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Nintendo Switch paid online coming 2018


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I like the idea of a Netflix for games, but ain't none of those games interest me at all. I currently have no online multiplayer games either, so that feature would be a waste.

I think I can wait for them to add more games first before I bother signing up.

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1 hour ago, Kav said:

Cloud saves locked behind a pay-wall... that’s so Nintendo!

That's industry standard.  Cloud storage isn't free, there's a not-insignificant running cost associated with it.  Almost nobody gives away storage for nothing (outside of Google and Microsoft, who obviously fund it through other services/advertising for an ulterior motive).


I wouldn't expect to have been given it for nothing.

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What’s really frustrating about this is that we’re even more confused than we were before. Games we’d expect to see under the Virtual Console banner will be up and running within months - if that - on Switches which are utilising homebrew. 

They really do like to do things the hard way, don’t they?

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26 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

That's industry standard.  Cloud storage isn't free, there's a not-insignificant running cost associated with it.  Almost nobody gives away storage for nothing (outside of Google and Microsoft, who obviously fund it through other services/advertising for an ulterior motive).


I wouldn't expect to have been given it for nothing.

To rephrase what @Kav said: Back up saves locked behind paywall...

I think no one is criticizing the fact that cloud saves cost money, it's just that Nintendo doesn't offer any alternative right now and there's no indication that an alternative will be available soon. Quite frankly, it's embarrassing that you aren't able to back up saves to an external storage device...

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I was talking to a lad at work today about all of this and we were both saying how crazy it is that out of all of the hardware makers it's Microsoft who seem to be putting the most effort in when it comes to preserving their legacy systems. They are the youngest of the 3 console makers and probably have the weakest exclusives on offer but the effort they have put in to allow gamers to play older games, as well as communicating well what is happening with their user base in terms of BC, has to be commended.

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21 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I think no one is criticizing the fact that cloud saves cost money, it's just that Nintendo doesn't offer any alternative right now and there's no indication that an alternative will be available soon. Quite frankly, it's embarrassing that you aren't able to back up saves to an external storage device...

This is a fact that I see many people are forgetting. As you said, it's not the cost its the fact that you are essentially forced into paying just to secure your data. Surely they have to allow for an offline storage system, right? I mean, the Switch has been hacked left and right so it's not as if it could do any more harm.

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2 hours ago, Kav said:

Cloud saves locked behind a pay-wall... that’s so Nintendo!

Not bothering with this. Their online games aren’t good enough to keep me off my PS4 anyhow.

The Switch is just a single-player console for my commute... even though I’ve not actually brought it on my commute for a little while now.

Aren't cloud saves locked behind a paywall on PSN?

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24 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Yup, but as stated many times, you have the option to save locally for free on a USB stick or HDD. Had this been an option as well then nobody would be batting an eyelid.

It might be happen in an firmware update, they are just talking about the online services here, but you would think they would mention it in small print or something.

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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

One quid, 20 pence a month for online, cloud backup and 20 NES games with online added to them? Sounds good to me!

Sorry are you able to point me to the source suggesting this is going to cost £14.40 a year? By your numbers that's what I can work out, and as far as I've seen that's absolutely not the case at all.

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2 minutes ago, Rummy said:

Sorry are you able to point me to the source suggesting this is going to cost £14.40 a year? By your numbers that's what I can work out, and as far as I've seen that's absolutely not the case at all.

I was going off the US price.

The UK price is £18/year, so £1.50 per month, 10 pence more a month than the above.

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13 minutes ago, Rummy said:

Sorry are you able to point me to the source suggesting this is going to cost £14.40 a year? By your numbers that's what I can work out, and as far as I've seen that's absolutely not the case at all.

It's 20EUR for a year.

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I think this is quite poor value, particularly the family option. If my wife and I want to play on our accounts online on my one Switch, we're looking at 31.50 GBP per year which puts it in the same price league as Xbox Gold (as you can usually always pick it up for about this price); except you're not getting the big retail games (or indie hits), an established service or integrated voice chat. And PS Plus can often be picked up for not far off that either.

All the other services don't charge you for playing with a different account on the same system. I don't care about being able to share it with other random people to split the cost as from a security perspective I wouldn't do that (same reason I don't allow other people to use my PSN account by setting as a primary console, in order to split the sub fee).

Nintendo should also add a free method to backup saves, as I don't particularly see much reason to fork out for this service yet but would still like a way to backup my saves. Again, all the other companies have a free option.

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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

To rephrase what @Kav said: Back up saves locked behind paywall...

I think no one is criticizing the fact that cloud saves cost money, it's just that Nintendo doesn't offer any alternative right now and there's no indication that an alternative will be available soon. Quite frankly, it's embarrassing that you aren't able to back up saves to an external storage device...

Oh no, I completely agree that it's ridiculous.  I mean, I get that they're doing it to try and prevent piracy, but it's a bad situation for the consumer for sure.

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It's been years since I really paid attention to piracy on consoles (basically since digital content became a lot easier to access legally), what is the state of it on PS4 and Xbox One? I assume we can talk about it as long as we don't go into specifics :laughing:

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Disappointing. Barely any new info. The only new tidbit I found interesting is that you can apparently watch other people play those NES games.

Virtual Console never was that important to me, but I do want it eventually, and this is no replacement.

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Happy that it is significantly cheaper than the other services but disappointed that it seems like VC is still a ways off. I refuse to believe that they're binning off the concept altogether just from one email response but it definitely shows that it's not in their plans to beef up the launch of the online service in September. 

I don't play online very often but for £20 a year I'll happily pay just to backup my saves and play FIFA every so often. I agree with other comments about not allowing us to back up our saves on an SD card though, it really is ridiculous. 

Can someone explain to me how backing up saves to an SD card encourages piracy? Do you mean that it opens up the possibility for people to find exploits in games like they did with Twilight Princess on Wii?

EDIT: Huh, I just read the actual comment Kotaku got back from Nintendo and they mention that classic games won't be returning under the VC banner which you could interpret to mean they will be rebranding Virtual Console under a different name, so we could still get VC just under the Nintendo Classic branding instead. 

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1 hour ago, Happenstance said:

It's been years since I really paid attention to piracy on consoles (basically since digital content became a lot easier to access legally), what is the state of it on PS4 and Xbox One? I assume we can talk about it as long as we don't go into specifics :laughing:

Yes, that is what it says in our rules 😋

"Yes there has been a lot of piracy that has caused the following" is fine, "yo let me hook you up" is not. 

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I'm still not a fan of paying for online and I feel that Nintendo adding this over a year into this consoles life is a bad way to go about it. I'd much preferred if they kept online free and if this was just a premium service we can pay for for cloud saving and access to a Netflix style service of games (with more then 20 NES titles). I'd also add the ability to send messages and auto-invites to people on your friends and make that part of the package. I'm sure I could think of a few other things to add to make this something I'd be interested in.

Right now I only have one game I play regularly online and that's Splatoon 2 and I'm unsure if I want to pay for the privilege to do that in 4 months time when chances are my interest will have waned quite a bit in that game. Maybe something else online focus will be announced at E3 or thereabouts but right now, this isn't a service I will really need as its not worth it for me.

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