nekunando Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 I decided to create this thread based on a few posts made in the Rare Replay thread as I was curious to see if anyone else had any unusual quirks or habits in relation to games Posts from that thread were as follows.. / nando / said: Maybe I'm a little strange but I don't really like collections of games. There's something about loads of games on one disc, some of which I wouldn't normally buy, that I'm not fond of. I actually prefer to have these things as separate VC downloads, despite the obvious cost Fierce_LiNk said: That's just crazy talk. :p Putting aside the lack of certain games in this collection, it's still insane value for money. I didn't actually realise the N64 games were that expensive on the VC until @Hero\-of\-Time mentioned it. £9?! That can't be the standard price for an N64 game, surely? / nando / said: It's ludicrous I know it's strange but I don't really like being in possession of games that I don't want to own, even if they're tucked away on a disc with other games that I do want This is partly the reason why I'm still not fond of downloading games where discs or cartridges are available as I'd somehow feel stuck with it The Ambassador scheme on 3DS was pretty good but I have quite a few icons on the system now for games that don't really appeal. As strange as it is, it annoys me a little.. but deleting them would seem such a waste. I guess it's just one of my things Fierce_LiNk said: It is pretty strange, not going to lie. I think years ago I would've been the same. Especially with DVDs. I wanted to have certain editions of DVDs, like the special editions and having these "three films on a single disc" thing would have annoyed me. Now, I don't really care about it. Plus, if you dislike one game now, there's still a possibility that you'll play it down the line and enjoy it. I've got a ton of games on the PS4 from PS+ that I haven't touched yet, for example. Going digital solves a lot of issues related to space. It's ridiculous looking through my draws for our TV unit thing and seeing it completely filled with games. It's a waste, tbh. I'd much rather have all of my games digital or one as few discs as possible. / nando / said: I know.. but I can't help it It's actually something that has crept into my thoughts over the last few years. There was a time when I would have bought almost any old N64 or GC game but I'm an awful lot more selective these days. I recently bought Grand Slam Tennis and Virtua Tennis 2009 for Wii in something of a contrast to this but I'm dissatisfied with both and kinda want to get rid of them Maybe there's a potential thread in this for people to reveal their personal gaming quirks..? One of the reasons I decided to create this thread today was that I saw the side of Xenoblade Chronicles that I don't like and it leaves me feeling like I'll probably never have the heart to play through it. It kinda leaves me wondering what to do with it I couldn't see myself selling it, yet I don't really like having games which I don't particularly want or need Maybe I'll get over the hump, as unlikely as that is, but perhaps I need to look at it from the perspective that any potential future offspring may enjoy it many years from now. Maybe they can play it
Grazza Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 I have this quirk, nando, but to an even greater level. I hardly like owning games at all - once I've completed it I like to sell it and move on. Of course, I keep a few favourites, but even then it's not for too long. For example, I kept a few GameCube and PS2 classics, but have got rid of them too now we're in the era of HDTVs. I'd rather wait for an HD remake, or just be without the game if that doesn't happen. In terms of digital releases, I'm similar, but don't mind deleting the icons. Out of the Ambassador games, I've only kept Minish Cap and Metroid Fusion. The other games that have a home on my 3DS are Shantae 2 & 3 (although even the fact that the former is a DSi Ware game slightly irritates me), Mighty Switch Force 1 & 2, plus all the Sega and Nintendo 3D Classics that I own. Other quirks: The double-save - "Am I sure it saved properly? I'd better do it again!" Left-side priority - When I'm exploring an area or dungeon, I'll always choose left first, then middle, then right Delayed key usage - Like the above, when playing Zelda, Dragon Quest etc, I'll always explore as much as I can without using keys
nekunando Posted August 10, 2015 Author Posted August 10, 2015 I've definitely went with the 'double-save' a few times myself, @Grazza.. especially after a particularly difficult section As for your 'left-side priority', I often feel a little uneasy if I perceive there to be too many ways to go, especially if I end up too far down one particular path that results in being unable to ever return to explore the other way Generally, if I open one door and find that it leads to more doors, I'll return and check out the other path before making my decision
Glen-i Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 I have a lot of quirks, but one in particular is something that I can't help doing... The unnecessary timed hit OK, I know exactly why I do this, it's because the first RPG I played after Pokemon was Super Mario RPG. Let me explain. Mario RPG has a neat little feature known as the timed hit. During an attack animation, if you press the button at the right time, you do more damage. Press B at this point, and Mallow does more damage than usual. It was an awesome little feature that you just didn't see in RPG's at the time. The problem is, I keep doing this with games that don't have any feature like that. Playing Pokemon? Damn right, I'm gonna press A when an attack connects! I've even been doing it on Puzzle & Dragons Z! I know full well that it's not making any difference, but I just can't help it! Grazza said: Delayed key usage - Like the above, when playing Zelda, Dragon Quest etc, I'll always explore as much as I can without using keys I have this as well. I feel like it makes exploring stuff easier, tackling everything before moving on through a locked door. For all I know, it might just be wasting time.
Happenstance Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 So was that just a thing that varied from place to place because in my school it was just hold B and down.
nekunando Posted August 10, 2015 Author Posted August 10, 2015 Another thing I do is wash my hands before I play something. A controller never feels right unless my hands have been washed properly as even the slightest touch of clamminess or sweat makes for an uncomfortable session I often wash them between games and am incensed if my friends eat crisps before picking up one of my controllers
Goafer Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 / nando / said: Maybe I'm a little strange but I don't really like collections of games. There's something about loads of games on one disc I have a similar thing, but for different reasons. I don't like having too many unplayed games at once (unless they're purely for collection reasons). There was a phase during the Dreamcast and original Xbox era, where "acquired" games were ludicrously easy to get hold of, meaning that I could just get a shitload of games whenever I wanted. The problem I had is that I could never focus on just one, since if a game didn't take my interest immediately, I just moved on to the plethora of other games I had to see if they were any better. I was always curious to see if the next game was better than the one I was playing. This lead me to skim play all the games, but never properly play any. That's why I don't really like game collections, unless they're part of a single series (I really want the Mass Effect Trilogy).
Magnus Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 There are games I want to play, but they're part of a series and I haven't played the previous games and I always really feel like I should, but naturally the older games don't seem as appealing and the longer I wait, the more games I have to play. And so I just end up not playing games that look really good. Welp.
Jonnas Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 Happenstance said: So was that just a thing that varied from place to place because in my school it was just hold B and down. In my school, it was mash Down & B repeatedly, aiming for unison between buttons. I actually still do that whenever I play Pokémon! As for a more personal thing... Whenever something gets frustrating in a game, I instinctively press A+B+Start+Select to reset it. Or rather, I move my hands to press these buttons as they were on my Gameboy
Hero-of-Time Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 A couple of mine are.... Constantly reloading when playing shooters. It doesn't matter if i've just shot one bullet, I will always hit that reload button. Item usage in JPRGs. I have a habit of not using any big healing items or rare items in JRPGS. i always figure I will need them for a hard boss or something. I usually end up getting to the finally battle with an insane amount of stuff in my inventory. I also do the double save thing when playing JRPGs, especially when a boss fight is coming up.
Glen-i Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 Hero-of-Time said: A couple of mine are.... Constantly reloading when playing shooters. It doesn't matter if i've just shot one bullet, I will always hit that reload button. Item usage in JPRGs. I have a habit of not using any big healing items or rare items in JRPGS. i always figure I will need them for a hard boss or something. I usually end up getting to the finally battle with an insane amount of stuff in my inventory. Yep, I do these things too. Can't be using those Final Fantasy Elixirs, they're far too awesome to actually use! As for the Pokemon thing (Holding buttons when catching Pokemon), that's one of the quirks I actually managed to grow out of.
nekunando Posted August 11, 2015 Author Posted August 11, 2015 Hero-of-Time said: I have a habit of not using any big healing items.. I do this too and it probably makes progressing through the games more difficult than they need to be In fact, I always got into a very bad habit during games like Metal Gear Solid 3 and Splinter Cell where if I made a mistake and got caught, I'd just let them kill me instead of trying to fight my way out of trouble.
Fierce_LiNk Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 Grazza said: Other quirks: The double-save - "Am I sure it saved properly? I'd better do it again!" Left-side priority - When I'm exploring an area or dungeon, I'll always choose left first, then middle, then right Delayed key usage - Like the above, when playing Zelda, Dragon Quest etc, I'll always explore as much as I can without using keys Hero-of-Time said: A couple of mine are.... Constantly reloading when playing shooters. It doesn't matter if i've just shot one bullet, I will always hit that reload button. I do all of these. Saving three times in a row whilst playing Alien Isolation. Actual sweat dripping from my face. The fear. Also... When I was younger (during the MegaDrive era), I used to rank my games every single week, sorta like Top of the Pops. "This week's number one is...Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96!" Hnnnnggg. - In GameCube era, I used to store order games in terms of release/when I bought them. GameCube collection used to be set up as Luigi's Mansion, Rogue Leader, Smash Bros... - Constantly rolling around Hyrule Field because it's quicker than running. (when I wasn't horsing about) - When talking to an NPC, press a button to reveal their entire sentence because too impatient to...get...revealed...on...screen... - On FIFA, I can't have a player in my team if they've already left the club, but I can bring in more players who haven't joined because, somehow, that is all ok.
Jonnas Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 Oh, I used to have the Fire Emblem version of that: Solution: Play on the harder modes. That will get you using them all the time. The "traditional" version of the hoarding problem, with me, happens due to a game being too easy, so rarely any reason to ever resort to those items. Maybe on the optional bosses, if they're hard enough.
Happenstance Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 Im also an item hoarder. Its less of an issue these days though with healing through abilities outside of battle instead of using a healing item.
Dcubed Posted August 12, 2015 Posted August 12, 2015 (edited) Yup, that's me! Especially with healing items that you can't buy like Elixirs in Final Fantasy. Will hold onto all of them until the final boss (and still will think that they're too precious to use @Glen\-i will attest to how bad I am when it comes to this!) Aaaand me as well, except that I tend to think that button mashing like a madman makes it work better :p As for some of my own? I love playing in time to the game music. Always find myself doing it; here's a cool one I pulled off in NSMBU... Another thing I always end up doing is messing around with character animations in stupid ways... (it's always funny to see what you can do if you keep tapping the d-pad/analog stick to move) Like Chris Redfield doing the moon walk... or Lloyd Irving with a broken leg... or doing the Luigi Dance! or "sneaking" in MGS... it's even funnier in MGS2! bonus one with Snake's amazing spinning skills... Shulk doing the Chicken Walk... and of course the classic example... The Megaman Shuffle! Also works in Smash Bros 4 too BTW Oh and this is one of my all time faves, Samus' Amazing Wobbly Legs Edited August 12, 2015 by Dcubed
Jonnas Posted August 12, 2015 Posted August 12, 2015 Dcubed said: As for some of my own? I love playing in time to the game music. Always find myself doing it; here's a cool one I pulled off in NSMBU... Props for that run, that was pretty cool to see While I don't usually play to the beat of a level's music, I do use it from time to time: this is how I got good at figuring out the teleporting blocks in Megaman, and the rhythm of moving platforms in Sonic. I recall even making up lyrics for the musics. Dcubed said: and of course the classic example... The Megaman Shuffle! Also works in Smash Bros 4 too BTW That's amazing
Dcubed Posted August 12, 2015 Posted August 12, 2015 Jonnas said: I recall even making up lyrics for the musics. Yeah, me and my friends/family have always done that too. We were doing it long before Brentlefloss made it cool Quote That's amazing No lie, the very first thing I did when I got Smash 4 was check to see if the MM Shuffle still worked. Was well chuffed to see that
Cube Posted August 12, 2015 Posted August 12, 2015 - In 3rd person games, I have to spin the stick round quickly to see what the character does. I'm just curious as to what the developers programmed it to so. Some games have a speed limit on a turn, some run around in a small circle and others just rotate on the spot, legs perfectly straight the entire time (similar to @Dcubed messing with the movement). - I run into flames. Need to test if fire hurts. - Item hoarding, especially healing stuff. I rarely use them. Probably why I'm awful at turn-based RPGs. - On loading screens, I tap the shoulder buttons/triggers. - Block NPCs. Again, this is to see what they have them do. Some act like an invisible force pushing you out of the way (with your character "sliding" on the floor, some stop and comment, some just stop, and some react by actually pushing you. - I try to guess "non-turn-back" points and turn around to make sure I haven't missed anything. - As for game collections, I really like ones of the same series, especially if they come in great packaging (The Elder Scrolls Anthology is a lovely package, shame the Fallout one looks tacky). I would have easily bought the Mass Effect Trilogy had it been complete and in a good "special edition" packaging.
drahkon Posted August 12, 2015 Posted August 12, 2015 When you're able to jump in an RPG I jump. All. The. Time.
Sheikah Posted August 12, 2015 Posted August 12, 2015 drahkon said: When you're able to jump in an RPG I jump. All. The. Time. Yeah same. And in Zelda they always see me rollin' rollin' rollin'.
Dcubed Posted August 12, 2015 Posted August 12, 2015 drahkon said: When you're able to jump in an RPG I jump. All. The. Time. Xenoblade is hilarious for doing this in, just because the jump animation is so terrible (not to mention the sound effects as well. Fiora sounds like she's having an epidural whenever she hops - oh, not to mention Reyn's super enthusiastic "ALLEY OUP!")
nekunando Posted August 12, 2015 Author Posted August 12, 2015 I just remembered that another thing I do when I first insert a new game is to go into 'Options' first before ever starting the game. I think my brother and I have both done this since we were kids..
Ike Posted August 12, 2015 Posted August 12, 2015 Glen-i said: As for the Pokemon thing (Holding buttons when catching Pokemon), that's one of the quirks I actually managed to grow out of. The DS games "cured" me of that habit due to using the touch screen instead of the buttons. drahkon said: When you're able to jump in an RPG I jump. All. The. Time. Dragon Quest X is great for this. It does nothing useful, but it's so satisfying.
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