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How often do you play multiplayer (online & locally)?

How often do you play multiplayer?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you play multiplayer?

    • Locally - every day
    • Locally - several times a week
    • Locally - several times a month
    • Locally - several times a year
    • Locally - less often
    • Online - every day
    • Online - several times a week
    • Online - several times a month
    • Online - several times a year
    • Online - less often

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Just curious how often people play multiplayer locally verses online.

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I'm finding it a little difficult to pick categories at the moment :hmm:


My local multiplayer gaming has dwindled in recent years to the point where it's practically non-existent and I don't really feel like I play an awful lot online, though Mario Kart 8 currently has me playing once a week :smile:


Splatoon will no doubt inject some more online play into my life, but unless there's something like a new Mario Strikers announced for Wii U at E3, I wouldn't imagine I'll see too much of a step up in my online activity.


With that in mind, I've went for Locally - several times a year and Online - several times a month : peace:

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Sporadically. There was a time online several days a week (years ago daily TF2) and then other things come along haven't done multiplayer in a few weeks now.


Almost never do locally anymore, fewer games supporting splitscreen and fewer friends around to partake in. Used to play co-op all the time when I was younger. SNES days, and then all the Halo games and some Gears of War.

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It really depends on what I'm playing. When I was playing Watch Dogs, I was online daily. I was fairly active when doing FIFA, particularly Pro Clubs. Same with DriveClub.


At the moment, I'm in it for the single player stuff. But, I'm getting a craving to get back into Battlefield 4.

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Mostly locally. Not every day, but several times a week.


I don't play online that often. It's something that I might hop in and out of occasionally (so it was never something that I felt was worth paying for)

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Locally? Never. Haven't done since me and my mates all grew up and went our separate ways, which is why I love online so much. It allows me to play with them, despite the distance between us all.


Like Flinky, it depends on what is out and what mood i'm in. Last night I fancied some Fifa so a few of us on here played some games. A couple of weeks before I was too busy playing single player stuff.

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Several times a week locally and several a month online.


My online gaming has actually gone up since I joined this site, funnily enough.

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Nearly every day I'd say. Destiny has been doing the rounds recently. :D

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In recent weeks, not a lot in terms of online play. Have been on Driveclub online, having sent challenges out to various clubs. In recent days however, Destiny has taken me back in terms of online play.

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Very little online play, certain titles will always demand more, but locally nearly every day. The joys of being a Dad I suppose.

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Nearly every day I'd say. Destiny has been doing the rounds recently. :D


I've noticed :heh:

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To be honest I've not done any gaming for over a month now after playing MH4U online daily for a while.


I've not actually gamed on my WiiU or PS4 since January... I've been watching and reading a lot instead. This is easily the longest I've not gamed, I'm not too sure why as I've a backlog too.


When I was gaming though, it was online multiplayer almost every day, so I'll tick that. I think I've played locally maybe five times maximum in the last 12 or 13 years.


My friends that are gamers all live elsewhere after moving for uni etc, but they don't even game much these days... we're all getting too old and they've all got families now keeping them busy.

Edited by Kav

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My friends that are gamers all live elsewhere after moving for uni etc, but they don't even game much these days... we're all getting too old and they've all got families now keeping them busy.


That's why you should play with the N-E peeps. We've always got time for games. :D


Wait, have you not been downloading your PS+ games then?

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That's why you should play with the N-E peeps. We've always got time for games. :D


Wait, have you not been downloading your PS+ games then?


Oh crap!!! No, I forgot about them again.


I do game with you guys more than anyone else, much more. I've just not been in a gaming mood as of late. I've still not picked up The Witcher yet, I just can't be bothered gaming for some reason... ::shrug:

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It really depends on what I'm playing. When I was playing Watch Dogs, I was online daily. I was fairly active when doing FIFA, particularly Pro Clubs. Same with DriveClub.


At the moment, I'm in it for the single player stuff. But, I'm getting a craving to get back into Battlefield 4.


Let me know if you fancy playing BF4. I wouldn't mind having a blast myself.

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Locally I play about once a week when I meet up with friends. I play online about two or three times a year. Only thing I have played online this year is the Splatoon Global Test Fire.



Thinking about it I play locally more than once a week as I play with my Nephews when I see them during the week.

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On this note - I've been out of the gaming loop for a while - can anyone recommend some good local multiplayer games from the past few years? I have no wii u so am missing out on mk, splatoon etc.


Feel like the focus is so online these days that local gets a bit neglected? Been cracking out the emulator for Double Dash, Monkey Ball 2, Timesplitters, Conkers Bad Fur day et al. Still great!

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On this note - I've been out of the gaming loop for a while - can anyone recommend some good local multiplayer games from the past few years? I have no wii u so am missing out on mk, splatoon etc.


Feel like the focus is so online these days that local gets a bit neglected? Been cracking out the emulator for Double Dash, Monkey Ball 2, Timesplitters, Conkers Bad Fur day et al. Still great!


If you do get a Wii U you've got MK8, Nintendo Land, Game & Wario, Mario Party 10, Wii Party U, NSMBU/NSLU, Super Mario 3D World, Affordable Space Adventures, Smash Bros 4, Hyrule Warriors, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (you would need 3DS' and copies of the 3DS game for the other 3 players though), Spin The Bottle: Bumpie's Party, Kirby & The Rainbow Curse, DKC Tropical Freeze and Pikmin 3 as exclusive titles with great local multiplayer (Splatoon is primarily an online game; it does have a local 1 VS 1 mode, but it's more of a side attraction really). Plus you've got access to the Virtual Console service which obviously has tons of great local multiplayer classics available (and Wiiware has a few keepers of its own via the Wii menu as well - Bomberman Blitz is particularly awesome!) as well as backwards compatibility with the whole Wii library (some of them are also now available as downloads on the Wii U eShop as well).


Speaking good multiplatform home console games, ones that spring to mind in particular include Towerfall (PS4/PC), Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed (360/PS3/Wii U/PC), Speedrunners (PC), Nidhogg (PS4/PC), the various Street Fighter/Soul Calibur/Tekken games if you're into fighters, Dustforce (360/PS3/PC), Virtua Tennis 4 (360/PS4), the various Cave shmups on 360 like Deathsmiles and such if you're into bullet hell shmups, Shatter (PS3), Critter Crunch (PS3/PC) and the Guardian Heroes port on 360 :)

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Due to only having a WiiU and lapsing with Live on 360(people moved on) and not knowing enough folks with a PS3(again, people moved on to PS4) I really don't play online much anymore*. The WiiU's nice and all but the online issues discussed time over do bug me, especially lack of Voice Chat. I think the last time I played online before Splatoon was maybe a bit of Fantasy Life with a few folks and a Steam convo/vc going, but we didn't do it again since.


*The star! Is because of Splatoon. Started playing Sunday night and almost wholly played online. We had a great bit of Skyping whilst on last night too - if I get that happening on the regular I'm likely to play online a lot more.


Honestly though I was doing more local than online - but as we all got older it got harder, and with WiiU's shit online/no one having it online got crapper too. Mostly our local vidya gaming got replaced with tabletopping - which I still get upto once or twice a month atm. Really wanna try and get a local bit of smashing together with mates again soon, but I just hate tidying up my bloody house so I keep putting it off(also been ending up doing other tings). Didn't really take to MK online due to lack of VC, and Smash online quickly fizzled for similar reasons.

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Pretty much every day, right now I'm playing Splatoon a lot but before that I was still playing Left 4 Dead 2 most nights online.

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