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Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker


Got this as my free game with Mario Kart 8.


I owned it twice on the gamecube but never finished it. First time my brother gave it me after he finished it. I just got bored of the sailing and stopped playing. Was traded not long after.


2 years ago I got it at a car boot for £1, tried once again to finish it and again got bored of it after an hour or so. Sold it for £30.


But this was it, I had heard they had fixed the sailing and a few other things. I was going to stick it with it and finish it.


Got the swift sail after a bit of help on here and was really enjoying the temples, story was moving along nicely but the sailing was still annoying and extremely boring.


Then onto the 8 triforce pieces, this part bored me so much. Fact you had to sail around looking for them didn't help either. I want temples and dungeons, not this crap.


Got to Ganon's tower and the game was back on top form, that final battle was epic.


It took 11 years but I have finally finished it.

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Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker


Got this as my free game with Mario Kart 8.


I owned it twice on the gamecube but never finished it. First time my brother gave it me after he finished it. I just got bored of the sailing and stopped playing. Was traded not long after.


2 years ago I got it at a car boot for £1, tried once again to finish it and again got bored of it after an hour or so. Sold it for £30.


But this was it, I had heard they had fixed the sailing and a few other things. I was going to stick it with it and finish it.


Got the swift sail after a bit of help on here and was really enjoying the temples, story was moving along nicely but the sailing was still annoying and extremely boring.


Then onto the 8 triforce pieces, this part bored me so much. Fact you had to sail around looking for them didn't help either. I want temples and dungeons, not this crap.


Got to Ganon's tower and the game was back on top form, that final battle was epic.


It took 11 years but I have finally finished it.


Congrats, buddy!


I was tracking your progress on Miiverse and you didn't seem to be enjoying it at all.

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Congrats, buddy!


I was tracking your progress on Miiverse and you didn't seem to be enjoying it at all.


I was really enjoying it until I got to collecting the 8 triforce pieces, I lost interest completely and forced myself last weekend to do it.

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I remember really enjoying looking for those Tri Force pieces, because it felt like you were a real treasure hunter.


Some were also hidden in some neat little places too, if I recall correctly.


It never really killed the game for me really...

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Likewise, I always felt in the minority though. I guess if you're the kind of gamer who tracks down every collectible in games where they're often infinitely less exciting than that, 8 triforce pieces doesn't feel like very many!

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Then onto the 8 triforce pieces, this part bored me so much. Fact you had to sail around looking for them didn't help either. I want temples and dungeons, not this crap.


Oh God totally.


I never did finish this game because of this very thing. I'd got like all of the 8 pieces but was missing one and had to give that greedy jewellery bitch all them necklace things - I hardly had any and needed loads to give to her.


H-o-T helped me out with how to do it on here, but I just never did. And I never finished it.


So that's still every single Zelda game I've ever played unfinished.


It's a shame to, as that aside it really is a wonderful game.

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Killer 7 GameCube


It's been quite a few years since I first made my way through this awesome game so given the fact that I recently game the remake of Resident Evil a play through, I felt the time was right to revisit Killer 7 :hehe:


It was always one of those games that was unlikely to appeal to everyone but I fell in love with the style :love: I may not have had much of a clue of what was going on throughout, but I had an absolute blast anyway :heh:


As I've chipped away at it over the last few weeks, I still remembered the first 3 chapters of the game pretty well and knew what was coming, but my memory of the remaining chapters was much weaker.. and that was a good thing : peace:


I could still recall some of the main moments, such as the battle with the Handsome Men and the 'game' of Russian Roulette towards the game's climax, but the gameplay linking those sections together was almost entirely forgotten over the years, so it was great to experience it all again :hehe:


Killer 7 is a game I highly recommend to you all but be prepared to hear repeated swearing throughout :blank:

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Just picked up Assassin's Creed Brotherhood again after initially playing it for an hour or two and then getting bored.


I think i found it too hard, since i'd never played an AC game before, and wasn't really into it. But after playing and loving AC4, i went back to get me some more ass ass, and it's great.


I love just exploring Rome and restoring all the buildings while making money from owning shops. It's not quite pirating levels of fun, but it's good.

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The last game I finished was a few days ago and that was Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS. I had bought it earlier in the year but stopped playing it when I got my wisdom teeth removed. I decided to come back to this game recently but played it from the very start and I enjoyed it.


It felt like more of a return to form for the RE series which has had a bit of an identity crisis as of late. As I don't at the moment have a Wii U I've ordered the PS3 version of the game to see how that plays out on the big screen.

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The last game I finished was a few days ago and that was Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS. I had bought it earlier in the year but stopped playing it when I got my wisdom teeth removed. I decided to come back to this game recently but played it from the very start and I enjoyed it.


It felt like more of a return to form for the RE series which has had a bit of an identity crisis as of late. As I don't at the moment have a Wii U I've ordered the PS3 version of the game to see how that plays out on the big screen.


I love that game.


I bought the Wii U version too but I played it only on the game pad. I dunno why, but it just felt like it should have been a handheld game.

It still translates really well to the big screen but it's definitely best on the 3ds IMO.


And I agree, definitely a return to form. I still don't get the hate for RE 5 - I adored that game, 6 was truly awful but Revelations was right back to the style of game it began as. Loved it!

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Wii U: Mass Effect 3 - amazing. Top 3 game of all time for me after Wind Waker and Mario Galaxy. Really hope they release the trilogy on PS4/XBO.


3DS: Steamworld Dig - fantastic, really loved it. Gutted when I finished earlier today.

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Nice puzzling on the 3D levels, like Mario Galaxy on rails and the Metroid Prime Morph Ball parts, just when you think they'll overuse a certain mechanic something new pops up. The 2D Bonus Level sections, however, were frustrating due to a camera that is too far zoomed in, rotating levels and a bad double jump mechanic. Overall, worth the 4 quid it costs at Introductory Price.

Edited by londragon
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I polished off Lego Batman on the PSVita the other day, it was part of the PS+ free game thing. Wasn't a bad game, different from what i would normally play. The controls were a little fiddley, and some button commands didn't want to work as it were first time. Other than that, not too shabby.

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Completed Assassin's Creed: Liberation. Pretty good overall, great central character but the ending was terrible. Then again, being an AC game what the hell was I expecting.


But really. Terrible. I've played three AC games now and the endings to all of them have been really truly quite awful. Also I still hate the Animus nonsense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Swapper


Broadcast Yourself


A puzzle-platformer, and a really good one.


The main concept is this: you can create "copies" or "clones" of yourself with a button, and the other button "transfers" control from your current body to another clone ("swapping"). If you don't swap, the clones will just mimic your own movement.




Relatively simple story, even simpler narrative, and yet the plot delves into truly thought-provoking questions.


The puzzles themselves are very clever and original, and they work with what I like to call "DK '94" logic: sometimes, you need to use your platforming instincts and dexterity to solve a puzzle. Try the impossible and it just might work.


This game is a lot like Portal with a bit of Metroid sprinkled in, and yet it retains its very own identity, never feeling derivative. Highly recommended.

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I've been playing this for the last 2 or 3 weeks on the Wii Virtual Console.. and it is still AWESOME :bouncy:


I mentioned in another thread recently that I felt my opinions of the game had soured over the years when thinking about how many levels I thought I disliked, but those reservations evapourated when I got my teeth into it again :hehe:


I never really thought I would ever go for 120 stars again after doing it on N64 all those years ago but I finished it off there this morning, waiting until I had everything before entering the final level and defeating Bowser! It was a great experience and every level was genuinely enjoyable, though I now feel that Tiny, Huge Island is possibly my least favourite these days, for whatever reason ::shrug:


With Super Mario 64 now out of the way and vastly exceeding my expectations, I'm tempted to jump on the Super Mario Sunshine bandwagon, though I feel less optimistic about it winning me over again :indeed:

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Guacamelee STCE is an amazingly exhilarating romp through traditional Mexican culture! The deep combat system, difficult, but fair, platforming and puzzle challenges, the wonderful upgrade system borrowed from games of yesteryear, and its flawless frame rate regardless of how much is happening on-screen, reveal a timeless classic. Little problems of simultaneous 2-player platforming and a seemingly short play time do little to lessen the delight of this game. One of my favourite games of the year, and heartily recommended.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Anyone who knows me will be perfectly aware of my love for Wave Race: Blue Storm on the GC, a game which is genuinely one of my favourite games of all time :yay:

Wave Race 64 is an awesome prequel and, though I never found it to be quite as perfect as Blue Storm, I recently downloaded it on the Wii Virtual Console and have been having a brilliant time with it :hehe:


I would absolutely love the series to return on Wii U, or 3DS, as there's just nothing else like it! Wave Race 64 also reminded me how fun it can be to race around each track the 'wrong' way in the Reverse Championship and sort of made me wish that something like this was incorporated into Mario Kart instead of the standard Mirror Mode..

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Finished up this over the week




It's not a bad game, not the best i've ever played. It was a perfect "kill some time on the train" game. I liked the graphic style and some of the level designs, but that was about it. Some levels felt too short, it played well. But felt easy.

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Just finished The Walking Dead Season 2 - Very good, satisfying final chapter I'm pleased to say which it needed after a rather chaotic forth chapter. Not quite as good as the 1st season overall but it's still a highly compelling story with an enormously likable & increasingly complex protagonist at it's core.

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Dug out Skyward Sword today as i fancied a few hours on it. Yeah, i just realized why i stopped playing it. So after i put it back in the cupboard, i decided to have a few levels of Super Mario 3D World. So much better, really am enjoying it.

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