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What More Do You Want From the 3DS?


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For me I don't really feel like it needs anything more as I firmly believe it's the best console around. My opinion of course. I have a preference to handheld gaming anyway, and with the Vita not going anywhere there doesn't leave much else in the way of competition. :laughing:


All I wish there was more of is probably the quirky titles that made the DS such an amazing, unrivalled console. Like Elite Beat Agents, Another Code, Hotel Dusk, all that jazz.


But one thing that would actually make the 3ds the best thing in the world... is... SUPER PRINCESS PEACH 2. This needs to happen.

That's all. :D

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I'd like a hardware revision with two analog sticks/second set of shoulder buttons. Just make it so the Circle Pad Pro is automatically detected by supported games and you're good to go! A nicer screen would also be great - just call it 3DS DELUXE and take my money from me.


I'm fairly happy with the software so far, feeling optimistic about everything due out in the next few months as well. Nintendo just need to keep doing what they're doing and I'll continue to love my 3DS.


Want to make me overjoyed? Cross-play virtual console with the Wii U.


That won't happen. It'll cause a fracture and make people angry due to having the "lesser" hardware. Third parties would be less inclined to support it too, due to 35 million of the installbase not having it.

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That won't happen. It'll cause a fracture and make people angry due to having the "lesser" hardware. Third parties would be less inclined to support it too, due to 35 million of the installbase not having it.


I don't realistically expect it to happen. The thread asked what more I wanted, after all.

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Oh no you didn't...


I'm not sure really. I'm happy with its output. A new Starfox game would be nice


I did, I'm afraid. Berries have become overused, so have other hold items. The Gym leader always uses a super/hyper/full heal just as they hit rock bottom HP. There's always something completely illogical blocking a path that can only be cleared by completing a silly task later.


The nurses at the counter still go through the same yack every time you approach and press A "Oh, do you want to heal your Pokemon?" "NO, I'M JUST HERE FOR THE AMBIENCE." I mean, they literally do nothing else! You have to physically walk up to the counter, face them on that particular grid square and press A. Three separate operations to activate the singular function. Accidentally walking up to them, ok, that might be a mistake, but specifically walking there, facing and pressing A... it's OBVIOUS what I want!


Then there's the PC... "someone's PC" I don't care who made the storage system. It's not an adventure finding out. "Oh wow, liek, you made the storage system? You're a programming god!"





Yes, a new Starfox continuing on from Lylat Wars COMPLETELY IGNORING everything that happened afterwards, especially Adventures and Armada. Command was a fine enough game, but Krystal as a character is rubbish, retiring Peppy was a smack in the teeth and all three games were massively under par.

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A Metroid Game


I can't believe both the DS and N64 didn't have one. I'm not counting Prime Hunters, because that's not really a Metroid game. I'd love one in the style of Other M, or even just a prettier version of Fusion. Either way, we need one.


You don't like "traditional" Metroid that much, do you? I ask because it seems you always preffer the non-metroid-y metroids like Other M and Fusion, lol. :P

I think you're the only person I know who genuinely loved Other M, Flinks. :P

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You don't like "traditional" Metroid that much, do you? I ask because it seems you always preffer the non-metroid-y metroids like Other M and Fusion, lol. :P

I think you're the only person I know who genuinely loved Other M, Flinks. :P


I like all Metroid. :heh:


I just feel that we're more likely to get an Other M or Fusion-style Metroid seeing as they're more recent than Super, and because I'm not sure Nintendo has it in them to create something as "complex" as Super anymore.

Of course, everyone would love another Super Metroid, but let's be realistic now. :D:laughing:

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I really think people overplay Metroid Fusion's hand-holding nature. It gives you a few pointers about where to go, but that's it. In most ways it's the absolute perfection of the 2D Metroid formula (I won't say it's perfect, as I want a sequel!)

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A sequel to SML3D would be awesome but that seems to be coming to Wii U. Kinda bittersweet.


How about Stunt Race FX 3D? So I can hear that theme tune again!


Broadcast Yourself


But it seems Nintendo are done with racers outside of the Mushroom Kingdom.

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Keep making games with the production quality of Fire Emblem please.

I know that we have Phoenix Wright coming up but more more more mystery games with inventive gameplay please. Ghost trick was a fantastic every moment I played it.

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Considering the fairly small file sizes of DS games, id love them to add a DS download section :D


Other than that, a return to the quirky games! The best DS games were the ones I weren't expecting like Elite Beat Agents, Ghost Trick, Rub Rabbits (I went there) and Nintendogs.

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Region-free as mentioned. Archaic now.


3D Zelda, again as mentioned BUT...I want LttP remade as a 3D Zelda.


Dragon Quest? Screw that, give me my damn Dragon Quest Monsters remake first!!


Maybe more online too. With Voice chat like Heroes of Ruin did.


Also as said SNES+GBA on VC...I'd def buy EarthBound if it was 3DS...bit iffy on Wii U atm though.

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When it comes to hardware, I'd like to see a possibility to play your 3DS games on your TV when you come home.


A simple solution would be a redesigned 3DS which contains a jack for let's say an HDMI-cable so you can jack it directly into your TV.


Another solution would be if the Wii U had a 3DS-channel, where the 3DS game is transfered to your Wii U via Wifi (the Wii U has 1 Gig of RAM dedicated to the OS and apps, this is the one thing in the world I believe can justify such a moronic decision), and you then play the same game on your Wii U, using tablet and TV. Of course, in this case, graphics should be blown up into HD.

Since I only ever play portable games when on a train, this feature would make me play the 3DS way more.



Software wise, I know it's getting repetitive, but I want to see Nintendo GT get made. If it's a bit of a gamble to plow piles of money into a super-ambitious franchise on the Wii U, then Nintendo can make a 3DS edition, with downscaled graphics and a smaller roster of cars. 150 cars at the same level of detail as Gran Turismo 4 should be fully doable. And of course, I want to see much more colourful and imaginative tracks than in lets say Gran Turismo. Perhaps more like in Need for Speed: High Stakes.

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Here's a few things:


More 2D Castlevania! Dawn of Sorrow is one of my favourite DS games and the whole DS trilogy was great...give us more!


More text based adventure games. When I think back to the new experiences the DS gave me, I think of games like the Ace Attourney/Investigation series, Hotel Dusk and of course, Extreme Escape. With only an Extreme Escape title having hit the system so far, I'm in need of more.


Zelda: 4 Swords Sequel. The 4 Swords game on the Gamecube was fantastic but it was such a hassle to get 4 people together all with a GBA. On the DS a game like this would work so much better...give it to us Nintendo!


And finally, please please PLEASE give us a new 3DS design that comes with a better screen. The PPI on the current ones is awful.

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I think you're the only person I know who genuinely loved Other M, Flinks. :P


I genuinely loved it too, admittedly the story is 'iffy' to say the least, but I thought gameplay wise it was excellent, and that counts above anything else. I never go into a game expecting the story to be great so if it is it's a bonus, if it's not I'm not going to let that interfere with my enjoyment.


Back on topic tho, after playing Pikmin 3 I think a 3DS Pikmin game would be awesome, and I would also like to see NNIDs used on 3DS as well as Wii U with the ability to transfer purchases between the 2. And 3DS Miiverse too!

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More than anything else. 3DS needs more new IPs to call its own - ideally at retail.


While there have been a good number of them on the eShop (Dillon's Rolling Western, Denpa Men, Pullblox/Fallblox, Harmoknight etc) and the built-in stuff like the AR Games, Face Raiders and of course Streetpass Plaza (as well as the 4 downloadable Streetpass games), at retail Nintendo has only released one single new IP worldwide (Steel Diver) and that was actually a repurposed DS tech demo!


I wouldn't want the 3DS to be forever remembered as the sequel machine. I'm still waiting to see more new original IPs at retail for 3DS...


Freakyforms received a retail release...


Personally, I want Baten Kaitos 3.

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Now that I've got both an English and Japanese 3DS, I'm pretty much sorted as I know there will always be a title for me to buy if I ever find myself running out.


But of course, I'd love to see a sequel to Phantasy Star Zero, or a somewhat gimped separate version of Phantasy Star Online 2. Doing the actual game would be next to impossible on the 3DS, but I just feel that the 3DS really needs more of the party RPG's that Sony rolls in.


As for the system and features itself, the new streetpass system for Europe and North America can not come any quicker. It's awful going from the streetpass rich cities in Japan to getting fuck all anywhere around here, it's such a shame to see so many people eager to get some around these parts but not every one's so keen on lugging around the bloody thing. It'd be awesome if Nintendo could release a small little pedometer that you can carry around instead that you can sync to your 3DS when you're home. If they ever did release such a thing for people to buy, they should chuck it into new 3DS SKU's for free.


I really want a hardware revision that includes the extra buttons and analogue sticks offered by the CCP. All developers would have to do is continue with how they've handled it thus far, multiple control options including ones that utilise the CCP, I don't understand this whole "splitting" bullshit. It's not splitting any thing, it's not like we've had any CCP capable games that require the thing.


One final thing is the inclusion of a Youtube application. It seems like a bad idea, and to be fair, I thought the same thing too due to the ease of use offered by smart phones. But, having an easy way to upload and view 3D videos on the service would be something awesome to have available.


Oh, and remove or up the limit of play coins for fuck sake. The lack of a streetpass rich environment is absolutely ruining me!

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- Unified account system

- Miiverse

- An OS UI that isn't ugly as *%#*

- A higher screen resolution (can't/won't happen I know but the current one is painful)


I'm not sure Nintendo has it in them to create something as "complex" as Super anymore.


I agree with this. I also think there's evidence in the lazy overworlds in recent Zeldas as well. Skyward Sword, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks all had a bunch of closed off 'levels' and A Link Between Worlds is using the same overworld as ALTTP etc. I find it quite tough to imagine Nintendo making a traditional 'complex' overworld these days.

Edited by Ronnie
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- Unified account system

- Miiverse

- An OS UI that isn't ugly as *%#*

- A higher screen resolution (can't/won't happen I know but the current one is painful)




I agree with this. I also think there's evidence in the lazy overworlds in recent Zeldas as well. Skyward Sword, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks all had a bunch of closed off 'levels' and A Link Between Worlds is using the same overworld as ALTTP etc. I find it quite tough to imagine Nintendo making a traditional 'complex' overworld these days.


Oh God, yes. Get Miiverse onto the 3DS, please. It's fantastic on the Wii U. :D


I'd really love it if Nintendo could create an overworld that is akin to Xenoblade. Not so much the length of it or size, but the depth. Having certain things that could happen at certain times of the day (Majora's Mask), and greater interaction with NPCs. Skyward Sword's biggest draw for me was that you could upgrade items. Keep that idea, but expand it.


The perfect Zelda for me would combine all of the positives elements from the 4 3D games. Ocarina's story and heart, Twilight Princess's characters and land overworld, Skyward Sword's Skyloft and flying segments but with the ability to interact greatly with NPCs and upgrade items, and Wind Waker's exploration of water and sailing.


Not sure if such a thing would be possible on the 3DS...that would have to be on the home console. But, I'd love it if Nintendo just thought a bit more about the overworld a bit more. I didn't really enjoy what I played of Phantom Hourglass, but maybe I should finish it before I make up my mind.

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KIRBY, I am craving for a good Kirby game for the 3DS!

I love 2D sprite Kirby games, and I bought all the handheld games so far.

I really hope they continue to deliver fantastic spritework, instead of giving up all their charm and switching to 3D models! (cough cough gamefreak.... )


Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance sequel! Whatever square enix is doing, it's not paying off for 3DS. I really love their games, and I really want a FFTA game, or another installment in the Crystal Chronicles franchise. Their games just have this kind of imagination and atmosphere to them that no other company has. I love it.


New 3D Zelda. I'm not going to lie, the new 2D Zelda really looked bland and lame to me. I'm sure I'll learn to enjoy it, but I would love to see what the 3DS is capable of doing with a full 3D world. Especially after seeing how great Ocarina of Time 3D looked.


Miiverse, because Miiverse is awesome, and Ninty promised this.


AND OH YEAH, please release Flipnote studio 3D and make me happy thank you :)

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