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The 'Other' Switch Thread


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  • 2 months later...

Just read up on most of the news and I don't feel great about the Switch. Which I never did, so that might come to no surprise. What I'm worried is that Nintendo still seems to make certain decisions that are just...dumb.


I had time to think about the conference on my way into work and apart from Mario, Xenoblade and Zelda the thing done very little for me.


Same for me. Already mentioned it but I will play Zelda when I borrow it and a Wii U from a mate.

Mario looks incredible at times but the real world looks horrible.

And Xenoblade. Yeah, it's awesome even though I've never finished the first one and never played the second :D


The launch line up seems very bare, the online set up is truly baffling ( even more so when you think about how its not even ready yet ) the price is way too high for the casual audience and the 3rd party support seemed to be the usual affair of a few ports of older games and promises from developers without having anything ready to bring to the table.


And we all thought Nintendo wouldn't make these mistakes again...I really hoped they wouldn't.

It makes me sad. Honestly...Nintendo has shown me the world of video games and I've spend many days playing their games. But in recent years they've lost me. Looks like they won't get me back anytime soon :(


The whole online chat and subscription thing just seems like a right mess. Having to use another device use things like messaging, invites and chatting is nuts.


That's the stupidest way of doing voice chat I've ever heard. It shouldn't be so difficult to implement it on an OS level...get with the times Nintendo.

maybe that "chasing the flagpole gif" I've interpreted differently than others might be appropriate here... :p


What can we expect from Nintendo at E3? Obviously a presentation/direct filled with games but when will they come out? Looking at the line-up right now it doesn't fill me with hope we'll see too many "bigger" games this year.



I admit that I went to bed quite excited yesterday, even though the Switch didn't pique my interest before.

Right now I'm both indifferent towards the Switch and very frustrated with Nintendo.


Edit: Just seen that a pair of Joy-cons cost £74.99 and the Pro controller £64.99. So if you want the Switch, a more traditional controller and one Joy-con pair for multiplayer games you have to pay £420. And that doesn't even include a game...


Edit #2: One of my best mates just texted me: "I don't understand Nintendo" :D


Edit³: So the reaction to the pricing has been underwhelming to say the least. What does that mean for 3rd parties? Are they willing to risk developing for device that isn't getting the best reception by the public/press?


I can see the FIFA Switch version being the only game EA will ever release on the device...

Edited by drahkon
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Edit #2: One of my best mates just texted me: "I don't understand Nintendo" :D

Came here to say the same thing. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place, between a commitment to a westernised model of hardware with strong OS and online features, and a commitment to a more Japanese, toy-like model of hardware on the other, and they've plonked the Switch in no-mans land. Like the WiiU, it's neither one thing or the other. They can't compete directly with the Microsoft and Sony on cost and third party connections etc, but neither can they do the black sheep Nintendo thing because the market for that has vanished.


It's a clusterfuck of a product. Or a clusterfuck of products, rather. Too many spare parts again. So many things that can be lost or broken. Too many barriers between player and game.


I can see the Switch spelling the end for big Nintendo hardware. People speculated about that during the WiiU's lifetime, but the question now is whether Nintendo can afford another flop, especially considering the fact that so much more is riding on this, what with the product shouldering console and portable responsibilities.


Zelda looks great, as does Mario in some areas (excluding, as has been amply discussed, the city stuff, although I think it's more to do with the style/execution of the concept rather than the concept itself - e.g human character models look off, plus they don't seem to have an InFamous/Sunset Overdrive mechanic for fast movement. Currently the scale is all wrong). Where's the rest, though?


As a selfish consumer, I want Nintendo to go third party.

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The only game i'm interested in is Zelda, and that's coming on the WiiU.


Read up on the presentation, and nothing is going down for me. The entire device is waaay overpriced, the extra controllers feel like i need to get a mortgage out to buy them. I mean, if i was to get a Switch at launch i'd be getting the console, and a Pro controller and a game. I'm looking at around £400. I got the PS4 at launch, and 2 games for just over £400 (had a month's PS+ added in for free as a trial).

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Deflated is a good way to describe what I'm feeling about the Switch right now...not that I was very inflated to begin with. I guess that makes the drop not so bad.


If I hadn't bought another console by now, I definitely would have right after that conference.


I'm deflated too :hmm:


I was somewhat pessimistic for a few weeks about what I expected of the Switch but found myself feeling the hype as the date of the presentation drew close. The lack of proper details on the system and future games really killed my hopes and the price means I'm definitely not biting at this stage.


As a huge Nintendo fan, this really concerns me as if even I'm not feeling encouraged to buy the Switch right now, who is going to buy it..? ::shrug:

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As a huge Nintendo fan, this really concerns me as if even I'm not feeling encouraged to buy the Switch right now, who is going to buy it..? ::shrug:




Even with the sparse showing, it still has about 4 games I actually want to try. Which is more than I can say for the other consoles.

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I'm deflated too :hmm:


I was somewhat pessimistic for a few weeks about what I expected of the Switch but found myself feeling the hype as the date of the presentation drew close. The lack of proper details on the system and future games really killed my hopes and the price means I'm definitely not biting at this stage.


As a huge Nintendo fan, this really concerns me as if even I'm not feeling encouraged to buy the Switch right now, who is going to buy it..? ::shrug:


It's a strange feeling knowing that I won't be getting a Nintendo console. I queued up for the Wii, received a SNES on a magical Christmas Day and spent many hours on multiplayer games on the GC and N64. I just feel that Nintendo are sadly becoming out of touch, or rather that they're not the ones pushing the boundaries.


I hope that the Switch turns things around but I have similar sorts of feelings to the WiiU when that was first unveiled and I (looking back, regretfully) bought a WiiU when I wasn't fully sold on it. The initial few months were great but support for it dried up so quickly.




Even with the sparse showing, it still has about 4 games I actually want to try. Which is more than I can say for the other consoles.


You must have extremely narrow taste if you can't find 4 games on the other console that interest you.

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This is the first Nintendo console ever that I have no plans to buy at all. At least at the moment. I can get Zelda on the WiiU, I played Mario Kart 8 and Smash 4 to death so don't feel like purchasing them again. Splatoon was alright but I couldn't call it a favourite of mine. And I can't justify a £300+ price tag for Zelda and Mario nine months later.

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they're not the ones pushing the boundaries.


It's fine people not liking them or whats on offer, but things like this feel a little off. Sony and MS literally do the same thing that console gaming has done for nearly 30 years on the hardware front - Same old, more power. The Sony pad has barely changed since PS1.


Saying Nintendo don't push boundaries when they're the only ones doing different thins is really really harsh. May not like it, but the switch IS pushing boundaries, the Wii U did too to an extent. You may not like it, but I think it's the wrong criticism.

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Only one doing things?


I mean, the PSVR only came out a couple months ago.


Also, it's pretty easy to argue that Sony (or Microsoft for that matter) haven't changed their controller much because they haven't needed to. The Dual Shock has been at the heart of four incredible successful consoles.


And in terms of software, saying Sony and Microsoft have just been doing the 'same old, more power' the past 30 years is stupid. The number of studios that both Sony and Microsoft have opened (and closed) as well as bought and sold is indicative of nothing but change.


Whereas Nintendo barely register anything outside of Japan.


What boundary is the Switch pushing exactly?

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Only one doing things?


I mean, the PSVR only came out a couple months ago.


Also, it's pretty easy to argue that Sony (or Microsoft for that matter) haven't changed their controller much because they haven't needed to. The Dual Shock has been at the heart of four incredible successful consoles.


And in terms of software, saying Sony and Microsoft have just been doing the 'same old, more power' the past 30 years is stupid. The number of studios that both Sony and Microsoft have opened (and closed) as well as bought and sold is indicative of nothing but change.


Whereas Nintendo barely register anything outside of Japan.


What boundary is the Switch pushing exactly?


I mean specifically the main hardware launch, I was conscious to be particular about not allowing room to discuss software. PSVR is great, better than PS4 itself to be honest but its something different. I'm not saying neither ever do anything; I'm jut saying with regards to the main hardware, Nintendo is the only one who tries different things and pushes the boundary of what a console is and can be; that's it.


Most of the things you're arguing is nothing to do with my point.


And considering the Sony pads are the most horrific pads out of all makers, I wish they did change it up.

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And in terms of software, saying Sony and Microsoft have just been doing the 'same old, more power' the past 30 years is stupid.


Might sound 'stupid' but thats generally how I feel when I attempt to get into the previous Playstations I've owned. Of course, not all software, but enough of [the third party games I've purchased] feel like very similar experiences and with an over-emphasis on looking pretty and showing a level of detail Im not really too interested in seeing.


Its not really about narrow taste either, for me its about knowing that I can depend on a large brunt of Nintendo franchises that are capable of pulling my attention.

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I mean specifically the main hardware launch, I was conscious to be particular about not allowing room to discuss software. PSVR is great, better than PS4 itself to be honest but its something different. I'm not saying neither ever do anything; I'm jut saying with regards to the main hardware, Nintendo is the only one who tries different things and pushes the boundary of what a console is and can be; that's it.


Most of the things you're arguing is nothing to do with my point.


And considering the Sony pads are the most horrific pads out of all makers, I wish they did change it up.


Problem with Nintendo though is it can feel like they are trying things for the sake of it regardless of whether it is needed or wanted. The Wii U is the best example of that. In hindsight now that we've seen the Switch, the Wii U just seems like a prototype that somehow got released.


And each their own but I find the DS4 far nicer to hold than the GamePad. The joys of opinions though :)

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Problem with Nintendo though is it can feel like they are trying things for the sake of it regardless of whether it is needed or wanted. The Wii U is the best example of that. In hindsight now that we've seen the Switch, the Wii U just seems like a prototype that somehow got released.


And each their own but I find the DS4 far nicer to hold than the GamePad. The joys of opinions though :)


Oh I know a lot of people don't like the change, but I think it's good that they're doing stuff like that. Something different to what we've played before.


And actually, the DS4 is the best version of that pad, far more comfortable than the hole in the hand drilling DS3.

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Thing is, they're the consoles that are selling - so refinement and not revolution works.


It's all well and good Nintendo trying new things, but when they don't have the games to back them up (as happens with almost every Nintendo hardware innovation) it's so disappointing.


I fully expect Sony and Microsoft to adopt HD rumble with their next controllers - thing is, they're likely to be the consoles on which it's made best use out of outside of mini-game collections.


It will be implemented into mainline million selling franchises.

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About the dualshock, I personally like it but I have liked the majority of Nintendo's pads too.


Why change it for the sake of it? The dualshock works. There is no need to continuously change it.


@Glen\-i you can't find more than 4 games that you would like to try on the other consoles. Wow!

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@Glen\-i you can't find more than 4 games that you would like to try on the other consoles. Wow!


Nope, when it comes to PS4, the only thing that I'm even remotely interested in is Digimon Cyber Sleuth (That's more a case of mild curiosity than 'I need to play this) and that upcoming game from the guy who did Heavy Rain.


XBONE only had Scalebound going for it, but we know what happened to that.

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I just read something that infuriates me.


There is a Joy-Con charging grip that costs an extra £27.99. What?


HOW is it not possible for Nintendo to allow charging via micro USB? There is absolutely zero reason for this.

I can literally charge 5 devices I have at home with my phone charger:

Phone (obviously), laptop, tablet, headphones and DS4.


For some this is nitpicking but fuck me, Nintendo has lost the plot. Those accessories are getting out of hand. :nono:

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