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Heroes Reborn


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@jayseven It's a 13 episode series, with new characters and a new contained story arc (like when Heroes first started, they idea was for each series to be it's own story with new characters).


They've said they won't rule out old characters making appearances, but personally, after how badly they screwed those great first series characters up, I think they should keep them away. And let's be honest, I'm not sure many of them would want to re-associate themselves with the show.


Series 1 was SO good at the time, the show definitely has potential so I'll give the reboot a look. But likewise Series 2-4 were just the worst, I hope they've learnt a lot from it.

Edited by Retro_Link
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This is too weird for words. Nobody has spoken to me about this and I've just this second found out that this exists but I was actually thinking of Heroes all day yesterday. I was remembering those awesome moments in S1, loving Sylar with his bad-assitude (not in S4 though, that just saddened me) and hoping that they'd bring Heroes back someday.


I then clicked on here and I'm buzzing!

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My biggest problem with Heroes was that after saving the world, which, spoilers: wouldn't have been necessary without their interference in the first place, they were never actually heroes. It quickly became all about the powers themselves, discovering them, stealing them, losing them etc, and never about what they did with them. It all became a bit too into itself and contrived.


The mystery of the first season made it an overnight hit ("Save the cheerleader, save the world" was on everyone's lips and referenced in other hit shows of the time) but following seasons tried to do too much, and changed the characters too much.

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So weird. Never expected that given how the show basically imploded a couple of seasons in.


Season 1 was amazing, before it got too complicated with characters switching alignment every other episode. It had a clear objective that lent focus to all the other characters' actions, too - "Save the cheerleader, save the world." The seasons after that didn't really come together.

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I kinda share Shorty's sentiments somewhat. I mean, I'm totally stoked it might return, but I felt it definitely got weaker as time went on and a little more...detatched from teh rest of the world? Also felt that they introduced some plot mysteries in places that they never really wrapped up properly, or that they never felt very satisfying when they were(the symbol, the company, the virus, etc)


I'm hoping that the new series won't be like that, but who knows. Will definitely be watching either way though I imagine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I fluncking loved Heroes, so I think I'll probably watch this. Hopefully they've got more of a plot thought out before they start though, although the writers strike really hit the original series hard.

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I fluncking loved Heroes, so I think I'll probably watch this. Hopefully they've got more of a plot thought out before they start though, although the writers strike really hit the original series hard.


So as far as I understood that only sped up the end of season 2. They still had 2 seasons after that to get their shit together.

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So as far as I understood that only sped up the end of season 2. They still had 2 seasons after that to get their shit together.


Yeah but I think the damage had already been done by that point. They struggled with having too powerful characters, (Sylar, Peter, Hiro) and not giving them enough to do.


yeah season 2 was just awful and seemed advance individual character plots too far, to the point where Sylar and Peter had become over powered beyond belief, but nothing to do -Hiro to a lesser extent as he was always over powered, but his series 2 plot was just all over the place


Season 3 attempted to ground characters and either give them new struggles or remove them, but the damage was done and the band aid fixes couldn't rectify the poor writing of season 2


I feel season 2's over arching threat was likely meant to extend beyond that season, but the strike meant everything was rushed

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I can't remember much of Heroes from the old days. I remember the Indian painting guy getting killed off early, which displeased me because I liked how his power translated into reality.


Then after that it messed up, every new character was someone who was "revealed" to have a power, as if you didn't see it coming/care. Anyone who didn't appear to have a power previously was suddenly "revealed" to have one all along. I can't remember how far I got up to before shutting off. Somewhere along the line of the deaf chick who saw colours and Hrio bopping around like a kid on acid (which I know doesn't help, he did that alot)

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They seemed to have trouble letting go of certain actors as well, always bringing them back somehow. Didn't one of them turn out to be a triplet?



The actress was Ali Larter. She played triplet sister of Niki Sanders, Barbara and Tracey Stauss, all three having been genetically modified by Dr. Zimmerman and separated at birth.

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  • 2 months later...

I got round to watching this earlier tonight. All I can say is it was both Heroes at it's best and worst....


Too convoluted, too much going on. In the first ten minutes we had "One year ago", "six months ago" "one year later" as potential periods of times we might have to care about. Also way way way too many characters, season 1 of the original show was at least pretty concentrated and focused on a core group. This certainly isn't I lost count of the number of characters I was introduced to and who knows which ones even matter.


I was really looking forward to this, as bad as the original series got at least the end opened up possibilities for a new world so to speak. I'm not sure this series in it's current form is going to be one to show it off.

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  • 1 month later...

I've watched up to Episode 9 and....it does get better. It starts off a bit clusterfucky, but slowly all the bits seem to come together, and it starts to make sense.


The writing is absolutely terrible, but if you look past that, it's pretty entertaining, especially if you enjoyed Season 1 the first time round.

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If absolutely terrible writing means it's gotten better, the season must not have started out very well...


I've been checking the NeoGAF thread every now and then, and it seems to be non-stop complaining. But at least they're enjoying themselves.

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