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Cyberpunk 2077 (10th December 2020)


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To add to a growing list of delays this week, in a move that surprises no one this has been delayed to Sept. 17th.


Not surprised in the least. Was kind of waiting for them to announce it, especially in the wake of the other delays this week. Just didn't think they would hit the April date with so little being shown. So more time to get the game polished is a good thing, hopefully.

Edited by Ganepark32
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47 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

Have PS5/Scarlett versions been announced? It's coming out so close to those console launches, I'd be tempted to save it as a launch title.

At this point you have to assume that next gen versions will launch with those consoles. I'd be pretty surprised if they didn't. For those wanting the game and picking up a next gen console it may be worth waiting the extra couple of months and buying that version. 

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Personally, I'm very pleased with this news. This game could be something special, rushing it out broken is in no one's interest. Let them take all the time they need.

Also, I was debating whether to delay playing it till the next gen consoles, but figured I wouldn't as 6 months was a long time to not be part of the conversation. This will make it much easier.

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11 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Personally, I'm very pleased with this news. This game could be something special, rushing it out broken is in no one's interest. Let them take all the time they need.

Also, I was debating whether to delay playing it till the next gen consoles, but figured I wouldn't as 6 months was a long time to not be part of the conversation. This will make it much easier.

I'm tempted to do the same. You know it's funny...usually with new consoles, I'm happy to wait a while before I purchase them but with PS5 on the horizon and with BC confirmed, I'm tempted to hold of getting a few games from this generation and just enjoying them in 4K. Cyberpunk, TLoU2 and even next year's Assassin's Creed game.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, Map said:

Another delay, new date 19th November. 


The new release date of November 19th seems suspiciously close to when we'd expect next gen to launch, and this seems like too big a game to miss out on that. Hmm.

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The new release date of November 19th seems suspiciously close to when we'd expect next gen to launch, and this seems like too big a game to miss out on that. Hmm.

Yeah this was my thought. We have seen this kind of thing done on other systems in the past - delaying releases to tie in with the next gen.

People getting these new consoles need new games to play (even buying games they wouldn't normally buy), so this stands to do better if it launches on next gen and last gen at the same time. The hype marketing machine for the game will now link up nicely with the launch of the next gen.
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New trailer, looking very Blade Runner in the thumbnail:

Also an anime announced as coming to Netflix in 2022 from Studio Trigger:

Getting excited for this game now... :D

First impressions of hands-on gameplay are also starting to go up in places. 

Edited by Julius
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The game does indeed look incredible. Like BOTW and RDR2 another big leap for openworld design.

I'm still gutted it's first person though, I get why they're doing it for creative reasons and immersion, but I just don't know if I'll be able to play it. I'm really not a fan of first person combat and the perspective itself tends to make me nauseous. Happened with the Witness and Sea of Thieves, felt awful after an hour of playing those.

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11 hours ago, Ronnie said:

The game does indeed look incredible. Like BOTW and RDR2 another big leap for openworld design.

Yep, definitely. Though I'm sure the size of the game will be massive, the density and potential for that to extend vertically in some of these buildings is what's really exciting for me. 


I'm still gutted it's first person though, I get why they're doing it for creative reasons and immersion, but I just don't know if I'll be able to play it. I'm really not a fan of first person combat and the perspective itself tends to make me nauseous. Happened with the Witness and Sea of Thieves, felt awful after an hour of playing those.

Continuing from my above point, I feel like having the world be so dense and having something to look at in every direction is why they probably had to go with first-person. I feel like generally third-person is much more suited to larger areas, my main reason for this being situations where you end up in enclosed spaces and the camera perspective just isn't suited for it (walking up stairwells in a lot of third-person games always comes to mind). I get why they've gone with first-person here in order to help immerse players and to help with conveying this world's scale.

But I think that's purely from a design perspective, which I can try to understand.

From my own perspective, I'm in very much the same boat I think as you in that I just don't click as well with first-person games and sometimes it can make me feel a little off in games where they just don't nail first-person technically (loved Firewatch for example, but struggled with similar nausea).

I haven't played similar first-person RPG's such as Fallout, Skyrim, etc., so while I'm definitely excited and more than happy to give Cyberpunk 2077 a go (positioning it for next-gen launch even if the upgrade won't be available yet is fine with me), it's the choice that gives me the biggest moment of pause. What makes it worse I think is the knowledge that we can have a typical third-person view when driving vehicles around.

Customisation is also going to be a huge part of this game, and like with Star Wars: Squadrons, I can't help but question the decision to (potentially) be first-person only. I want to customise my character/ship for me, I don't care in the slightest what ToneDeafTony65 and JollyJohnson007 think. 

I just wish they would give us the option, because options are never a bad thing. I'm sure - from personal experience and speaking with friends who also don't get on well with first-person - that they're potentially standing to lose more from not offering the option to play in third-person than they stand to gain from strictly making it a first-person offering.

It's a weird one, but I wouldn't be surprised if an update were to be released six months to a year after launch where it was made available...

...by which point most will have already played the game and moved onto other things. ::shrug:

Edited by Julius
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