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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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Calling it now - this game will be closer to Smash 64 and Melee than Brawl/Smash 4. There are many reasons I think this (including the way the logo was revealed and the dark aesthetic that the trailer used) but my main reason is that every Nintendo game since the original Splatoon seems to have been built around the "easy to play, hard to master" philosphy that their older software used, and not the Wii/Wii U philosophy of designing a game to be played and enjoyed by casual/non gamers.

From the Mario Tennis trailer that we got yesterday to Mario Odyssey's advanced movement (especially coming from 3DW), I'm fairly confident we are going to see a more mechanically advanced game (i.e. more movement options) that will take and expand the core gameplay of 64/Melee with the huge roster of Smash 4. Central to this is the fact that the physics engine will be based around an analogue stick again, so I expect the whole game to feel less stiff.

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1 hour ago, Goron_3 said:

Calling it now - this game will be closer to Smash 64 and Melee than Brawl/Smash 4. There are many reasons I think this (including the way the logo was revealed and the dark aesthetic that the trailer used) but my main reason is that every Nintendo game since the original Splatoon seems to have been built around the "easy to play, hard to master" philosphy that their older software used, and not the Wii/Wii U philosophy of designing a game to be played and enjoyed by casual/non gamers.

From the Mario Tennis trailer that we got yesterday to Mario Odyssey's advanced movement (especially coming from 3DW), I'm fairly confident we are going to see a more mechanically advanced game (i.e. more movement options) that will take and expand the core gameplay of 64/Melee with the huge roster of Smash 4. Central to this is the fact that the physics engine will be based around an analogue stick again, so I expect the whole game to feel less stiff.

It just needs more combo opportunities. They did improve things after Brawl's clusterfuck by just reducing frame recovery universally on landing, but that also meant that the game very tightly controlled the types of combo runs you were able to execute, and there just wasn't the level of player expression that you see from Melee pros like Hungrybox or Westballz. Some equivalent of cancelling really needs to be brought back. I'm fine with leaving wavedashing out, because while it was fun to do, it wasn't ever as integral to the way Melee played as the shffl. 

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One thing that needs to be changed from brawl:

If you use shield while standing on the edge of the stage/a platform and get hit, you have to fall off. I absolutely FUCKING hate that you can simply just stand there with the shield up and wait for the exact moment the combo ends. It may have some advantages or positive aspects but no...it needs to go. FUCK THIS SHIT.

I may be irrationally angry at this...but it SUCKS.

Edited by drahkon
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8 minutes ago, drahkon said:

One thing that needs to be changed from brawl:

If you use shield while standing on the edge of the stage/a platform and get hit, you have to fall off. I absolutely FUCKING hate that you can simply just stand there with the shield up and wait for the exact moment the combo ends. It may have some advantages or positive aspects but no...it needs to go. FUCK THIS SHIT.

I may be irrationally angry at this...but it SUCKS.

Many things (almost everything) need to be changed from Brawl, but not that. Why can't you just do a series of safe pokes to get the shield radius down and then spike them with a low smash? Also shields aren't immune to grabs. Down throw the dude, and smash attack on bounce. Maybe don't use predictable blockstrings as often? 

Maybe I'm not understanding correctly, are you saying that if you get someone to the edge of the stage, a blocked attack should cause enough pushback to force someone off the ledge slightly, or do you mean that they should straight up take the full force of the attack as though it wasn't blocked in the first place?

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6 minutes ago, The Bard said:

Maybe I'm not understanding correctly, are you saying that if you get someone to the edge of the stage, a blocked attack should cause enough pushback to force someone off the ledge slightly, or do you mean that they should straight up take the full force of the attack as though it wasn't blocked in the first place?

Damage blocked but character forced off the ledge.

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That reveal was absolutely fantastic! :cool: Would’ve been more of a surprise if they had shown it before all the Splatoon 2 stuff though, as I realised it was Smash way before the logo appeared, but it was still a great hype moment regardless. :D  

So what do we reckon for the release month? Looks like the online service is set to launch in September, and this is basically THE perfect game for that... :bouncy:

Just knowing it’ll be out this year is good enough though, super excited to play it. :) 

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53 minutes ago, RedShell said:

That reveal was absolutely fantastic! :cool: Would’ve been more of a surprise if they had shown it before all the Splatoon 2 stuff though, as I realised it was Smash way before the logo appeared, but it was still a great hype moment regardless. :D  

So what do we reckon for the release month? Looks like the online service is set to launch in September, and this is basically THE perfect game for that... :bouncy:

Just knowing it’ll be out this year is good enough though, super excited to play it. :) 

I didn't catch the Nintendo Direct until about 2 hours after it aired so I knew all of the games that were shown already but even then I thought the reveal was great.. and I'm not even the biggest fan of Super Smash Bros :grin:

The Switch makes everything better!

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Great great teaser! I traded in my 3DS version of Smash 4 quite fast and never played the WiiU version. At first I was thrilled to play Smash on the go, but the lack of decent single player and the stuttering online were dealbreakers.

So I am game for jumping back into a new Smash game! And I can't be too bothered if it will be a Smash 4 DX for Switch or a Smash 5. In cas it is a 5 I really hope they use the Dojo again, was a great hype-medium for Brawl. As far as hopes and dreams go, I hope for:

- Big singleplayer mode
- Online actually playable with items and 4 people without insane lag
- Less Fire Emblem characters
- More 3rd party characters
- Nintendo hosted online tournaments with special modes etc.

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If I had to guess, then Rex from Xenoblade 2 is probably also going to be a part of the roster, either replacing Shulk or alongside Shulk. I'm thinking a situation with Ness/Lucas in Brawl where one was available from the start but the other was unlockable. I wouldn't be surprised to see someone from ARMS in the game too.

Not too bothered if there's a story mode or not, portable Smash Bros that you can play multiplayer with anywhere is appealing enough for me.

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Yeah, an Arms character is pretty much guaranteed to be in the game. They have to build more hype for the game, and the characters are a perfect fit for Smash. I guess either Spring Man or Ribbon Girl. Or maybe they will be the same character with just alternate skins. That should work.

I also guess we'll get a pretty nice selection of Splatoon skins on one character (instead of multiple Splatoon fighters. Unless they include the cat. They should include the cat.). I bet you can switch between boy or girl inkling, and boy or girl squid, all based around the same fighter.

Edited by ArtMediocre
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Now I know these reaction videos can be a tad cringy at times, but I just love it how Smash brings people together. The Smash hype trains is one of the realest hype trains out there.

The love for videogames sure is alive and kickin'.

Edited by Fused King
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1 hour ago, MindFreak said:

Someone cut out the silhuettes. 


Can't see the second from the left but apart from that, it looks like what is to be expected at this point.

If anyone actually thinks all of the silhouettes aren't just veterans, they're dreaming.

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After thinking about it some more, I'm positive this is Smash 5. And the possibilities are exciting. Are any 3rd Party characters returning? New modes? Some surprisingly involved crossovers? How about Snake and the Ice Climbers?

I'm still hoping for that Story mode where the Ice Climbers lead an old-school faction, and the Inklings lead the new blood.

4 hours ago, MindFreak said:

Someone cut out the silhuettes. 


Can't see the second from the left but apart from that, it looks like what is to be expected at this point.

That picture's missing a couple of silhouettes, because I'm sure I saw silhouettes for Pikachu and Kirby/Olimar.

So, I see (from left to right) Yoshi, Pit, DK, Peach, Ness, Marth, Mario, Link, Sheik, [Pikachu, Kirby/Olimar], Samus, Zelda, Bowser, Fox, Capt. Falcon and Wario.

I think most of the guesses are right, except... I don't think that's DK's hand, it might be another character. Also, it's weird to have both Zelda and Sheik, so I'm thinking "Sheik" is actually the Wii Fit Trainer or something.

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...It just occurred to me that Smash Bros might be released alongside a bundle... and that said bundle might include a Gamecube controller.


I don't want to set myself up for disappointment, but if that happens, I think the SSB launch date is when I finally get a Switch.

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2 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

...It just occurred to me that Smash Bros might be released alongside a bundle... and that said bundle might include a Gamecube controller.


I don't want to set myself up for disappointment, but if that happens, I think the SSB launch date is when I finally get a Switch.

You mean, as in a GameCube controller which connects to the Switch in the same way a Pro Controller does? Or just a standard GameCube controller?

Because even if it doesn't come bundled, you can still use regular GameCube controllers and even the Wavebird with the Switch right now, if you have the GameCube controller adapter which was originally released for the Wii U. :peace:

It works really well, but yes I do agree that with Smash coming out on Switch, it would be a good time for Nintendo to make some more GameCube controllers.

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You know, I wouldn't be surprised if it DOES turn out to be a new game and have gameplay identical to Melee's. My reason? Super Smash Bros. Melee is kind of the odd one out at EVO as being the only game that is consistently picked for the tournament despite the fact that it is several years older than all the other games that are at the tournament even alongside it's newest entry. Whereas there's only one Street Fighter, only one Tekken, only one Mortal Kombat/Injustice at every tournament. If Nintendo were to release a new Smash that controlled exactly like Melee it would negate the age issue and try to push the Melee hardcore crowd into a more modern game. Whether that would actually work remains to be seen or not but I think the reasoning is important.


I wouldn't be opposed to a Deluxe edition of the last game though.

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1 hour ago, S.C.G said:

You mean, as in a GameCube controller which connects to the Switch in the same way a Pro Controller does? Or just a standard GameCube controller?

Because even if it doesn't come bundled, you can still use regular GameCube controllers and even the Wavebird with the Switch right now, if you have the GameCube controller adapter which was originally released for the Wii U. :peace:

It works really well, but yes I do agree that with Smash coming out on Switch, it would be a good time for Nintendo to make some more GameCube controllers.

The bolded one is what I meant. That way, I'd be able to use that beauty with other Switch games.

Then again, if an adapter for genuine GC controllers already exists (I didn't know that was a thing!), then I'll probably get a few for my old controllers!

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