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Smash Bros Switch Roster Prediction Competition


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  • 5 months later...

Welp, here we go.

No-one predicted Min Min, so scores remain the same. It will come to the surprise of no-one that most people went for Spring Man 2 years ago. But special shout out to @Jonnas for this particular one.

On 3/10/2018 at 2:09 PM, Jonnas said:

2.Twintelle (ARMS) - Going against the grain, here. I figure, since ARMS doesn't have a single, well-defined protagonist, they'll go with the most popular character.

I know 2 years is a long time for situations to change and all, but...

So close with that one, tough break...

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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

But special shout out to @Jonnas for this particular one.

I know 2 years is a long time for situations to change and all, but...

So close with that one, tough break...

My reasoning wasn't wrong! That's what makes this so frustrating, I suppose. But Min-Min's pretty cool.

On the other hand, Rayman is back in the race! :yay:

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  • 3 months later...

We've got some smashing savants here! It's been a while since someone nailed it.


Steve/Alex correctly predicted by:

@Julius, @Vileplume2000

Way to show us old fogies! Here are the current scores:

1. @Fused King - Minus 10 points
2. @Ugh first aid - Minus 12 points
3. @Julius - Minus 14 points
4. @Glen-i @Mandalore @markderoos - Minus 17 points
5. @RedShell - Minus 18 points
6. @Jonnas @Nintendo Fan - Minus 19 points
7. @Vileplume2000 - Minus 20 points
8. @S.C.G - Minus 21 points
9. @Nicktendo - Minus 22 points
10. @Dcubed - Minus 23 points
11. @Aperson @Ashley - Minus 27 points

12. @bob - Minus 29 points

Edited by Glen-i
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Another update, but I'm afraid it's an unhappy one. Because it's time to take a trip down The Avenue of Crushed Dreams.


Minus point for this lame-o:

@Fused King

BTW, me on the first page...


I actually considered Travis for one of my picks, but decided against it in the end.


1. @Fused King - Minus 11 points
2. @Ugh first aid - Minus 12 points
3. @Julius - Minus 14 points
4. @Glen-i @Mandalore @markderoos - Minus 17 points
5. @RedShell - Minus 18 points
6. @Jonnas @Nintendo Fan - Minus 19 points
7. @Vileplume2000 - Minus 20 points
8. @S.C.G - Minus 21 points
9. @Nicktendo Minus 22 points
10. @Dcubed - Minus 23 points
11. @Aperson @Ashley - Minus 27 points
12. @bob - Minus 29 points

Edited by Glen-i
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1 hour ago, ArtMediocre said:

Excuse me @Glen-i, I'll take my minus points, thank you very much! 

Oh, you want to make your prediction official? Because the way you phrased it made it seem like you were only semi-serious. But I'd be happy to oblige.

Naturally, I'd have to also take into account the "number of characters" penalty I apply for how far off you are there, which would leave you with a grand total of minus 29 points.

That cool with you?

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1 hour ago, ArtMediocre said:

I kinda want a penalty for making it official so late in the game too. Can I have minus 30?

To be honest it was kind of a joke, but I'd be happy to be on the list :p

Same here, just pointing out the hopelessness of having a list of 1.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Well, this is awkward...

(Forgive the rubbish formatting and lack of mentions, I'm limited to my phone and it's too awkward to implement them)


Pyra (Not Rex) correctly predicted by:



Mythra (Not Rex) correctly predicted by:


Yes, they count as two separate characters. They're number 79 and 80 on the Smash site. Kinda like how Pokémon Trainer counts as three fighters. Who would've thought we'd get 7 characters in this pass?

BTW, that means Smash Ultimate will have 30 characters that weren't in Smash 4 now! And that means everyone loses a point from the roster size penalty!

A lot of people mentioned Pyra/Mythra as being part of a possible Rex moveset (including me), but that's not good enough. Only people who put them down as the actual character count.

Special shout out to @Julius for this though.


I wasn’t too sure how Pyra could be included (I don’t think a Rosalina/Luma situation would work in the same way) beyond Rex’s Final Smash, so I’ve left her out.

That's a big "Oof" right there.

Sorry, I can't update the scores on my phone. Just look at the Steve post and subtract a point from everyone except Dcubed and that's the score so far.

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