have an option in-game, or that less violent footage was specifically created for the direct by the dev, we'll have to wait and see.

Personally, I'm not fussed either way. As long as I get to kick basket balls at people's faces, I'm good:


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Flash was shit for animation, and I cringe everytime I see a game or animation that still has that Flash-style animation.

But to get back on topic.. It is a pretty cool trailer. But sorely lacking any basketball action unfortunately.

Edited by Sméagol
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9 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Flash was shit for animation

That’s like saying pencils are shit for drawing. :heh: Sure there was plenty of bad animation done in Flash, but that will have always been due to the individual rather than the tool itself. Flash was actually a very good program to animate with, but knowledge of traditional animation was essential to get the best out of it. The scripting aspect of Flash was also very cool. Not sure if you were around here back then, but we used to have quite a lot of Flash content here on N-E to celebrate game releases. Countdowns and site headers that were interactive and sometimes even playable. Anyone remember that stuff? ;) 

Anyway, back to My Friend Pedro. I played this for a bit yesterday and while I’m not enjoying it quite as much as I was expecting to, I think it’s mainly down to the controls. It’s just kind of confusing to keep track of all the different moves and abilities... activating and deactivating slo-mo, dodging, rolling, jumping, kicking, shooting, reloading, aiming, splitting your aim... there’s a lot going on. I’m pretty confident that once it all clicks I’ll start to enjoy the game much more, already noticed this actually by replaying a few of the earlier levels.

Get the feeling this won’t be a very long game, but it seems to be built around replaying the levels for high scores and speed runs, which I like. So yeah, hopefully I can get completely used to the controls/mechanics and really get into that stuff. :) 

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2 hours ago, RedShell said:

Get the feeling this won’t be a very long game, but it seems to be built around replaying the levels for high scores and speed runs, which I like. So yeah, hopefully I can get completely used to the controls/mechanics and really get into that stuff. :) 

That does seem to be the case. From what i've read it's about a 3-4 hour game.

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7 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

That does seem to be the case. From what i've read it's about a 3-4 hour game.

Yep, credits just rolled and that's probably around how long I've played.

This is definitely a case of a game that looks a lot cooler (and funnier) in the trailers than it is in reality. One of the things I really missed in the actual game was Pedro's voice. All the dialogue in-game is text only, if they'd have just got the voice from the ads in there it would've certainly helped the entertainment value and overall character. There were still some funny moments, but I expected a bit more from it really. :hmm:

Have to cut it some slack though, seeing as it's basically a one man project.

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